Riverwash 2016 - 2nd to 4th September - Katowice, Poland
category: parties [glöplog]
I think it's a good moment to start this year's thread as we're announcing an important piece of news:
If you've never been to Riverwash demoparty, this year you can come absolutely for free. You have to register in advance – we won't accept people who just turn up! Send an email to contact@riverwash.org with your handle and real name until the end of August. We're going to check if you really are a newcomer to our party and we'll confirm your registration. At the entrance, you'll receive a special newcomer ID. It won't allow you to register in the system and vote... but don't worry! If you like our party, you'll be able to buy a full ticket for half the price (50 PLN) anytime before the compos. This is a one time offer and won't be happening again so see you this year!
Our website is here and our FB page is here. Let's start washing!
If you've never been to Riverwash demoparty, this year you can come absolutely for free. You have to register in advance – we won't accept people who just turn up! Send an email to contact@riverwash.org with your handle and real name until the end of August. We're going to check if you really are a newcomer to our party and we'll confirm your registration. At the entrance, you'll receive a special newcomer ID. It won't allow you to register in the system and vote... but don't worry! If you like our party, you'll be able to buy a full ticket for half the price (50 PLN) anytime before the compos. This is a one time offer and won't be happening again so see you this year!
Our website is here and our FB page is here. Let's start washing!
nice idea to attract newcomers
Looks so, 7 people applied already. C'mon guys, such opportunity doesn't happen very frequently (I'd risk a statement it's a first time such thing happens on a demoparty!) :)
i recall some parties had free entrance for temporary visitors, who could not vote on compos hence, half price for submitting first entry seems reasonable compromise if you're a newb not knowing what a demoparty is like and is curious to find out about that demoscene spirit (cue link to the facebook page of that polish team on imagine cup)
You don't need to pay to submit entries. That would be unfair as we also accept remotes. You need to pay to vote, though. It may sound a bit weird but I think it's the only way we could figure it out being fair to everybody.
We have more ideas to be announced which, I think, are quite unique at parties. Stay tuned.
We have more ideas to be announced which, I think, are quite unique at parties. Stay tuned.
The timetable is set and will soon be published at our website. Meanwhile, we're unveiling more attractions: on Saturday at 2 p.m., Slajerek/Samar Productions is going to hold a presentation on his own C64 debugger. The talk will be presented in English. Here's a few words about his tool:
C64 Debugger is a Commodore 64 code and memory debugger that works in real time. It is a quick prototyping tool where you can play with Commodore 64 machine and its internals. Memory map shows current values of memory cells. Values can be changed and these changes are reflected immediately. All chips registers are visualised, including SID waves and raster beam position. Code can be stopped at any time, also using breakpoints and then assembly can be revised, patched and results will be seen instantly. A quick overview of the tool will be presented and some demos' internals examined.
Keep in mind that you can order Bitberry gadgets with the logo of our party and by buying them you support the event. The ordering deadline is Sunday, 14th August. You can pick them up during Riverwash.
Order Riverwash 2016 merchandise here
Order Riverwash 2016 merchandise here
The official invitation for the party has been released at Evoke!
You absolutely need to check it out!
And here's the YouTube link!
You absolutely need to check it out!
And here's the YouTube link!
We won't keep you in uncertainty any longer and with a huge pleasure we are revealing our second live act to happen on Friday's night. Your ears will get tingled by the mellow electronic-chiptune sounds performed live by absolute demoscene music veterans - YERZMYEY & PINOKIO!
Although both musicians are strongly connected to the Polish Atari and ZX Spectrum demoscene, you can hear other platforms during their concerts, such as Amiga or Atari Falcon. A fusion of brave drum solos by Pinokio and keyboard mastery of Yerzmyey should please even the most finicky audience. But enough words, listen yourself:
Although both musicians are strongly connected to the Polish Atari and ZX Spectrum demoscene, you can hear other platforms during their concerts, such as Amiga or Atari Falcon. A fusion of brave drum solos by Pinokio and keyboard mastery of Yerzmyey should please even the most finicky audience. But enough words, listen yourself:
We're introducing another surprise that we have prepared for you: Demovibes Poland Vol. 1 - a collection of demoscene music by Polish artists in a well-known series, some tracks have been remastered exclusively for this edition!
Playlist selection: Riverwash staff, audio engineering: Aceman, cover design: Rork, coordination of the project: Willbe. Thank you guys!
It's a limited edition of only 50 copies, not available for sale. It is a special treat for our financial supporters.

Playlist selection: Riverwash staff, audio engineering: Aceman, cover design: Rork, coordination of the project: Willbe. Thank you guys!
It's a limited edition of only 50 copies, not available for sale. It is a special treat for our financial supporters.

polish demovibes is a cool idea!
since hardly any portuguese demo music was ever on any demovibes, we should probably organiz a portuguese one aswell :D
since hardly any portuguese demo music was ever on any demovibes, we should probably organiz a portuguese one aswell :D
Go make a silent whisper to Willbe's ear, who knows? :D
Thanks for the great party guys!!!
Mau <3 Riverwash!
Mau <3 Riverwash!
Thank you Maugli! The Hungarian Demo Squad was strong this year, we hope it will get even stronger in 2017. Fingers crossed for the best Function ever, Polish Space Invaders are coming!
Aaaand that's how we roll:

Aaaand that's how we roll:

And the releases are available here: click!
When will the wild/anim-compo releases be uploaded?
@gaspode: today evening! We're already nagging Tomoya since Monday ;)
Slow compo and Wild/Animation compo entries are now on scene.org
@Tomoya: Thanks. :)
This year big props for well balanced sound setup. Argasek - you can definitely stop punishing yourself with retractable baton :D Gratsy! :)
@jammer: I cannot! This year XTD was unhappy about it being too quiet. :D Idea for next year: everything maxed out + free earplugs with 3 various levels of dampening. I'm pretty sure around Riverwash 2020 we will sort out the sound issues to everyone's taste ;D
Well, I guess XTD's butthurt was rather minor issue - cannot remember anyone else complaining here ;)
Will demovibes poland downloadable?
Yup, hopefully soon :)
German website devoted to demoscene, 4sceners.de, published a very nice review of Riverwash 2016 productions. If you're familiar with Goethe's native language, here it is. Vielen Dank!