Show what you do in oldskool paint packages
category: gfx [glöplog]
Why are there so few posts in this thread??? ;''''(
Show us your stuff :)
Nice to see Havoc here - contact me been too long ;)
Show us your stuff :)
Nice to see Havoc here - contact me been too long ;)
cool, here's my first try on the megadrive:

4 colours used, toolchain is the same as I use for my Atari pics (so CrackArt + Photoshop)
The picture was used in 어쩌라고 and is obviously a rework of Mon's pic for the Sowatt sprite record
photon: cheers, i'm on irc when at home, ircnet #revision or (etc)
4 colours used, toolchain is the same as I use for my Atari pics (so CrackArt + Photoshop)
The picture was used in 어쩌라고 and is obviously a rework of Mon's pic for the Sowatt sprite record
photon: cheers, i'm on irc when at home, ircnet #revision or (etc)
The dithering makes it look like he has stubble growing all over his face and even ears!?
It looks fine when displayed on a CRT (target was megadrive). That's what dithering is.
There's a little more to dithering than straight patterns only though ;)
True. Still, I thought the comment was somewhat harsh considering sigflup not only created the picture, but also created the editor to create the picture. On a megadrive.
it's ok. I never looked at it that way
making the editor and picture doesnt makes the pic itself better. obviously the author is making his first steps in pixeling and drawing. anatomy is off, and you dont draw hair like that, trying to pixel out each piece one by one :)
rules are to be broken
yeah, absolutely no reason to do it the way _you_ might think is appropriate.
less talk more pictures

1bpp c64 hi-res mode image called "music minds", made in p1 in 2006. Scaled up and "refined" in Paintshop Pro.
"yeah, absolutely no reason to do it the way _you_ might think is appropriate."
ofcourse, you could just fuck up the anatomy, shading, trying to draw hair peace by peace because you have no idea how to, and call it artistic freedom.
ofcourse, you could just fuck up the anatomy, shading, trying to draw hair peace by peace because you have no idea how to, and call it artistic freedom.
piece goddamnit