
How do you watch demos?

category: general [glöplog]
Can anyone attend a demoparty?

Yes. For you we just might make an exception, though.

added on the 2016-07-04 12:02:19 by Foebane72 Foebane72
foebane72... you're English right? AFAIK there is only one UK party left, Sundown. This years is its last at the Budliegh Salterton venue (I''m not sure if thiis the last ever ever Sundown, or what the future holds, like a new party coming) Anyways.. It's in two weeks time, its in Devon near Exeter.



I've been curious about going myself, but personally I don't want to show up without a prod (even has a token gesture).. this year it coincides with a holiday me and the mrs have booked..

to stay on topic. I do watch demos on my iPad, mostly while having my morning coffee.. its a nice easy way to keep up with fresh releases. so Youtube.. and sometimes i download them , but my PCs won't run some.. and of course, YT is great IMO for viewing platforms for which i don't have a particular affiliation but have respect for the people working on them.

I believe that more and more demos (particularly PC) are meant to be "consumed" like music/videos as an experience and not get too bogged down in anal technicalities.
added on the 2016-07-04 15:27:22 by Canopy Canopy
then again that whole 'need a prod'-thing is flawed. nothing is as inspiring and motivating as going to a demoparty to get your first shot of the demoscene drug.
added on the 2016-07-04 15:36:39 by el mal el mal
Yup. I know it is :)

Although I'm a guy that makes friends easy it is quite daunting to rock up to an event on your own.. even on your own doorstep (like Sundown currently pretty much is for me..)
added on the 2016-07-04 15:50:45 by Canopy Canopy
Can anyone attend a demoparty?

No :(

What would Demoparties be when people would >actually< attend them?
added on the 2016-07-04 19:53:54 by xTr1m xTr1m
If you start to go to demoparties, eventually you will start making prods.

If you wait to make a prod to start going to demoparties, eventually you will never make a prod and neither attend a party.
added on the 2016-07-04 21:24:23 by ham ham
I second Maali here.
IMHO there is nothing wrong with bigger audience (aka gamers) attending demoparty as well, at least you have a bit more non-biased voters and well... and audience?
"Need a prod" kind of thinking is actually like saying only AAA movie creators can attend Cannes, Berlinale or whatever movie festival you like.
added on the 2016-07-04 21:31:16 by tomkh tomkh
[not much related to the TS post]
I watch C64 demos with alt-w! :-)
[just kidding]
added on the 2016-07-04 21:50:52 by lvd lvd
I usually record them with my phone while they are being played on TV with Youtube.
Then I watch the recorded video on my phone later on.

At least that's what I do with Gargaj's demos.
added on the 2016-07-04 22:07:25 by keops keops

I watch C64 demos with alt-w! :-)

The 3d intro requires at least 9Mhz in Steem.
Can anyone attend a demoparty?

YES! and if you have an interest in the demoscene even as a spectator and not a contributor you should still go to a party. People at parties are much friendlier than the contents of this forum.

Of course at Sundown anyone can contribute to the floppy disk throwing competition! But there is also the photo, music, graphics, etc. etc. So if you really want to contribute, there is usually a way.
added on the 2016-07-04 23:48:18 by djh0ffman djh0ffman
Gargaj: I prefer the old school animated GIF -- http://images.cryhavok.org/d/1291-1/Computer+Rage.gif
added on the 2016-07-09 15:39:54 by AntDude AntDude
i recorded videos of keops watching gargaj's demos on his phone that i can watch while i commute with the boat to Canada. i also post-processed those videos with some cam shake correction filter to anticipate movements of the boat during heavy weather.
added on the 2016-07-09 16:06:28 by el mal el mal
