best demos on plain zx spectrum 48k ?
category: general [glöplog]
Since it's apparent that it's impossible to find what demos work on plain 48k zx spectrum, any recommendations?
For example:
But note that almost every 48k demo plays music via AY, which is absent on plain 48k. You need either to turn AY iface on in emulator or to have additional hardware with it.
But note that almost every 48k demo plays music via AY, which is absent on plain 48k. You need either to turn AY iface on in emulator or to have additional hardware with it. and also work on 48k, but they ultimately require TR-DOS (and don't play AY in 48k mode). Originally, they are made for 128k, 48k is just a nice option.
oops, fixing links from 2nd message:
..yeah, I'm looking for really plain zx spectrum 48k demos, no AY or other peripherals.
As far as I have understood the Speccy scene is addicted to weird hardware expansions / mods / clones and unable to do anything cool without them.
Bah =)

Have to admit that the audio is a challenge, but it's not impossible.

Have to admit that the audio is a challenge, but it's not impossible.
(work in progress)
The best demos for 48kB are always here, I gather -
Looking for demos without AY chip is pointless and empty. 48k generates music with full time of its processor. Hence there are no such demos or they are silent (and usually ugly) or they are music-disks.
Despite some korvidiots, looking for 48k demos without AY is as reasonable as looking for c64 demos working with tape only (and loading them from such).
They collected the non-AY demos here the only "not music-disk" program is this one
Looking for demos without AY chip is pointless and empty. 48k generates music with full time of its processor. Hence there are no such demos or they are silent (and usually ugly) or they are music-disks.
Despite some korvidiots, looking for 48k demos without AY is as reasonable as looking for c64 demos working with tape only (and loading them from such).
They collected the non-AY demos here the only "not music-disk" program is this one
PS: All those Ay demos work anyway on 48kB but they're simply silent. so even more - this artificial diversification is pointless.
sol: looking nice. i believe the speccy's scene lower denominator is considered to be the 128k, not the 48k.
@sol_hsa, the issue is that 48K models of ZX Spectrum only had beeper. There are some beeper demos, I even made some myself, but the resulting loss of the performance is drastic and the sound quality of even the best beeper engines is... mmm... not widely appreciated.
So, as the result, there are some people who make demos for 48K+AY and there some other people who believe that since it is cheating anyway, we might as well use a 128K configurations that all came with AY chip as standard.
So, as the result, there are some people who make demos for 48K+AY and there some other people who believe that since it is cheating anyway, we might as well use a 128K configurations that all came with AY chip as standard.
Sol right now:

perhaps we should discuss if the spectrum platform should be divided into categories!
I did not say that! :)
I actually think that compatibility is easier done by tags. So when they will come, these kinds of threads will become extinct. In fact, someone is already tagging ZX Spectrum demos in this way on demozoo:
I actually think that compatibility is easier done by tags. So when they will come, these kinds of threads will become extinct. In fact, someone is already tagging ZX Spectrum demos in this way on demozoo:
Yeah, the music will undoubtedly suck, but I won't budge - plain speccy or bust! =)
48k music programming is masochistic to the maximum, which is exactly why a demomaker would be interested.
@visy, yes and no. Yes, because you are right, and no because no-one, almost literally no-one appreciates :) Believe me I tried :)
Even using Pentevo with 4Mb, TSFM and NGS is not cheating.
Not to mention the most popular configurations of the eighties and nineties' turn.
I assume, using diskdrive on C64 is cheating because the drive has its own CPU and without it 80% of commodore demos (and 100% of the modern ones - 90s - 2000s) will not work on the actual C64?
I don't think so. It was also a standard setup at the time (and still is, for that matter).
Not to mention the most popular configurations of the eighties and nineties' turn.
I assume, using diskdrive on C64 is cheating because the drive has its own CPU and without it 80% of commodore demos (and 100% of the modern ones - 90s - 2000s) will not work on the actual C64?
I don't think so. It was also a standard setup at the time (and still is, for that matter).
Diskdrive was a pretty much standard setup for C64, but ZX Spectrum 48K with AY was not a standard setup in the 1980s. It was a possible setup, but not all that common.
Maybe in Poland it was, just looking at the demos they made at the time, but generally speaking - no. This is why I said "cheating". I did not mean it in an offensive way though (I made several demos for this config too). But let's get real, OK?
It is the same thing with 48K multiload trackmos. They look great on DivIDE, but try watching them off the tape recorder. And without AY. I.e. try watching them on the truly most common 48K configuration. I wonder how much enjoyment you'd get out of them.
Maybe in Poland it was, just looking at the demos they made at the time, but generally speaking - no. This is why I said "cheating". I did not mean it in an offensive way though (I made several demos for this config too). But let's get real, OK?
It is the same thing with 48K multiload trackmos. They look great on DivIDE, but try watching them off the tape recorder. And without AY. I.e. try watching them on the truly most common 48K configuration. I wonder how much enjoyment you'd get out of them.
Just to agree with @instrospec, I had (still have it around somewhere) a 48k spectrum (the rubber keyboard one) and many friends who had one, and I didn't even know an aftermarket AY interface for it -existed-, let alone know anyone who had one (I also owned a +2A 128kb one which had it built-in)
A disk drive for the C64, on the other hand, was quite common around here.
A disk drive for the C64, on the other hand, was quite common around here.
sol: looking (and now sounding) good! and if the bars are the frame cpu indicators like speccy guys usually do while developing, it seems you can still put a few more stuff happening. :)
BTW, should someone want an AY expansion for the 48k, they are still available and don't cost much. Need to get the chip separately, tho: