Random "work in progress" shots
category: general [glöplog]
my latest 3d print creation:
a dripper bottle to keep your ejuice safe and sound in your

get it here if you own a 3d printer
cheers, cosmic
a dripper bottle to keep your ejuice safe and sound in your

get it here if you own a 3d printer
cheers, cosmic
Still "loads" of room for shenanigans in the final version!

I'm in parsing hell, but getting somewhere with my terminal ansi/ascii editor.

Playing with procedural aperiodic textures. Lots of fun.

^^ Nice. I want that on my kitchen floors.
Kitchen would be nice. I am still thinking where to apply textures like this. Maybe carpets or stained glass windows or modern islamic architecture;)
@tomkh: that is really cool. Do you have any reading to recommend?
Zavie: this one is based on cyclotomic trapezoids. There is a whole group of tilings discovered by Danzer and Nischke, here is the link with substitution rules and name of original paper. You can find more interesting tilings on this page as well. What I am doing is writing surface/fragment shaders based on this rules, so you can quickly evaluate tile color and normal per fragment.
I bet you could make a cool infinite zoomer out of that.
Preacher: sure, for now I just did a simple version, shader here, "zoom" by dragging mouse with LMB.
@tomkh: nice! I love the 3d tile look of it!
Make a board game about it?
What about animating those tiles, go around z axis around some area... :)
Tomek, very pretty. I see them morphing like in caleidoscope.
which means that I'd rather see it in Intrinsic Gravity or Masagin kind of demo.
...and Beta :)
@tomkh: cool, thanks a lot for the resources!
Thanks guys. Board game is a good idea, I could try.
For animation/morphing - it is not that easy, but might be a good direction to explore.
For animation/morphing - it is not that easy, but might be a good direction to explore.
moar pictures! (ironic post is ironic)
Looks good, but that is one heavy shader. It crawls with a couple of fps here...
current state of my small javascript software 3d engine, now with more dithering steps and a proper nearplane (line/plane intersection with the point of view plane).

This is still for prototyping C64 stuff? :-P
@Rez: being at the point where dithering is an issue, you are beyond the point where you should have made a demo about it - go fix :)
hey Pulcomandy I did one of those circuit board design programs for the specky for o level not as complex as that though..is there a mouse or is it cursor?