Does anyone remember this BLACK MONKS intro ... ?
category: general [glöplog]
It featured morphing bobs dancing on the screen (up and down). Bobs transformed from balls to coins or bananas etc. I remember seeing that as cracktro for a futuristic racing game. I don't remember the name of the game though. Anyway you run with your car on an elevated road and you could see a city under the road. Does anyone remember?? I can't find neither intro nor game.
Yes, I remember the intro, no I don't have it at the moment, no I didn't have the game version. So it must have been released on at least one packdisk.
Anyone recognizes the game?
be doing the immer helping moby ats,6/a,2/f,8/?o=2a1a11
thanks. no help with that.
Game screen was more or less like this. side scroll. car could jump if street broken.....

thumb up for that game screen :P
that car is so gay
like this, you mean?

or rather more like this?

btw: i think it was a capcom game, but i can't remember the name myself..

led storm! that was it
Heh, and here I was thinking Mad Motor (arcade) ... Anyway Led Storm music rules.
I downloaded every black monks cracked game from tosec and there is no trace of that intro!
try the ones at
checked. None of them is the one.... btw ... checking those intros I kinda realized the Amiga 500 w/ 1.3 workbench os was a total piece of crap!
Amiga wasn't crap - YOU are crap!
Oh no. It was. If they only put an HD on it from the beginning now we would still be using it instead of pc. Commodore had no vision.
I guess it was an invisible crime intro not black monks