
health implications of virtual reality

category: residue [glöplog]
Does anyone know the truth abu the health implications of VR?
Was the lawn mower man film created by the military to put off the advancement of VR?
(me thinks it was)

After working in 3D and doing 3D art circa 20 years ago me found that first of all it hurt my eyes and then I found that I had to continually manage the extra layer of (the vr space)

It has taken 20 years to get to the point where I feel healthy again (from the psycho phenomenon)

Is there anyone here that is experimenting or has experimented to much extent in VR?
Is what I have suggested true?
or is it just me???
added on the 2015-11-10 02:58:59 by starlight starlight
It's you.
added on the 2015-11-10 09:18:32 by v3nom v3nom
Well made VR can make you daydreaming for sure.
I'm not putting goggles on anymore, but back in the days I had many deja-vu effects. Sort of you are there in reality and the situations triggers memories of VR scenes. You think to yourself "oh, I have seen this before", but then you realize it was just in VR, strange feeling. After a while you may get lost somewhere between your dreams, VR experiences and reality - not a good place to be if you want to minimize your reaction time in stressful/dangerous situations.

However there is a solution: VR games for people that are sitting completely bored in self-driving cars.
added on the 2015-11-10 13:36:53 by tomkh tomkh
BB Image
added on the 2015-11-10 15:01:46 by el mal el mal
What? You mean starlight is not a perfect AI? Ok, some improvements are needed, I agree.
added on the 2015-11-10 15:42:40 by tomkh tomkh
i'm saying he needs a mental institution rather than an internet forum ;)
added on the 2015-11-10 15:53:05 by el mal el mal
I think there is one simple recipe, probably nothing new. You should be allowed to post on pouet only if you have released at least one prod on a real party. I'm not saying it would be perfect, as ironically I am not proud of many of my own posts here, but at least it would sort out some obvious trolling attempts.
added on the 2015-11-10 16:00:57 by tomkh tomkh
a much simpler recipe is.. a gloperator bans a fucktard when users get enough of their mental drivel. oh wait, that's how it works already, isn't it?

besides your recipe is flawed. releasing prods has nothing to do with proving to be sane ;)
added on the 2015-11-10 16:18:50 by el mal el mal
I would argue that posting a lot (often useless or purposefully annoying shit) does not necessarily means you are insane;)
I have seen few studies on this topic (as for my own recovery) and interestingly there are many other factors, e.g. boredom is on the top of the list.
There are also many types of forum parasites - obviously the most well known are attention seekers, but there are also destructive ones, deleting stuff if they can or confusing / insulting others for pleasure, and the one with an agenda (often self-driven and quite disconnected from the actual reality) etc..etc... Now some people do it subconsciously, so its worth to ask yourself that maybe you are also one of them!
added on the 2015-11-10 16:37:57 by tomkh tomkh
It melts your brain.
added on the 2015-11-10 16:42:03 by Optimus Optimus
True, but also gives a little bit of adrenaline rush, it's addictive I guess.
added on the 2015-11-10 16:48:36 by tomkh tomkh
posting a lot not per se, no, but looking at the contents of these posts by our subject, it is safe to assume that his mental bullshit has very little to do with the demoscene and that in truth, if all that mental bullshit comes genuinely out of him under other circumstances as well, he is better of with some therapy rather than getting a few laughs at his esoteric pseudo-BASIC-code.
added on the 2015-11-10 16:50:43 by el mal el mal
We're all a little bit insane here, but some lack the filter that prevents them from posting inane bullshit on pouet.

And I don't think that has anything relation with releasing any prods or not. I can think of some examples.
added on the 2015-11-10 16:53:49 by ___ ___
brain melting eso demo in QBASIC
It has taken 20 years to get to the point where I feel healthy again (from the psycho phenomenon)

That's an understatement, i guess.
added on the 2015-11-10 17:57:00 by xTr1m xTr1m
It has taken 20 years to get to the point where I feel healthy again (from the psycho phenomenon)

That's an understatement, i guess.

Or maybe feeling healthy doesn't actually make you healthy.

I've known people suffering from psychosis that were absolutely convinced there was nothing wrong with them seeing demons everywhere that instructed them to do... well... dumb shit.
added on the 2015-11-10 18:06:16 by ___ ___
i am sorry that the dr Phil demon in my head sounded so judgmental. also hihi, mental!
added on the 2015-11-10 18:11:49 by el mal el mal
We should rename this thread to "health implications of posting on pouet".
added on the 2015-11-10 19:29:24 by tomkh tomkh
tomkh: yes this is exactly what I have experienced in the past, and glad to know it was the 3D immersion and not me.... I've written quite a lot about the health implications of VR... I don't think VR will ever be mainstream until the systems are sentient enough for people to migrate there....
take no notice of the trauler crew.... its just a linear board it seems
I ve got no problem with that i'll just ONLY post from now on when I have a Demo or intro to upload...
added on the 2015-11-10 19:59:40 by starlight starlight
starlight: this "linear board" as you say exist for a while already. Also people here form a true community - they meet at the parties, many know each other personally, some like each other, some don't etc... but no wonder they are upset if someone is distracting them with non-demoscene BS. Please just take this into account if you want to post in the future.

As for VR, I agree with you that it has implications, not only mental, which I don't actually think to be detrimental or truly serious, but rather psychophysical.
I have also wrote few things about it already over here.
Still, personally, I wouldn't worry that much, as I think in order to reach next generation VR we need to start using it today. I just wouldn't advice to use it every day or for many hours.

I'm also sure you will be probably better off using VR than smonking w33d, you know ;-)
added on the 2015-11-10 20:45:13 by tomkh tomkh
[errata: psychophysical -> physical]
added on the 2015-11-10 20:48:46 by tomkh tomkh
einfach mal weniger lack saufen!
added on the 2015-11-11 12:35:24 by groepaz groepaz
tomkh, what would experience in this VR matter recommend one to do after having a lot of experience in VR?
Personally I recommend a shave and a bath.... and a good solid door on the studio/work room....

VR as far as I am concerned unlocks a new skill in the mind, it teaches one to think and imagine in immersed 3D.... and that takes an amount of effort and techniques before it runs smoothly.... for example 'do you want to save this file -yes-no' is an important technique to maintain self control..

The GLSL web coding terminal me saw, after some thought, kind of left me floating high up unable to interface in a so called normal way with so called normal people....in the so called normal world.....

I think Dr angelo hit on a few truths when he said to his wife he didn't feel like being around people right now.... and I think the mr robot film is a good film to let us consider how one would help mr robot?? and how he helps himself in future episodes...

cant wait to watch season 2
and if I meet anyone with a condition ... I know what techniques to use to help them.... I have 20 years experience in that and 40 years experience analysing me mum who had bi polar.... (me step dad was a systems analyst)
added on the 2015-11-12 10:38:46 by starlight starlight
a much simpler recipe is.. a gloperator bans a fucktard when users get enough of their mental drivel. oh wait, that's how it works already, isn't it?

besides your recipe is flawed. releasing prods has nothing to do with proving to be sane ;)

then why am i not banned?
added on the 2015-11-12 12:10:36 by mudlord mudlord
Well, in some VR forums many say that after drinking few beers the motion sickness went away. One they couldn't play for 10 minutes, the next day they could for 4 hours. Interesting, that's something I could try for the lols. Although Lucky Palmer claims he had bad experience of VR sickness after drinking alcohol.
Some claim the same happens with weed.

Also, I heard some people who don't have motion sickness in car/ship but have in VR. And others who are in the opposite condition, they have it in car/ship but they can absolutely handle Oculus without motion sickness for hours. Crazy.
added on the 2015-11-12 13:10:39 by Optimus Optimus
