any sceners going to siggraph 2015?
category: general [glöplog]
any sceners going to siggraph this year? i'm arriving sunday evening. any attempts at a bar meetup during the week would be welcome.
TheFlash from our group is going there. He just flew out this morning, I can drop him an SMS - I guess he'd be interested.
sure. chaos is here as well. how to sync up?
Bar meetups are always welcome :) (meaning yes im at siggraph)
I'm here and I know some other Finnish sceners who will be as well. When/where should we meet?
Oh yes, bar meetup sounds good. I think I already spotted abductee (or someone else with a mercury hoodie!)
is finnkampen still a thing btw? :)
yes, i hear it is :9
time flew by quite efficiently -- should we do this tonight or does everyone have some place to be (like a plane home)?