
Aggressive 1993

category: parties [glöplog]
So I was probably 11 when we went to Planet Fun Fun to ride some rollercoasters. Behind a heavy curtain the Bass was Pumping, so obviously I slipped in, and saw something like a hundred computers, guys running around and coding/playing, a big screen with some invtro running and loud music! After standing there for I dunno, 5 seconds, in awe, drooling, a security guy noticed me "Hey! You don't have a bracelet!" and threw me out.

What I gathered from the interwebs this party was also organized by Future Crew?

Anyhow, please tell me stories from the party! It was my first touch with the demoscene other than getting demos on disks. I so wish I would've been allowed to stroll around...
added on the 2015-08-06 11:30:43 by halides halides
Haha, that sounds awesome!! The only thing I know from Aggresive 1993 is that Purple Motion won the music compo with the awesome Shadowrun.
added on the 2015-08-06 11:51:05 by okkie okkie
cool story! sounds like an awesome place to hold a party aswell: (taken from their 1993 party nfo):


Planet FunFun is an excellent place for demo-parties. We have rented a
big hall for you and your computers and a smaller separate hall for
sleeping. There are also showers next to the smaller hall. And lots of
free parking space.

We have also an "amphitheather", in which we can show competitions and
movies on big screen. There is a couple of hundred seats, so this time
you don't have to stand to see anything.

The best thing though is: The whole amusement park is at your use. The
gadgets in it are in use only 10:00-18:00 Saturdays and Sundays, when it
is open for normal audience also, but we have some special arrangements
with it's restaurants. (Which serve also alcohol...) There will be food
and soft drinks available 24h, and you can also buy proper meals at
19:00-21:00 from a restaurant called Harlin's Diner. Alcohol will also
be served at Harlin's diner at 21:00-24:00, but only for those who have
had their 18th birthday...

Also the arcade-games in it are at use 24h, as well as "Nintendo Land".

Restaurants are of course open also when the amusement park is open for
normal audience.
added on the 2015-08-06 12:05:48 by v3nom v3nom
Cool story! Didn't go myself but I do remember the invitation. It was mainly an Atari party, and (AFAIR) Atari scene wasn't too huge in Finland at the time.. This got released there though, with e.g. graphics from a certain Destop who also modern sceners might recognize :)
added on the 2015-08-06 12:09:26 by break break
Thanks for the links! Shadowrun playing in the background right now :-)

Still hoping to hear some stories from attendees! :-)
added on the 2015-08-07 16:31:45 by halides halides
Naturally I wasn't there either, but AFAIK Future Crew just organized the PC compos and the main organizers were from the Atari group Aggression? Setok might've been one of the organizers?
added on the 2015-08-07 17:19:14 by reed reed
setok was at least organizing aggressive 2 party, i think he was doing the first one too.
added on the 2015-08-07 23:12:31 by nosfe nosfe
That is an awesome story, walking into a demoparty aged eleven. I tip my hat to you sir!
added on the 2015-08-08 00:01:56 by numtek numtek
oh yes, shadowrun<3
added on the 2015-08-08 02:44:18 by el mal el mal
cool story indeed =)
added on the 2015-08-08 02:55:41 by dipswitch dipswitch
Harlin's Diner..eat harder..wonder if cliffhanger was alcohol bewerage or food item..
please continue!
added on the 2015-08-08 07:11:16 by 1in10 1in10
Heh nice to see so many peoples getting a laff/goodvibes from my story :-)

I'm just going to give this one more bûmp in hopes of hearing from any of the original organisers or attendees!
added on the 2015-08-12 09:36:36 by halides halides
I went to the second edition of the party, in a lecture room in a helsinki university in 95. Pretty sure aggression were the orgas, and it was one of the wildest parties i remember.
