Tracking in SNDREC32.EXE
category: general [glöplog]
Hey Rad. I saw and heard this over 4 months ago. It's kinda old albinoblacksheep news. Interesting none the less I guess. I hope my old tracks sound better than this.
So that's where newschool demo music comes from!
if you want leet sndrec32.exe-music, just watch this prod :)
I remember hearing a mod where all the samples were programs that came with DOS.. no idea about the artist or the song name though :(
preacher, tons of songs that were made like that. on ircnet #trax there was a recurrent DOS-systemfile-sample-only fastttrack compo, even. also, altparty3 had a "music compo with no samples" where you'd get an autobooting disk with protracker and nothing else. (so you'd use the protracker binaries and docs for sounds, deetsay's entry was quite neat even).
Actually it's cool because you have to know the inner characteistics of the files to be able to properly pick and use it as instruments - compressed files give you noise (too much entropy), textfiles are quiet and crackly (ASCII-range)... it's the EXE and DLL files which are the REAL juice :)
gargaj, some image formats sound good, too.
btw textfiles for bagpipe concerts!
it's the EXE and DLL files which are the REAL juice :)
okay now we know all conspiracy soundsystem secrets
gargaj, some image formats sound good, too.
indeed - unless they are GIF, JPG, etc... 8bit formats are pretty good, 32bit ones can sound quite gritty.
okay now we know all conspiracy soundsystem secrets
you can stick to LoadLibrary - real men know that FREAD IS THE ANSWER!!!
indeed - unless they are GIF, JPG, etc... 8bit formats are pretty good, 32bit ones can sound quite gritty.
okay now we know all conspiracy soundsystem secrets
you can stick to LoadLibrary - real men know that FREAD IS THE ANSWER!!!
i just made a linux-softsynth, check out the code:
cat /dev/rand > /dev/dsp !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
cat /dev/rand > /dev/dsp !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!
ft2.exe had some neat hidden snares
Remember that? Maestro's Freehand ART?
we used IT's documentation as a sample once.
it sounded sweet!
it sounded sweet!
we used IT's documentation as a sample once.
Noise makes excellent chip sounds :D
C-5 64 O10
C-5 64 O45
E-4 64 O88
C-5 64 O04