Revision 2015 - 3rd to 6th April - Saarbrücken, Germany
category: parties [glöplog]
oh and that ronny, lugoober and hoffman gig was so loud i couldn't even hear my own beer!
Bullshit, the sound levels were very reasonable (<100db) for all the main stage sets. Kb walked around with a db meter during the gigs to check.
And yes, I was down on the floor a couple of times during our own set to check what it sounded like. We had more sound pressure from the stage monitors than you guys had down on the floor, even compared to standing directly in front of the speaker stacks.
Quote:I didn't think it would be so tender (TM)
Best quote about kissing lug00ber during revision 2014!
What were the runners up?
so so... during... i THINK it was the threeway with Ronny. There was a a Ghostbusters Mashup played. Which one was it!?!?!
I must know.
Ronny played it during one of the live coding matches, I'm sure he could help you out. Ask @rktic on Twitter :)
ola: that comment was a sarcastic remark towards people complaining about noise levels in the hall. as dwarf said, we were able to have a short conversation while pretty much standing next to the left speakers stack when you guys were threesoming the fuck! :)
ola: that comment was a sarcastic remark towards people complaining about noise levels in the hall. as dwarf said, we were able to have a short conversation while pretty much standing next to the left speakers stack when you guys were threesoming the fuck! :)
maarten: my bad :)
Alkama's set from the Hardy vs mu6k Shader Showdown qualification match
volume level was pretty fine - powerful enough for kicking sound, but still at a level which doesn´t overdrive or blow your eardrums out immediately.
I personally didn't think there was any problem with the volume level for the big screen, very listenable to as T$ said :)
Alkama's set from the mu6k vs eybor Shader Showdown semi final match
<3 @lug00ber :)
Each scene has it merits.

Bullshit, the sound levels were very reasonable (<100db) for all the main stage sets.
Reasonable for the already half deaf maybe. :) (everything above 85db harms your hearing)
I can only stand this volume with earplugs, but I know most people prefer it that loud.
but I know most people prefer it that loud.
Until they get a tinnitus ... *rolleyes*
...or a hearing aid.
But we shouldn't try to educate people. Everybody is old enough to make his/her decisions.
But we shouldn't try to educate people. Everybody is old enough to make his/her decisions.
Quote:Bullshit, the sound levels were very reasonable (<100db) for all the main stage sets.
Reasonable for the already half deaf maybe. :) (everything above 85db harms your hearing)
That is totally dependant on exposure time. At 85 db you are good for about 8 hours, and then you can halve the acceptable time of exposure per 3 db (4 hours for 88 db and so on).
Also, these values are calculated using constant noise (traffic, office space ambience etc.), not music. Music is dynamic, there are breakdowns and quiet parts that will have lower sound pressure level than the main part of a track.
And yes, it is reasonable for a club night or a concert, where the sound pressure level usually is 100-110 db. What sound pressure level *you* find best for enjoying music is naturally entirely subjective, and you should do whatever you feel like doing to maximize your experience. But the sound pressure levels in front of the main stage at Revision were reasonable when factoring in time of exposure, even if you personally would prefer lower levels.
However, using earplugs at is smart, and I'm not going to try to convince you otherwise. More people should do that (I do).
Quote:but I know most people prefer it that loud.
Until they get a tinnitus ... *rolleyes*
Sorry, but I've had tinnitus for 20 years now, and I still like loud music :P
Also, I guess there's breaks - people need to piss sometimes or go outside (if not for anything else, to get food) - that should relax the ears enough then... I mean, does anybody, really, spend all the time in the hall?
I measured sound levels at the toilet. It was already over 85db with no music being played. You seriously think music on main stage should be quieter than the bathroom? :D
No, but a quiet(er) area (inside!) would be nice.
Just to weigh in some measurements: The main liveacts were at about 85dB at the back of the hall, 95dB in front of the stage, and about 100dB directly in front of the speakers. This was also the ballpark of the second stage (only it didn't throw as wide and was way quieter outside the dancefloor). And yeah, the stage monitor speakers were loud as fuck because the DJs demanded tho :D
...the stage monitor speakers were loud as fuck because the DJs demanded tho :D
Chicken and Egg. What came first, their demand for high volume or their need for it? :)
JTZ: It's totally OK not to like DJ's but please make sure your own record isn't skipping all the time first :)
What makes you think I do not like DJs?
I only dislike too loud music, that's all. Something I can counter with earplugs.
I only dislike too loud music, that's all. Something I can counter with earplugs.

no that's not a typo, I'm starting a new group called Toulou. Primarily we'll be releasing typos.
@okkie: I have been too old for all my life. :)