programming and magic
category: residue [glöplog]
Although me is learning C++ from scratch and not having coded for over 20 years since the speky, I have had fun kind of creating my own what I call magic programs... that like a mad man I secretly put into my running spells folder together with meditation.......
This is CRAZY!!! but its the only way me can feel my way into coding properly again as me slowly convert it into pc code as me learn bit by bit....
here is a quick magic spell program which sorts a long list of messages into 3 simple scroll boxes based on weight/importance, and make programs/lists such as facebook or even pouet? more sentient, for sentient beings... but you have to believe in magic :)
I thought maybe at one point I could be a consultant using this sort of magic code to convey to the pro coders what they need to do...
here it is
Message Sorter
let facebook message = fbm,x {cant use a $ coz it might have numbers?}
cin fbm,x
arrayweight = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
arraymood$ scrollbox = sad,ok,happy
cout @ arraymood$,arrayweight fbm,x
next x
here is a spell to hopefully make a bird walk past naked but it hasn't happened yet??
Naked Blonde
10 scan walker$ and Tits$
20 if walker$ = blonde & Tits$ = big then goto 100
30 goto 10
100 let clothes$ = invisible
110 print walker$
Ive done loads of them all sat inside a folder called 'running' :)
i'm also working on the cashpoint machine
I do believe in magic and have been quite surprise by some of the subtle results!!
I know it sounds mad but its just my creative need to code whilst I am learning and gives me something to start with and keeps my life sane and positive :) and one can help people too if they want!!! :) oh and anyone can understand it!!!!!
This is CRAZY!!! but its the only way me can feel my way into coding properly again as me slowly convert it into pc code as me learn bit by bit....
here is a quick magic spell program which sorts a long list of messages into 3 simple scroll boxes based on weight/importance, and make programs/lists such as facebook or even pouet? more sentient, for sentient beings... but you have to believe in magic :)
I thought maybe at one point I could be a consultant using this sort of magic code to convey to the pro coders what they need to do...
here it is
Message Sorter
let facebook message = fbm,x {cant use a $ coz it might have numbers?}
cin fbm,x
arrayweight = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
arraymood$ scrollbox = sad,ok,happy
cout @ arraymood$,arrayweight fbm,x
next x
here is a spell to hopefully make a bird walk past naked but it hasn't happened yet??
Naked Blonde
10 scan walker$ and Tits$
20 if walker$ = blonde & Tits$ = big then goto 100
30 goto 10
100 let clothes$ = invisible
110 print walker$
Ive done loads of them all sat inside a folder called 'running' :)
i'm also working on the cashpoint machine
I do believe in magic and have been quite surprise by some of the subtle results!!
I know it sounds mad but its just my creative need to code whilst I am learning and gives me something to start with and keeps my life sane and positive :) and one can help people too if they want!!! :) oh and anyone can understand it!!!!!
it is based on the principle that 'GOD' the system we live in understands and can read it, and therefore converts it into reality.. with meditation
my understanding is that all creation is magic.
many uses from dark to light.
understanding of many realities gives one more possibilities to understand more and create more focused reality for given group of symbols, charged forms..colors..
propaganda is magic used to control.
simple spell..i love you.
dreams are like meditation magic on inner..
beware that too much mystification only creates delusions and opening to groups or people who only want to use/ channeling..cults in christianity or voting rituals..
many uses from dark to light.
understanding of many realities gives one more possibilities to understand more and create more focused reality for given group of symbols, charged forms..colors..
propaganda is magic used to control.
simple spell..i love you.
dreams are like meditation magic on inner..
beware that too much mystification only creates delusions and opening to groups or people who only want to use/ channeling..cults in christianity or voting rituals..
yes I agree 1in10
that's why I love coding because it gets me away from the occults and religions etc....
it means I can get away without having a label...
also its personal and well I can always make it complicated so they couldn't understand it... LOL like i'm sure all the techies do!!! lol not
astral travelling is quite therapeutic...I found...
I mean after getting past all the usual encounters, then comes the one eyed alien and then various different creatures never seen before and teaches one to have respect for creation and other artists work and love them even if they 'look' scary... alien sex is good like if you join tales or something silly like that like the guy in star treck that likes his ears to be rubbed LOL
its good to know that some other people have an interest in this... and once again it is great to get away from the labels
that's why I love coding because it gets me away from the occults and religions etc....
it means I can get away without having a label...
also its personal and well I can always make it complicated so they couldn't understand it... LOL like i'm sure all the techies do!!! lol not
astral travelling is quite therapeutic...I found...
I mean after getting past all the usual encounters, then comes the one eyed alien and then various different creatures never seen before and teaches one to have respect for creation and other artists work and love them even if they 'look' scary... alien sex is good like if you join tales or something silly like that like the guy in star treck that likes his ears to be rubbed LOL
its good to know that some other people have an interest in this... and once again it is great to get away from the labels
Using magic to undress other people because they wouldn't ever do so voluntarily? Straight outta Sir Patrick Stewart's playbook, fedoras off to you, sir.

well it was just a bit of fun when me started lol come on it is a blonde with big boobs....
she'll love it lol surely... if its the type i'm expecting lol
anyway ive looked out of the window and people are subconsciously aware of the program i'm sure of it.... so nobody who doesn't want it to happen will be forced
GOD wont let that happen :)
she'll love it lol surely... if its the type i'm expecting lol
anyway ive looked out of the window and people are subconsciously aware of the program i'm sure of it.... so nobody who doesn't want it to happen will be forced
GOD wont let that happen :)
5 goto 50
10 scan being
20 if being = happy then goto 5
30 scan ethos
40 if ethos >< clear then clear {icreases light]
50 scan sun
60 if sun too hot then enter cloud
7o goto 10
5 goto 50
10 scan being
20 if being = happy then goto 5
30 scan ethos
40 if ethos >< clear then clear {icreases light]
50 scan sun
60 if sun too hot then enter cloud
7o goto 10
5 goto 50
10 scan being
20 if being = happy then goto 5
30 scan ethos
40 if ethos >< clear then clear ethos {icreases light] & clear cloud
50 scan sun
60 if sun too hot then enter cloud
7o goto 10
5 goto 50
10 scan being
20 if being = happy then goto 5
30 scan ethos
40 if ethos >< clear then clear ethos {icreases light] & clear cloud
50 scan sun
60 if sun too hot then enter cloud
7o goto 10
7o=70 :)
70 next being; goto 10
>< = !=
{couldn't remember what the not equal symbol is in 1984???]
{couldn't remember what the not equal symbol is in 1984???]
uh it got dark
5 goto 50
10 scan being
20 if being = happy then goto 5
30 scan ethos
40 if ethos != clear then clear ethos {icreases light] & clear cloud
50 scan sun; if dark then goto 80
60 if sun too hot then enter cloud
70 next being; goto 10
80 scan moon
90 get GMT and calculate geography.dark
100 goto 30
me wonder how long it takes to scan every being?
5 goto 50
10 scan being
20 if being = happy then goto 5
30 scan ethos
40 if ethos != clear then clear ethos {icreases light] & clear cloud
50 scan sun; if dark then goto 80
60 if sun too hot then enter cloud
70 next being; goto 10
80 scan moon
90 get GMT and calculate geography.dark
100 goto 30
me wonder how long it takes to scan every being?
100 goto 10
100 goto 10
I thought this thread might be usefull for anyone wanting to join me in this magical realm (or madness as some people might think) and do some freestyle coding to free the soul and perhaps help the world the universe and all beings in any way that their code might see fit.... to help GOD/the system whatever it's called?
sorry I should have said this at the start of the thread but considered it obvious for some reason?
I also think this way of coding might be useful to children starting out with coding, in a peacefull relaxing inspiring environment.
sorry I should have said this at the start of the thread but considered it obvious for some reason?
I also think this way of coding might be useful to children starting out with coding, in a peacefull relaxing inspiring environment.
Here is some magic. ;o)
How it should be:
class HumanBeeing
static bool isEthical( Action _action );
static Action renderMoralReaction( Action _action );
How it really is:
class HumanBeeing
virtual bool isEthical( Action _action ) = 0;
virtual Action renderMoralReaction( Action _action ) = 0;
How it should be:
class HumanBeeing
static bool isEthical( Action _action );
static Action renderMoralReaction( Action _action );
How it really is:
class HumanBeeing
virtual bool isEthical( Action _action ) = 0;
virtual Action renderMoralReaction( Action _action ) = 0;
Using Adinkra symbols
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
10 get vaacuum_cleaner, let vacuum_cleaner = vc
15 let vc = camruns head
20 set up and swith on vc
30 start using vc
40 if dust on floor = vc then plot on floor stardust
50 let dust in vc = deadly poisonous
55 share plot; next plot
60 goto 10
10 get vaacuum_cleaner, let vacuum_cleaner = vc
15 let vc = camruns head
20 set up and swith on vc
30 start using vc
40 if dust on floor = vc then plot on floor stardust
50 let dust in vc = deadly poisonous
55 share plot; next plot
60 goto 10
10 get vaacuum_cleaner, let vacuum_cleaner = vc
15 let vc = camruns head
20 set up and swith on vc
30 start using vc
40 if dust on floor = vc then plot on floor stardust
50 let dust in vc = deadly poisonous
55 share plot; next plot
60 goto 40
10 get vaacuum_cleaner, let vacuum_cleaner = vc
15 let vc = camruns head
20 set up and swith on vc
30 start using vc
40 if dust on floor = vc then plot on floor stardust
50 let dust in vc = deadly poisonous
55 share plot; next plot
60 goto 40
Sometimes, you can do magic without the magic. Try it!
yes me did me was mad...this helps me channel close and then forget about it and just know it's running :)
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lol code poetry ** excellaant**
"In the works of the Creator ever open to our examination, we possess a firm basis on which to raise the superstructure of an enlightened creed. The more man inquires into the laws which regulate the material universe, the more he is convinced that all its varied forms arise from the action of a few simple principles... The works of the Creator, ever present to our senses, give a living and perpetual testimony of his power and goodness far surpassing any evidence transmitted through human testimony. The testimony of man becomes fainter at every stage of transmission, whilst each new inquiry into the works of the Almighty gives to us more exalted views of his wisdom, his goodness, and his power."
— Babbage, (1864),[105]
Like Samuel Vince, Babbage also wrote a defense of the belief in divine miracles.[106] Against objections previously posed by David Hume, Babbage advocated for the belief of divine agency, stating "we must not measure the credibility or incredibility of an event by the narrow sphere of our own experience, nor forget that there is a Divine energy which overrides what we familiarly call the laws of nature."[107] He alluded to the limits of human experience, expressing: "all that we see in a miracle is an effect which is new to our observation, and whose cause is concealed. The cause may be beyond the sphere of our observation, and would be thus beyond the familiar sphere of nature; but this does not make the event a violation of any law of nature. The limits of man's observation lie within very narrow boundaries, and it would be arrogance to suppose that the reach of man's power is to form the limits of the natural world."
"In the works of the Creator ever open to our examination, we possess a firm basis on which to raise the superstructure of an enlightened creed. The more man inquires into the laws which regulate the material universe, the more he is convinced that all its varied forms arise from the action of a few simple principles... The works of the Creator, ever present to our senses, give a living and perpetual testimony of his power and goodness far surpassing any evidence transmitted through human testimony. The testimony of man becomes fainter at every stage of transmission, whilst each new inquiry into the works of the Almighty gives to us more exalted views of his wisdom, his goodness, and his power."
— Babbage, (1864),[105]
Like Samuel Vince, Babbage also wrote a defense of the belief in divine miracles.[106] Against objections previously posed by David Hume, Babbage advocated for the belief of divine agency, stating "we must not measure the credibility or incredibility of an event by the narrow sphere of our own experience, nor forget that there is a Divine energy which overrides what we familiarly call the laws of nature."[107] He alluded to the limits of human experience, expressing: "all that we see in a miracle is an effect which is new to our observation, and whose cause is concealed. The cause may be beyond the sphere of our observation, and would be thus beyond the familiar sphere of nature; but this does not make the event a violation of any law of nature. The limits of man's observation lie within very narrow boundaries, and it would be arrogance to suppose that the reach of man's power is to form the limits of the natural world."