random beer bottle images with a scener hand
category: residue [glöplog]

Haaandcraaafted beeeya from Maaaahlbuurne cTrix?

Web pic due to not drinking any longer...

Web pic due to not drinking any longer...
ugh.. well dusted VB ..

could be a 'repost' but it's a nice beer :)

anyway, no work tomorrow :)

TIL that spiny's a pisshead! ;P
Vintage m8, vintage...
ugh.. well dusted VB ..
Vintage m8, vintage...

(sweet and damn tasty, I'd eat a Roster with that)
spiny: that badge, on the left - don't leak such things online

s'gommd aber neh aus zwiggau!
@tFt - finally someone with enough class and sophistication as to be using a stubbie cooler!

mog: it's a loyalty card for a surf shop in Devon :) not even linked to an account, just gives me 5% off stuff, but I moved it just in case :)

spiny: okay, just was concerned!