Random "work in progress" shots
category: general [glöplog]
TLM: nice! looking forward to your next release :)
TLM: Looking forward to play with it! Is it possible to group tracks in any shape or form?
Working on re-issueing a GUS compatible soundcard.

Blog here: http://guspnp.livejournal.com/

Blog here: http://guspnp.livejournal.com/
quisten, I'm not sure what you mean by track grouping, but I was planning to have "track visibility presets" so one could quickly show/hide the different tracks according to different scene (or whatever) he's working on. You're probably talking about something smarter... Anyway, I'm really open to suggestions.

emoon/tbl's gnurocket editor is also a nice ground control replacement, btw!
visy: i love that!
TLM: that's exactly what I mean :) Having tabs for "camera", "scene1", "general" and so forth.
emoon's alternative editor already does grouping. try it! it's teh nice!
TLM: nice :)
that is actually a photo of me at the time when i was coding this. and i keep the distance field of myself in a secure place because i have enough impostor syndrome already.
maybe we should hand you over to attention whore? ;)
We will take good care of him :-)

Always good to start fresh.
First 128-byte intro screenshot :

Second 128-byte intro screenshot :

Second 128-byte intro screenshot :
Goddamn Baud :D
Inspired by Baudsurfer:

baud u nuts?
@SnC @g0blinish @EvilOne : I realize just now before your positive but disproportionate comments I might have wrongly formulated the fact that I was alluding to two different screenshots of two different intros hereabove and not two screenshots of a single one :) I hope you will appreciate them still and hope you don't feel deceived.
@shash : impeccable scenes (y)
@shash : impeccable scenes (y)
shash: nice pictures. i think you need to decrease texture multiplier on the second pic from bottom. since the other pictures have no antialiasing, i have to ask: is it software rendering or hw render?
baudsurfer: looking forward to see the 128byter
baudsurfer: looking forward to see the 128byter
It's a raymarcher, hardware rendered. That second screenshot aliasing is due to not sampling averaging enough "texels": I think I had a 4x4 "kernel" at the time. Any way, didn't really need to raise the amount of samples as the final textures + post-process hid the aliasing quite nicely :)
well exactly what g0blinish said :D