
Looking for old Pals

category: general [glöplog]
Howdy, i'm looking to contact old Pals

Donk & Reval ex. Pulse (Amiga)

I met them with Hardy at an AFL meeting in Cologne held in summer 1994.
They (they are brothers) travelled from Radolfzell to Cologne for that meeting iirc.
Somebody knows what happened to them and how to possibly contact them?
Any help appreciated!
added on the 2015-06-12 21:20:37 by gentleman gentleman
How about some new pals? Nice to meet you! ^_^
I remember this meeting!
Was held at Crazy´s place (at that time Scoopex, later he was in TRSi)
I had been in mail-contact with Donk/Reval (1001byte and brother, sorry, forgot your previous nick over time!) for some years by then, we´ve been in the same Group=SaVaGe for some time aswell, before they started PULSE, which kicked major asses in the scene back then! :)
Sadly i lost my old Amiga with everything i ever had concerning Amiga (just copied everything to Harddisk at some point of time and gifted all my disks to someone else!) around 1999, so i cannot recover any contact data...
Good Guys for sure! Passionated about Amiga to max limit and always motivated! ♥
