
Outline 2015 - May 14th - 17th - Willemsoord, The Netherlands

category: parties [glöplog]
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added on the 2015-05-08 01:15:55 by mog mog
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added on the 2015-05-08 03:56:31 by numtek numtek
When do the doors open btw? We are rearranging our trip there, so we might go at night/early morning to avoid the traffic in germany. It can be horrible there.
added on the 2015-05-08 09:50:36 by SnC SnC
The earlier you are the bigger the chances are of you helping setting up tables :)
added on the 2015-05-08 10:11:02 by okkie okkie
Allright, we will probably pop up somewhen around noon'ish if all goes as planned :)
added on the 2015-05-08 10:22:22 by SnC SnC
Nice. Is it thursday yet?
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added on the 2015-05-08 21:04:22 by SnC SnC
damn. well, looks like I won't be biking as I have to bring my tower and the giant rolly bag to carry it in, and that ain't fittin' on a back rack.
p.s. when is a critical mass of folks arriving at Schipol and taking the train to the partyplace?
it's a final countdown. ta-tata-ta
added on the 2015-05-11 10:58:10 by g0blinish g0blinish
I have no idea yet if m0d will be coming and if he would bring floppies at all, and my own supply is limited, so please, everyone bring your precious floppies for a floppy throwing compo, mkay?
well, if anyone is arriving in Schipol around 15:40 on Thursday, we can meet up.
yes, what saga said.. and ideally OS/2 warp installation floppies... all 385 of them!
added on the 2015-05-11 12:07:19 by el mal el mal
I'll bring this one that I found in my luggage coming back from Revision. It's not like there's going to be anything important on it, right...?

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added on the 2015-05-11 13:56:01 by gasman gasman
As I'm one of Ze Germans™ I'd better bring this:
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added on the 2015-05-11 14:41:17 by moqui moqui
Das Original - Nur echt mit 52 Umlauten…
added on the 2015-05-11 14:42:04 by moqui moqui
added on the 2015-05-11 14:44:22 by okkie okkie
again - any stream?;)
added on the 2015-05-11 14:48:06 by g0blinish g0blinish
The real stream is at the party place.
added on the 2015-05-11 14:50:26 by moqui moqui
if yes, please, put a link to stream at website. 10x.
added on the 2015-05-11 15:02:28 by g0blinish g0blinish
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added on the 2015-05-11 15:16:04 by el mal el mal
added on the 2015-05-11 17:17:53 by g0blinish g0blinish
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added on the 2015-05-11 18:36:57 by SnC SnC
goblinish, reading is not exactly your strength, is it?
We have no incentive to cater to Sofasceners −please stop asking for video feeds.

From the Outline website.
added on the 2015-05-11 21:27:45 by Paranoid Paranoid
