
What 300 key fobs looks like and other assorted info

category: offtopic [glöplog]
Glad you like it. :)

Fun bit, I did get the size of the original prototypes by putting a ruler up to my monitor. (It seemed like a nice size.)
the keyfobs arrived with a huge delay. but damn they are so ossom! and that pouet drama trumpet is the shit :D so thanks Starchaser! (=
Wow, that is a long time. I wonder when I mailed those off now. Anyway, you're quite welcome, sensenstahl. :)
ive been collecting keyfobs since I was 5.... (40 years nearly)
added on the 2015-11-09 20:14:35 by starlight starlight
That's... great?
well I must have all of them lol
added on the 2015-11-09 21:02:36 by starlight starlight
very good, something enjoyable,
I like the wooden hand one the best... scanning thread to see where I can get one?
added on the 2015-11-09 21:21:47 by starlight starlight
"wooden hand one"? All of the items in this thread were done with a laser cutter or some sort of 3D printing process. There also are no more wooden key fobs unless I choose to produce some in the future. I'd like to leave those designs in the past; any new wooden key fobs that may appear would feature a different design.
kewl kay serah!! Jahla guide I and I :)

sorry about my abrupt entry... its the arab in me... sometimes I kind of say things like 'where are all the x!' I must have an x!' in a deep dark voice...sorry its just me sometimes me cant help it
added on the 2015-11-10 00:09:09 by starlight starlight
Just a quick roundup from various things.

I haven't completely given up on the idea of badges yet:
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Just a mashup of Futurama + my "Badge of Awesome" I made sometime prior. It's actually a proper size now. I haven't decided how I'll paint it yet, and it's fairly cold out so my usual spray paint is momentarily out of the question. The hackerspace has a formal entity, organization, and space, but it's not officially open so I can't quite go use their heat-able garage space yet. :P I don't plan to sell this design. Only one will leave the country at this time, and the recipient already has it. The 15 remaining of the small batch will get taken to a local convention early next year and given away.

A badge of a different sort, used as part of a Halloween costume:
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I decided there was no reason I couldn't just glue a pin clasp onto the back of acrylic with Loctite so, I did. A local shop did this one instead of the usual hackerspace I visit. I also got a nice wooden one out of the deal as a test piece which I didn't put a clasp onto. Unfortunately I somehow managed to lose track of two out of the three acrylic ones shortly after Halloween.


I update this thread rather infrequently and it's probably only slightly more scene related than not. That, and as a result of the local hackerspace group taking off, which may eventually get a laser cutter too, I'm likely to migrate to an off-site gallery in the future for new stuff so that if I become more prolific and/or less scene related I don't overly bother anyone. However I know some people like seeing these updates so I'll try to remember to post here when I migrate so they can keep up to date if they want. Perhaps a gallery with an RSS feed or something.
Everyone loves sine waves so I put sine waves on your sine waves:
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(Click for larger.)
^That is awesome :)
added on the 2015-12-07 08:30:54 by xTr1m xTr1m
xTr1m, you can play with the generator while it's up if you like: sinegen. Copy it down while it lasts. :) I don't guarantee quality code, but it works. Also includes a code comment from psonice for a feature I haven't managed to figure out yet.
No special post with nice pretty resized photos in it. Instead, I'm going to link to a page I already made that links to large unresized images and short unprocessed videos. People seemed to like seeing the videos from before so I figured I'd post it here. There's also more than a few board gamers here so who might be at least slightly interested.

The reason for this work is partly self-interest and because I took part in BoardGameGeek's secret Santa for the first time this year and wanted to send my Santa something special in addition to the expected games off their wishlist. These are recreations of parts of expansions for the board game RoboRally which, for some reason, they decline to update and reprint.

Take a look.

This is the first time using another machine. The lessee of this this machine didn't understand exactly what I wanted or how to do it on their machine and was surprisingly kind enough to get someone to open shop on a Sunday for me so I could do the work myself. The hackerspace I visit sets up and runs the jobs for me, presumably for liability reasons.

I may use this place again, but I'm not completely happy with their machine or its software. I couldn't, even with help, figure out how to get it not to flame up as much when doing acrylic so it left a light "pattern" on the surface even through the paper. It also many times more likely to cause edges of the backing paper to smolder. The machine at the hackerspace I've done almost all my work seems to be better set up or equipped to handle acrylic. Not entirely surprising I suppose, seeing as this shop does very little work with acrylic sheets and the hackerspace does it a lot.

I'm hoping of course to get my "dream machine" within the next year through the local hackerspace and then experiment some more. :)
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If all goes to plan, you should be able to find these at the infodesk. :) I'll leave some blank non-lined index cards for those with nothing handy.

Might be funny if Got Papers? made a post after Revision purporting to be from the far future discussing the era of Evilbot with scans and pictures of "propaganda" (stickers, etc).
Now dona DSS stamp! :D
added on the 2016-02-28 23:38:53 by ___ ___
Not out of the question. :) However I used up all the 2" stamp blocks... not entirely sure if I'd be able to do another one before I leave for Revision.

Do you guys have a definitive logo image somewhere that's not distorted or skewed a bunch I can start from?
nice! obviously i want dibs on the kewlers logo one! ;)
added on the 2016-02-29 12:39:22 by el mal el mal
Not out of the question. :) However I used up all the 2" stamp blocks... not entirely sure if I'd be able to do another one before I leave for Revision.

Do you guys have a definitive logo image somewhere that's not distorted or skewed a bunch I can start from?

does this work?
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added on the 2016-03-01 00:59:37 by ___ ___
Yes, that works just fine! :)
Knoeki was the last one in. If you want to talk to me about your group, it'll have to be for after Revision. ;)
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A little shallower this time. I forgot my magic settings. Should work just fine, though.

I also turned one I tried into toast. Ran the laser too slow on full power. Fairly blackened with light charring in one spot. Nothing caught fire, but I wasn't worried. Not much material left before the canvas backing. I tossed it as the corners of the design broke off when I tried to clean it.
Hella :D
added on the 2016-03-03 14:46:47 by ___ ___
If you're at Revision and want a Pouet Drama key fob, I brought them with me. It's on a "whatever you feel like trading for it" basis. Money, stickers, party swag, or if nothing else just a friendly hello...

I don't know quite where I'll be at in the hall yet, but I'll be around. On Friday at least I'll be a guy with a beard, glasses, and a Sundown 2015 t-shirt.
