Random "work in progress" shots
category: general [glöplog]
sensenstahl: unfortunately, there's no time budget to spend on elaborating this thing further :(. There are still a couple of other intro/effect ideas that I'd like to be able to afford making this year :D.
Well I guess I'll try one menger-like fractal, just as a test...

last minute master to 24bit
thank entity xyz123, wavosaur did not crash. actually performed great.
@noby: looks awesome!!
doing some shitty efxs for dos demo (just for fun ;)

I hope we have this assembled for trsac :)

(not final, just bleh)

(not final, just bleh)


Better than nothing!

cce: looking good! <3
And meanwhile in a discussion with cce...
23:21 noby: http://imgur.com/gallery/PDdR6Qs
23:21 noby: i wonder when this will become a demoeffect
snq, you're alive!

dunno where i'm heading but greetings part is kinda trivial i suppose believe yes
looks purty, but my neck feels funny now :D
it's a demogroup weather app?

Will be released on 3BM.
we are waiting ;)
sect strikes back!\o/

GX4000, it' over 9000!!!
My room is a mess. Tons of console hoarding and games I never play.
So yeah, I kinda started working on my wolfenstein engine, motivated by a spanish CPC gamedev compo (not sure I'll make something in time though), with some speed improvements and less display bugs/no crashes it starts being playable.
So yeah, I kinda started working on my wolfenstein engine, motivated by a spanish CPC gamedev compo (not sure I'll make something in time though), with some speed improvements and less display bugs/no crashes it starts being playable.
@Optimus: Awesome. Nice room btw!
It rocks Optimus!
Messy room like this is inspiring.
Amstrad coding while listening to roland radio too ;) kalimeraaaa...
Messy room like this is inspiring.
Amstrad coding while listening to roland radio too ;) kalimeraaaa...
Optimus, keep up the good work! I've seen Wolfenstrad of Youtube and it is quite impressive. Thumbs up for the weird console version of the CPC!

Some wips of "Mutualism" by still vs. nerdarzt.
I'll probably improve the animation of the sloths and release a final... you can't really see it in the current release :/
Only a few more wires, a single board, and some woodwork to go.