Demoscene social issues
category: general [glöplog]
provided we can work out a gold standard for what "infringes on someones freedom" means, I am totally for some kinda standard like what Gasman+Farfar+others suggest. Like for instance, ensuring there are always a place that is semi-quiet, all that stuff.
Exin: Afaik, it will be planned, in a few hours..
Now I am offended! After putting so much effort in thoroughly thought arguments reading that you considered them just "a stupid talk" really hurts my feelings.
Also the fact that you blatantly ignore and make fun of all the hard work and devotion I put into crafting my releases each with its own well-thought message really makes me sad =(
with all respect, you are wasting your time, it was mainly a stupid talk between me, T$, bitbreaker, Maali.[...]
Now I am offended! After putting so much effort in thoroughly thought arguments reading that you considered them just "a stupid talk" really hurts my feelings.
Also the fact that you blatantly ignore and make fun of all the hard work and devotion I put into crafting my releases each with its own well-thought message really makes me sad =(
T$: I see what you are doing here, it will not work;)
you´re doing it again... :(
Ok guys, either consensus or:

[omg he's threatening us with censorship!!!!111]

[omg he's threatening us with censorship!!!!111]
close the thread, ban everybody who posted in it (including me)
It's pretty clear to me:
One beam slide mentioning that it's ok to report any disturbance (in the force) to infodesk/organizers/other people. And also the same slide asking everyone to remember to respect each other! (and no, being drunk is not an excuse).
Really, it's THAT easy! Is there any other problem? :)
One beam slide mentioning that it's ok to report any disturbance (in the force) to infodesk/organizers/other people. And also the same slide asking everyone to remember to respect each other! (and no, being drunk is not an excuse).
Really, it's THAT easy! Is there any other problem? :)
Tomoya: assholes won't read the beamslides :)
Yeah, but then they won't read CoC either :)
Tomoya: Exactly :)
Anything you write is aimed for people who are not aware of the routine yet. To influence the rest, you need to work on collective awareness / responsibility.
(This just about sums up the thread, I guess.)
(This just about sums up the thread, I guess.)
Freedom to enjoy the party with loud music and booze. Freedom to enjoy the party WITHOUT those things.
For parties organised in a single hall it's not physically possible to guarantee silent spaces so imho any rule forcing that could not be part of a (semi-)universal CoC. Other than that, no objections.
Silent space is outside space.
Or the space between your ears once you apply the free bilsons from the infodesk:
=^u^= <- ASCII usage example pic, "^u^": you, "=": free infodesk bilson
Or the space between your ears once you apply the free bilsons from the infodesk:
=^u^= <- ASCII usage example pic, "^u^": you, "=": free infodesk bilson
At Viprinet we have an ethics commission, and for example we have the following rule when it comes to doing business in a country:
We imagine a hypothetical sales guy that has to fly to that country, visiting a customer. The hypothetical sales guy is female, gay, smokes pot and does not believe in the existence of any god. He enters immigration in that country at the airport, and openly says that he is female, gay, smokes pot and does not believe in god. If at this point he can pass, we do business in the country. If he gets shot or put into jail, we don't.
Oh how i wish this rule would apply to all German exports.
On topic I really like Tomoyas pragmatic solution. We'll probably will implement it at the next deadline like this. (Which is not officially confirmed yet)
Can't believe I didn't think of this sooner.
Anyway. The "law" we need has been in place for years, in a made up city in a Norwegian childrens book. It makes more sense in Norwegian, but:
The Cardamon Law
Anyway. The "law" we need has been in place for years, in a made up city in a Norwegian childrens book. It makes more sense in Norwegian, but:
The Cardamon Law
Or for people who comprehend a scandinavian language:
Man skal ikke plage andre, man skal være grei og snill, og forøvrig kan man gjøre hva man vil.
out of curiosity. how would one implement a silent space at, say, revsision?
also, i agree with gargaj.
also, i agree with gargaj.
Or for people who comprehend a scandinavian language:
...or use Google translator :)
in before out
every visitor will get a crash course sign language so important demo matters can be discussed while others rave to the hardstyle version of Let It Go!
Or the space between your ears once you apply the free bilsons from the infodesk:
=^u^= <- ASCII usage example pic, "^u^": you, "=": free infodesk bilson
I keep reading that as 'bison'.
Do not put bisons in your ears, people. It's not comfortable, and it violates the personal space of the bison.