Random "work in progress" shots
category: general [glöplog]
cupe: love the concept sheet!
cupe: thanks for the info! Of course, without this stuff intro still looks awesome! I only withhold my thumb until I get back home and see it real-time (and how it performs;)) You guys raise the bar, but its great, makes the demoscene exciting again. Time to start working!:)
cupe: I really like that crater ridden ocean bearing planet. :)
Early draft.

Mercury. It's not exactly rocket sicence.
... or is it? :)
... or is it? :)
Old screenshot from january with everything in a rough state. That synchronized video window was so incredible helpful.

I see you are using my RocketEditor. Awesome :)
sorry for using the ancient version on that screeny, dunno how it sneaked into the repository... :) And since I didn't ran into you at revision: we miss a way to step less than a row up and down for precise timing inspection. Kusma mentioned that the protocol sends integers, so it may be hard to do in a compatible way (at least stepping forward could be done by pausing)
Yeah as Kusma pointed out it will be a bit tricky but I will try to think of something. If you could file a issue over here that would be great :)
Not really work in progress, more like behind the scenes, but whatever :)

Before postprocessing:

Final image:

Before postprocessing:

Final image:

zoom: Very cool. Thanks for sharing and esp the last scene is great.
Roughly how many person-years of development goes into a demotool like that?
One small nitpick.. why did you save on resolution generating the reflections? :) note: very small .. :D
One small nitpick.. why did you save on resolution generating the reflections? :) note: very small .. :D
Because 255 taps for screen-space-reflections were a bit too much as it was :)
@shash: Nice!
@shash I particularly like the B/W fake wireframe pattern of the first screen. It reminds me a bit of Futura we released at Synchrony in January in 256 bytes, but yours looks nicer ;)

@Baudsurfer: It was just a pattern to avoid getting lost and having a sense of scale in the scenes, before I started working on the concrete texture/s :)
less "visual" than your awesome 64k intro demotools, but here is a work-in-progress shot of my C64 4kb intro with the onscreen debug info :)

not really a wip.. unfinsished and unused city from our latest demo :)

Increasing epsilon with each iteration of raymarching and decrement maxdistance and maxitterations by an (inverse) factor of an incrementing epsilon (and your marching distance)
Raymarching converges more linearily for all possible environments. Allows muck higher close up detail and extreme max render distances.
Linerar convergence also allows to add reflections for the cases that converge fastest. 5- reflection levels and a moon that is more too scale is visible and reflecting earth on it.
A hall of mirrors reflects near infinitely. After 10 reflections it's just too small for your resolution anyways.
Source code on reddit.
Increasing epsilon with each iteration of raymarching and decrement maxdistance and maxitterations by an (inverse) factor of an incrementing epsilon (and your marching distance)
Raymarching converges more linearily for all possible environments. Allows muck higher close up detail and extreme max render distances.
Linerar convergence also allows to add reflections for the cases that converge fastest. 5- reflection levels and a moon that is more too scale is visible and reflecting earth on it.
A hall of mirrors reflects near infinitely. After 10 reflections it's just too small for your resolution anyways.
Source code on reddit.