Demoscene Olympics
category: general [glöplog]
Stupid idea; I know. But it would be kinda cool to have a compo with a certain set of limitations in terms of size, length etc - where groups do not compete, but countries. It could be it's own little section of Revision for instance. I am sure sceners from the various countries could get together and make something for this. We (Norway) would love to put the underwear back on the Danes. The UK vs Germany - scary.
Is this impossible and/or too dumb of a concept?
Is this impossible and/or too dumb of a concept?
One of the things I like most in the demoscene is the gathering and cooperation between people from all around the world, disregarding nationality, religious and political allegiances.
Sure, there is national pride here and there, but it is not a central aspect of demoscene society.
Introducing these olympics might change that and introduce rivality between nations... i'm not sure if that's a good idea at all.
Sure, there is national pride here and there, but it is not a central aspect of demoscene society.
Introducing these olympics might change that and introduce rivality between nations... i'm not sure if that's a good idea at all.
Should be done with groups and not with countries I'd say. Interested participants are thrown in a pot, we draw matches and do a knockout-style tournament :)
Pro suggested that some time ago when we were discussing potential demoscene-award ideas. Could be fun :)
Pro suggested that some time ago when we were discussing potential demoscene-award ideas. Could be fun :)
I don't think this makes a lot of sense:
1. A lot of demogroups are single-country (or strongly influenced by a single country) already.
2. How would “vs.” work? Are you suggesting one-on-one matches, or the usual all-against-all-formats with just the implied “vs.”, sort of like the classic ASD vs. CNCD+FLT showdowns at Assembly?
1. A lot of demogroups are single-country (or strongly influenced by a single country) already.
2. How would “vs.” work? Are you suggesting one-on-one matches, or the usual all-against-all-formats with just the implied “vs.”, sort of like the classic ASD vs. CNCD+FLT showdowns at Assembly?
We def' win the size and length compo.
Germany vs. the United States of Farbrausch :) :)
The "soup of participants" thing with groups created specific for this sounds like it has potential. As might something from when I was a kid called a "genius kit": Everyone got the same bag of materials: empty washed quart paint can, clean lid from some sort of cheese dip, a few clothes pins, pipe cleaner, etc. It varied by year, the but the goal was to come up with something interesting from those components. You were allowed to bring in things like nails and a block of wood, iirc, but there were limits to allowed outside materials.
I can see saying something like "Your kit includes..." and list a one or two pieces of (widely available) tools or frameworks, and includes some sampleable files like arbitrary objects, smallish images for materials, and a soundbite or few perhaps. Plus maybe a a reasonable file-size limit like most compos so people can't go too crazy.
If it repeated you would want to then change up the ingredients in the kit so people can't really start planning beyond possible ideas until the "kit" is announced.
I can see saying something like "Your kit includes..." and list a one or two pieces of (widely available) tools or frameworks, and includes some sampleable files like arbitrary objects, smallish images for materials, and a soundbite or few perhaps. Plus maybe a a reasonable file-size limit like most compos so people can't go too crazy.
If it repeated you would want to then change up the ingredients in the kit so people can't really start planning beyond possible ideas until the "kit" is announced.
Are you seriously implying there are sceners capable of running a marathon without dying?
What category do you sign up in if you think the concept of "countries" is obsolete in 2016 and you wish people would stop prolonging its inevitable demise by clinging to some misguided sense of national identity?
what jmph said.
Team Utopia seems to be the logical choice in that case
There's a 5K at Revision (and TRSAC?); they even drink pepper schnapps halfway through!by Negrostrike:
Are you seriously implying there are sceners capable of running a marathon without dying?
featuring: synchronised scrolling, 100m boring flyby, shadergolf and olympic disk turning
I agree with previous comments - yes but with no national aspects as some of countries are dominating the demoscene and some have just single representatives. How you imagine to make match between Germany and Turkey or France and Chile? Makes no point. Plus it will create unhealthy for demoscene "representing the nations" (some already believe that one represents the whole country - what is of course complete bullshit for me).
what havoc said.
I like this concept more:
Good idea but I think we should force expats to compete for their origin country. Basically an ethnic olympics and not a "mail address" olympics. Otherwise Greece would stand no chance! That wouldn't be fair. Also Dipswitch gets his own country, Dipswitchland, because his ethnicity story is so complicated it wouldn't fit in the results.txt's 80 char limit. Puryx competes for Germany, The Danish Musician competes from Denmark.
aaaaand the Dutch wouldn't even qualify because we're too busy listening to Kendrick Lamar on our Beats instead of putting effort into anything!
I reject the concept of "countries". Don't drag it into my happy place, please.
what jmph, yesso and cupe said
Olympics demo compo rules.
– Allowed colors: blue, yellow, black, green and red
– Allowed shapes: only circles
Have fun. And always remember the Olympic creed:
»The most important thing in the Olympic Demo Compo is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.«
– Allowed colors: blue, yellow, black, green and red
– Allowed shapes: only circles
Have fun. And always remember the Olympic creed:
»The most important thing in the Olympic Demo Compo is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.«
I'm sorry, but there already was an Olympic themed demoparty:
I'd agree with xTr1m 100% on this one, best thing about the scene is that regardless our background we can share ideas together due to a shared interest even if we do disagree on some things. Now people are free to form national allstar groups if they feel like it but I hope those aren't the only way they release or is their main group.
How about the complete opposite: let people apply for the compo way before the party, sort them into pools of coders/graphicians/musicians, randomly create 3-people groups from them, and these ad-hoc groups compete with their demos. (Yeah, the platform could be a problem, among other things :)
lmao at all the world citizens that feel that the concept of countries are obsolete.