Byterapers 30y Party 1 - 4.9. - remote entries for compos welcome!
category: parties [glöplog]
Byterapers is strill going strong!
Byterapers has always known how to party. And once again, party we shall.
Party like the old men we are! With weak bladders and failing memory, we're inving all our friends over to sit, chat, have a good time, drink'n'eat'n'crack'n'copy like it's 1986!
The Byterapers 30th Anniversary Celebration will be a feast for the mind, body and soul. The party will take place out there in the Finnish countryside, where we will roam free and wild. A place where the only social media will be Grendel. Expect old farts, young farts, demos and even some competitions!
We have limited space, so this event is invitation only! How to get invited? Be a Byteraper. Be a (B) friend. "Hey it's me, invite me guys" self-motivated approach might work. Bribing might also work. Once you have an invitation, you need to register via website
But all this must be familiar and u're already registered. But if not, there's still one way to participate! REMOTE ENTRY!
We have traditional demoscene compos and remote entries for all the categories are allowed. Check the categories and "rules" here and submit your entries via contacting the compo crew - - Please note that deadline for remote entries 31.8.2016
Byterapers has always known how to party. And once again, party we shall.
Party like the old men we are! With weak bladders and failing memory, we're inving all our friends over to sit, chat, have a good time, drink'n'eat'n'crack'n'copy like it's 1986!
The Byterapers 30th Anniversary Celebration will be a feast for the mind, body and soul. The party will take place out there in the Finnish countryside, where we will roam free and wild. A place where the only social media will be Grendel. Expect old farts, young farts, demos and even some competitions!
We have limited space, so this event is invitation only! How to get invited? Be a Byteraper. Be a (B) friend. "Hey it's me, invite me guys" self-motivated approach might work. Bribing might also work. Once you have an invitation, you need to register via website
But all this must be familiar and u're already registered. But if not, there's still one way to participate! REMOTE ENTRY!
We have traditional demoscene compos and remote entries for all the categories are allowed. Check the categories and "rules" here and submit your entries via contacting the compo crew - - Please note that deadline for remote entries 31.8.2016
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/ \___/ \___\_____\____/____\_____\ \___\______/__\_____\ |/ /___/ \
\___/ - -- -------------------------------------- h7/dS! - \_________// \___/
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: \___/
| % Results from Byterapers 30y birthday party __|
| / \
| % Held in Jämijärvi, Finland 1-4.9.2016 \___/
| .
| % 80 visitors, 41 entries in competitions, 0 casualties :
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| _ __ __ / __ _ _ __ __ |
---realtime ----------- / /_/_ /_( /_ /_ / / / / /_/_ ----------------------
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| 01 121 B30 karaoke by Fit [REMOTE] |
| 02 110 I Want To Invite by Primitive |
| 03 69 Byterapers are old and sometimes cuddly farts by Jumalauta |
| 04 53 Journey by #tukka |
| 05 49 I Want To Scroll by Primitive |
| 06 35 Pirkka 30V Party by Mannerheim Group |
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| /_ __ __ _ /_ _ __ __/ |
---supersound ----- __/ /_/ /_/ /_/_ / __/ /_/ /_/ / / /_/ ------------------
| / |
| 01 77 Incudo by T-101 / Primitive ^ Darklite |
| 02 75 Hypnopompa by Flex |
| 03 70 Interconnected (Tape Das Haus Mix) by Cocahontas |
| 04 59 Roz by Bad Bossanova [REMOTE] |
| 05 50 mouse with nuts by fat professor |
| 06 45 avaruusrekka by cos/iSO/carambola/pyre/kekejorma0000 |
| 07 43 Täydellinen Nainen by Terwiz/Alumni |
| _ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ |
---imaginaatio ---- / / / / /_( /_/ / / / /_( /_( /_ / /_/ ------------------
| _/ |
| 01 83 Buttplanet by HBT/Byterapers |
| 02 78 New hackers preview: ~BreezeCalc~ by HI-STACK / HACKERS |
| 03 72 Merimies by Terwiz/Damones |
| 04 69 sikametsae by spiikki/nalleperhe ^ dekadence |
| __ /_ _ __ _ _ __ /_ _ __ |
---photogasm ------- /_/ / / /_/ /_ /_/ /_/ /_( __/ / / / -------------------
| / _/ |
| 01 112 Gimme some light beer! by Wode/Doomsday |
| 02 94 Firemaid by biini/damones |
| 03 91 I Want To Win by b0n / Primitive |
| 04 88 Milkyway is here by spiikki/nalleperhe ^ dekadence |
| 05 81 Wraith by Partamonni of HiRMU [REMOTE] |
| 06 79 Hieno partypaikka by Muto/ |
| 07 77 diesel sky by H7/accession trsi damones |
| 08 71 Vitun Sieni by Byterapers Photogroup |
| 09 59 ich bin nicht juden by hirsjärven pentti / dms |
| 10 56 Metsien mies by Grendel/Byterapers |
| 10 56 vois sen valokuvan ottaa helpomminkin ja alle 30 minuutissa by|
| sivu/byterapers |
| 12 53 JOU by Viinapiru |
| 13 48 (B) everywhere by Miy/Finnish Gold |
| 14 47 Le Whirl by Grendel/Byterapers |
| 15 42 Mountains of Madness by Hazi/(B) |
| 16 38 #soneeläsyösitä by Sone?/Doomsday |
| 17 37 Luomumörkö by Muto |
| _ __ __ _ __ _ / _ / |
---megawild --------- / / / /_/_ /_/ /_( /_/_/ / /_ /_/ ---------------------
| _/ |
| 01 158 Pyroassault by Bera, Miy and T-101 |
| 02 107 B by Future Sound Of Jämijärvi |
| 03 103 Kinky jengi käy kaupassa... by Mika73 |
| 04 102 Demokaara Lite by Alumni |
| 05 87 Old and broken but not dead by Miy and Rock/Finnish Gold |
| 06 50 Onni on B by Moonq/Koma |
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---obstacle course ---------------------------------------------------------|
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| 01 25 Freon / Alumni |
| 02 24 Caveman / Kooma (ranked 2nd via style points) |
| 03 24 Jusa / Alumni |
| 04 18 Xwd / Byterapers |
| 18 Burn_m / Muto |
| 18 Sone / Doomsday fan club |
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---sociable soccer ---------------------------------------------------------|
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| 01 Xwd / Byterapers |
| 02 Kakka / Damones |
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---french kissing ----------------------------------------------------------|
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| 01 Haohmaru / Discomeats |
| 02 Mikron / Byterapers |
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---best booze --------------------------------------------------------------|
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| 01 d1verg3nt |
| (homemade lakritsi booze) |
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---party excellence --------------------------------------------------------|
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| 01 Spiikki best janitor ever |
| 02 Professor Fate awesome party entrance |
| 03 Sky first payment |
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---crew --------------------------------------------------------------------|
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| Live acts |
| cosmo, Grendel, Roz, DJ Jangler, Eveangel, ByProduct, 64Mula |
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| Compocrew |
| T-101, oasiz |
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| Core orgs |
| mikron, Grendel, spiikki |
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|___ |
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\___/ \ /_ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ /_ |
| \___/ /_/ \_/ /_ /_/_ / /_( /_/ /_/_ / __/ % a pain in your arse! % |
`------------- / -------------- / ------------------------------------------'
nfo by H7/dS!
Roz was there as a Fit representative, so the remoteness was of medium level at most. :) I hope everyone had a good time.
i hope the french kissing compo was recorded in fullHD at 600fps!
was any of Exotic Men present?
Safely back home, thanks for the epic party! :)
..and my wild entry :)
I want to see all them demos! Waiting...

Nice party. Thanks everyone! Especially the orgs.
kiitos ja anteeksi <3
Dear friends. Partints of the 30th anniversary and everyone else.
Would you please share your thoughts or memories a bit?
- Anniversary guests -what's your feeling of the event? Did you like it or not? Why? What did you get from it, mentally, spiritually, physically? What happened? What did you talk about? Memorable moments, persons, accidents? You don't need to write a report but please share your thoughts and experiences
- Everyone - do you feel demoscene has offered you something? If, what? Has it changed you, given new paths of life, experiences? What the scene and its people means to you?
- Everyone - is there something you'd like to share about your experiences, moments, demos or live memories of Byterapers or its members? Feelings, good stuff, bad stuff, anything?
Would be nice to have bunch of memoirs and stories and collect them together.
You can share here or by email to grendel at byterapers dot com, pls use subject "Anniversary".
Cheers! Grendel!
Would you please share your thoughts or memories a bit?
- Anniversary guests -what's your feeling of the event? Did you like it or not? Why? What did you get from it, mentally, spiritually, physically? What happened? What did you talk about? Memorable moments, persons, accidents? You don't need to write a report but please share your thoughts and experiences
- Everyone - do you feel demoscene has offered you something? If, what? Has it changed you, given new paths of life, experiences? What the scene and its people means to you?
- Everyone - is there something you'd like to share about your experiences, moments, demos or live memories of Byterapers or its members? Feelings, good stuff, bad stuff, anything?
Would be nice to have bunch of memoirs and stories and collect them together.
You can share here or by email to grendel at byterapers dot com, pls use subject "Anniversary".
Cheers! Grendel!
in no particular order (what I can remember right now):
+ Finnish countryside aka middle of fucking nowhere
+ meeting with old and new friends
+ traditional Finnish party with sauna and things that are doing
+ roadtrip
+ winning french kissing compo (:
+ pancake time
+ moonshine
+ anal candle wild entry that did not happen
+ fireworks
+ hardcore sleeping
+ excellent compos of awesomeness
+ mansoup
+ MTX512
+ ???
+ Team (" and eager consumption of bokma
- rain
- having to go back home and await next party...
+ Finnish countryside aka middle of fucking nowhere
+ meeting with old and new friends
+ traditional Finnish party with sauna and things that are doing
+ roadtrip
+ winning french kissing compo (:
+ pancake time
+ moonshine
+ anal candle wild entry that did not happen
+ fireworks
+ hardcore sleeping
+ excellent compos of awesomeness
+ mansoup
+ MTX512
+ ???
+ Team (" and eager consumption of bokma
- rain
- having to go back home and await next party...
excellent "comfortparty". everything you'd want in a forest in the middle of the nowhere relaxation party with compos :) thanks to orgs and the kotasauna was excellent for sleeping in a nice warm place in the wee hours.
Well, here's a little memoir for you.
In the late 1990s I used to live in the same student house – the legendary/notorious Mikontalo in Tampere – as Dr. Dick and Mr. Sex. We all studied at Tampere University of Technology (or at least I did and those two guys more like "studied"). They shared a three-room flat, which was quite a sight at its heyday; don't remember who the third tenant was, but he must have had excellent nerves. The kitchen was half full of empty beer bottles, some of which had probably been there for years already, judging by the amount of dust they had collected. Mr. Sex had an ascetic room, where there was not much more than a computer desk, an old standing ashtray in the middle of the floor (he used to smoke plenty there), and the rest of the floor was covered in programming-related printouts. Dr. Dick, on the other hand, had his room filled with more or less working electronics ranging from Commodore motherboards to oscilloscopes and heaven knows what. A narrow path led from the door to the computer desk and another to the bed. Seksi already had a PC, whereas Tikkis stuck to his souped-up A4000 for quite a while.
Knowing that the two were in a known C-64 group, I initially expected them to be elitist skeneörmys (like some arguably are) but I was proved very wrong. Tikkis turned out to be a very helpful and modest guy, whereas Seksi was more of a jolly, relaxed savolaesukko, who lived to code and laughed a lot. Through them I also got to know the tall man Suckho, who was studying at the same place – and even graduated. Around year 2000 I was hired to a little research institute called Tampere Virtual Reality Center, which was part of the university. A day later I persuaded the director to hire Tikkis as a system administrator, and so we spent the following few years dealing with then high-end stuff like Silicon Graphics workstations, CAVEs and motion platforms. Following the same nepotist policy also Ren/Halcyon and Vent/Triad (Damage back then) landed jobs there :)
In the late 1990s I used to live in the same student house – the legendary/notorious Mikontalo in Tampere – as Dr. Dick and Mr. Sex. We all studied at Tampere University of Technology (or at least I did and those two guys more like "studied"). They shared a three-room flat, which was quite a sight at its heyday; don't remember who the third tenant was, but he must have had excellent nerves. The kitchen was half full of empty beer bottles, some of which had probably been there for years already, judging by the amount of dust they had collected. Mr. Sex had an ascetic room, where there was not much more than a computer desk, an old standing ashtray in the middle of the floor (he used to smoke plenty there), and the rest of the floor was covered in programming-related printouts. Dr. Dick, on the other hand, had his room filled with more or less working electronics ranging from Commodore motherboards to oscilloscopes and heaven knows what. A narrow path led from the door to the computer desk and another to the bed. Seksi already had a PC, whereas Tikkis stuck to his souped-up A4000 for quite a while.
Knowing that the two were in a known C-64 group, I initially expected them to be elitist skeneörmys (like some arguably are) but I was proved very wrong. Tikkis turned out to be a very helpful and modest guy, whereas Seksi was more of a jolly, relaxed savolaesukko, who lived to code and laughed a lot. Through them I also got to know the tall man Suckho, who was studying at the same place – and even graduated. Around year 2000 I was hired to a little research institute called Tampere Virtual Reality Center, which was part of the university. A day later I persuaded the director to hire Tikkis as a system administrator, and so we spent the following few years dealing with then high-end stuff like Silicon Graphics workstations, CAVEs and motion platforms. Following the same nepotist policy also Ren/Halcyon and Vent/Triad (Damage back then) landed jobs there :)
Marq: Ah, the third one was some indian(?) guy if I remember right. I slept on the hallway floor when we were making Sexadelic at Sex&Dick place :)
What a great party! ^_^
Took a while, but my music compo entry found it's way to a release