UNder-Construction Again. Second ATW Party. December 27-28-29 Germany
category: parties [glöplog]
Einfach oben Atark-Öl reinkippen!
Autark-Öl? Atari-Öl?
omgomgomg RC1
mogmogmog Beta 2
go Charlie! Go Charlie!
Hey. Still wanting a opportunity to drive fron Cologne to Greisheim (and back). That would include knoeki, DMC (and me!) as well. Maybe other? We could also join as a "travelling group" for Deutsche Bahn if we are at least 6 people. That would make 20 bucks a person for a ride then.
For travel-inquiries, you can write me at mw__at_node3000.com
it is Gernsheim!
Not Griesheim.
Griesheim was tum.
Gernsheim is no tum!
Not Griesheim.
Griesheim was tum.
Gernsheim is no tum!

Oh, thanks.
Seniorengruppe Greisheim!
at least there is no evil speed camera in Griesheim!
Griesbrei \o/
Ich freu mich.
Ich freu mich.
Seniorengruppe Greisheim - Männerballett im Internetcafe!
here are some easy direction from frankfurt airport:

at least there is no evil speed camera in Griesheim!
Be careful when passing Frankfurt airport though, the force is nearby

Fixed it for you (that's the correct name of the untUM location, isn't it?)

Could someone from the under-construction-orgas contact me by email (benjamin[at]rosseaux[dot]de) or at IRC per query (BeRo^0ok_fr @ IRCnet), because I myself can not find any direct contact data? Thank you in advance.
i had the same problem as bero, couldn't find any contacts... :/
if there's still some time on the beamer schedule, i might have some interesting stuff to show, if there's any interest you can find me on ircnet as havoccie
if there's still some time on the beamer schedule, i might have some interesting stuff to show, if there's any interest you can find me on ircnet as havoccie