category: general [glöplog]
Some of those images inthe wtf thread are excelent visual examples of drawing wrong conclutions.
May i use them, for another purpose, not scene related, if i credit you?
May i use them, for another purpose, not scene related, if i credit you?
try www.ordbogen.com or www.m-w.com before posting again. thanks.
RA5MUS. did you see your name anywhere? neither this nor my spelling or choice of words are any of your concern.
wasnt havoc in sanity? havoc of sanity? or or or or? i dont know, i think so. since i remember the name from the best demo ever. "interference". with the best tune ever made to mankind.
praise the lord! virgill!
ps. im actually serious.
praise the lord! virgill!
ps. im actually serious.
havoc is havoc of outline, an evil dutch *atari* scener.
/me slaps Iblis with a gabberhammer
You did see the picture i posted in the gabberhammer thread right? Do you want to see it again? ..be nice then 

bite me twice!
iblis, those pics are in the public domain now i suppose... but it'd be cool if you wouldn't use the ones showing sceners without asking their permission, and if you'd show me whatever-it-is-you're-working-on before you put my name on it.
oyiseer, nope, i'm not havoc/sanity.
skrebbel, outline is the party, lineout is the crew. confusing? intentionally so. ;)
oyiseer, nope, i'm not havoc/sanity.
skrebbel, outline is the party, lineout is the crew. confusing? intentionally so. ;)
chaos/fb would know if there was a havoc in sanity. wasnt he was involved in "interference"? or was it just mr. pet and havoc?
Ofcourse i wont post pic of sceners outside pouet.net I was reffering to the muppet ones only :)
And it is for a debate amongst some belivers about God and drawing the wrong conlutions. Im not sure it would interrest you that much. Unless yo uread the Bible Torath or Al'Quraan :)
thanks mate.
And it is for a debate amongst some belivers about God and drawing the wrong conlutions. Im not sure it would interrest you that much. Unless yo uread the Bible Torath or Al'Quraan :)
thanks mate.
iblis: your lingual abilities are dreadful at this very moment, i suggest to integrate into the European culture first :P
No im just lazy. I will bet you a fiver that i speak it better than you do ;)
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
eh... no ;)
eh... no ;)
Maali, i*CRUNCH*


i hope you floss...
schni schna schanppi, schnappi schnappi schnapp!
ahhaha :))
sharks have funky teeth.
A lot of them, actually.