
Why would I like to be able to have multiple youtube links for my prods

category: general [glöplog]
Isn't there a dedicated video website for demos? In HD and HQ? I never really thought that YouTube was suitable for them, considering what they do to your uploads.
added on the 2015-06-25 20:27:02 by Foebane72 Foebane72
If you weren't so dismissive in the first place

hahaha ROTFL
just to remind you, here's your first 4 words in this discussion when it started on the oneliner:
@havoc, you are wrong

added on the 2015-06-25 20:35:12 by havoc havoc
Foebane: In fact there's several dedicated video sites for demos, but none of them are both actively maintained and covering all demoscene platforms.
added on the 2015-06-25 20:37:11 by havoc havoc
havoc, you said "we don't need double links, just the best quality one. if ppl want to see it in a lower quality for whatever reason just use youtube settings" and then "i can hardly think of a case where multiple captures make sense".

I replied "you are wrong re multiple captures". By "re" I meant "regarding". Hardly the wonderful punchline you just tried to invent :)
added on the 2015-06-25 20:41:31 by introspec introspec
doesn't matter how you phrased it, fact remains: it was your first step in this discussion was to dismiss my opinion entirely...

who knows what might have happened if you hadn't been so dismissive from the get-go... i might have been happy to elaborate on the opinion i expressed at that time perhaps... but you literally said you didn't care about my opinion so why should i even bother?
added on the 2015-06-25 21:19:58 by havoc havoc
Suggestion for Pouet 3.0 -> "Youtube Mirrors"
added on the 2015-06-25 21:22:30 by ham ham
havoc, OK, no need to bother indeed. I think this whole thread is evidence enough.
People can decide without our re-interpretations.
added on the 2015-06-25 22:14:56 by introspec introspec
you reckon it's a democratic process? :)
added on the 2015-06-25 22:32:17 by havoc havoc
introspec, gloperators approve new links and changes. Therefore it is down to which gloperator approves changes involving more than one link or variant link labels. havoc is a gloperator.
introspec, gloperators approve new links and changes. Therefore it is down to which gloperator reviews changes involving more than one link or variant link labels whether these change are approved. havoc is a gloperator.
@starchaser, yes, I understand how this site works. I am not new here.
added on the 2015-06-25 23:11:39 by introspec introspec
starchaser: theoretically it should not matter which gloperator processes a request. but we are only human...
added on the 2015-06-25 23:18:10 by havoc havoc
havoc, well yes, ideally a website should have a self-consistent policy applied across all moderating. :)
until we achieve self consistency i'll settle for being consistent myself and won't approve a frameblended vid of our falcon demo with 100hz vga effects :)
added on the 2015-06-25 23:46:32 by havoc havoc
until we achieve self consistency i'll settle for being consistent myself and won't approve a frameblended vid of our falcon demo with 100hz vga effects :)
added on the 2015-06-25 23:46:32 by havoc havoc
remember: every time you watch a demo on youpoop god kills a kitten
added on the 2015-06-26 00:08:27 by groepaz groepaz
but with 50Hz it's only half a kitten!
added on the 2015-06-26 01:54:51 by el mal el mal
interlaced kitten \o/
added on the 2015-06-26 02:35:27 by groepaz groepaz
Which I why I care about the best way of presenting it to people who are not in the know.

If they're not in the know, they won't know what they're missing when they view the 25fps version! So upload a 50fps and be done. Smart people will use modern browsers, emulators, or the real hardware because they understand -- and it is the smart people you should be caring about. I don't make demos for people outside the demoscene... or did you think 8088 MPH was an attempt to get more youtube views?
added on the 2015-06-26 07:30:25 by trixter trixter
I did not follow the thread completely, but is it really nessecary to hav >90 posts on such a topic?!

All personal arguing aside:
It's the authors prods - shouldn't the authors be allowed to decide on the representation here?! - be it multiple downloads, final versions, making ofs, csdb/demozoo-links, or heck, multiple video links. What am I missing here?
added on the 2015-06-27 10:29:19 by v3nom v3nom
thats a good question indeed. i for example do not support or endorse watching my productions on youpoop in any way - please remove those links.
added on the 2015-06-27 15:35:37 by groepaz groepaz
v3nom: likewise, shouldn't the authors be allowed to decide on the representation of their works at deadline demoparty?! just so you know, my entry for the oldskool compo runs only on recent dx11 hardware, it should be played at least 3 times in succession so people can read all the scrollers, and you should buy 3d glasses and hire fluffers for all visitors because otherwise they will get a wrong impression of my demo thanks to your careless handling of the compos. or am i missing something here? :P
added on the 2015-06-27 16:16:50 by havoc havoc
I'll vouch for fluffers.
added on the 2015-06-27 17:48:15 by SnC SnC
groepaz: good point, in my opinion the links should aswell be removed if the author don't want them to be there.

havoc: we will of course try our very best to provide the best possible presentation of all entries handed in at deadline demoparty. That's why we try to run everything on original hardware. Besides that compo-rules apply of course - we have a time limit for our entries and entries are shown once usually. :)
added on the 2015-06-28 10:39:39 by v3nom v3nom
How about aligning party compos to de-facto modern-day viewing practices. Every compo has two rounds. The first one is done by watching a framerate-crapped Youtube capture version. Then there's the voting, and top two entries are shown from the original video, but only after most of the audience has left the hall to get a beer.
added on the 2015-06-28 13:38:01 by yzi yzi
