fix me beautifull
category: general [glöplog]
There is a problem with this prod: Please change the title to "Turrican Music-Show" since that is the complete name of the prod. Thanks!

Flashy/mnemotron: Done.
And yes, requests may take some time. There are currently 81 pending.
And yes, requests may take some time. There are currently 81 pending.
ArtCity link is wrong. Please change to 'qb,2016'
(nothing to see there yet)
ArtCity link is wrong. Please change to 'qb,2016'
(nothing to see there yet)
There is a problem with this prod: ...
wrong compo category. this is a pc 64k.
wrong compo category. this is a pc 64k.
There is a problem with this prod: please replace screenshot with - I forgot the loop :/
There is a problem with this prod: please recheck link (it is correct, but marked as "link broken").
frog: Link will be auto-rechecked eventually.
Rest is done.
Rest is done.
There is a problem with this prod:
Please change platform to Javascript. It's a WebGL demo :). Thanks
Please change platform to Javascript. It's a WebGL demo :). Thanks
There is a problem with this prod: Demozoo link
There is a problem with this prod: ...
please replace the screenshot with this:
please replace the screenshot with this:
There is also a problem with this prod: ...
please replace the screenshot with this:
please replace the screenshot with this:
There is also a problem with this prod: ...
Replace screenshot with this:
Replace screenshot with this:
done (but next time plz use some other host than imgur, it requires extra steps compared to others)
Image by neon should be added to procedural graphics category, considering it's a procedural image and all.
There is a problem with this prod: it's 8k, not 4. thank you :)
Was not totally awake when entering intro title this morning : can you please correct "TImelord" to "Timelord". Thank you in advance !
Yes I can.
I messed up while adding this prod. It is *also* an Invitation for Solskogen 2016
There is a problem with this prod: the group Peisik is missing.
There is a problem with this prod: I forgot to add the group there, it's made by Paraguay.