Let's deep dream
category: offtopic [glöplog]
Guess most of you read about it already, if not here's one article http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2015-07/03/google-deep-dream
How to set up deep dream

How to set up deep dream

Creepy things sitting on my microphone.. And the neural network spent a tube to my preamp :)

That is crazy :)
SnC: All I see is a slug beneath a

Oh man :)
@mog - don't piss Salinga off man!
For those afflicted by windows. (may not be able to upload all the time..)
For those afflicted by windows. (may not be able to upload all the time..)

mmm... space dog pizza...
it mostly adds eyes, wheels and animals (birds, dogs)
Because that's the dataset google's implementation was trained with.
Good stuff. Been following this closely from the first image that floated down to the internet. Probably we'll see some of this stuff in demos soon.
Dog and eye generator 2015.
anybody know how difficult/complicated/expensive it would be to train this thing to new image sets? like, all prod screenshots in pouet?
Amazing stuff!
Interesting read -> Inceptionism
@jco: I don't know. Wanna do a demo dreamer? Try it if you have time -> https://github.com/google/deepdream
Interesting read -> Inceptionism
@jco: I don't know. Wanna do a demo dreamer? Try it if you have time -> https://github.com/google/deepdream
someone has already successfully applied it to video, but the default dataset is getting boring ;) maybe i'll mess around a bit if i find the time
fancy a slice of sunshine?

"My God, it's full of WTF..."