
Revision 2015 - 3rd to 6th April - Saarbrücken, Germany

category: parties [glöplog]
(Photo from an actual Dutch demoparty)
added on the 2015-04-15 13:06:34 by okkie okkie
That's a horrible fucking snype :(
added on the 2015-04-15 13:06:47 by okkie okkie
that opportunity is called at home.

And then you'll have people berating you for being a sofa scener.

My own personal experience (and I say this fully realizing that "data" is not the plural of "anecdote") is that the average Revision visitor is quite respectful of both the artform and the other visitors - even if they like to get tipsy - and I'm sorry to hear Cutter's experience was the contrary. Some are there mainly to get wasted, though, and I've been on the scene long enough to know that alcohol and drugs can be a problem even if people don't want to hear about it.
added on the 2015-04-15 13:11:15 by jobe jobe
Slight correction: alcohol and other drugs.
added on the 2015-04-15 13:11:57 by jobe jobe
garg: come on, even nvidia installed a bar for you! ;)
added on the 2015-04-15 13:12:42 by el mal el mal
We never had a pukestain in the middle of the audience though.
added on the 2015-04-15 13:14:08 by Gargaj Gargaj
Regarding the alcohol, wasnt there a sign saying no hard liquor inside the party place?
added on the 2015-04-15 13:31:43 by magic magic
well yeah, there are some people walking around who could perhaps drink a bit less, but still claiming that it seems everyone was drunk is a wrong generalization. the party element is part of the game and contributes to the fun factor to most visitors.
added on the 2015-04-15 13:36:27 by el mal el mal
He didn't say "everyone", he said "Almost all the people I talked to". That of course can be an unfortunate sample, sure, and I'd wager that finding sober people to talk to wouldn't have been hard. Still, probably not the best experience you get at your first party.
added on the 2015-04-15 13:42:18 by Gargaj Gargaj
Regarding the alcohol, wasnt there a sign saying no hard liquor inside the party place?

that's why it was consumed outside, like the cocktails from the bar.
added on the 2015-04-15 13:46:03 by teo teo
@magic: it actually said: "No hard alcohol inside the main hall."
added on the 2015-04-15 13:50:18 by teo teo
there's plenty of opportunity to watch demos in a sober state without annoying people around you.. that opportunity is called at home.

I used hat opportunity this year and now I suppose I will (have to) use it next year again.
added on the 2015-04-15 13:55:47 by JTZ JTZ
I think the bit about alcohol is a valid concern. Personally I don't like hanging out with drunk people all too much unless I am in a similar mood and/or state of intoxication myself. I spent one Breakpoint (2008? 2009?) completely sober and the party experience was quite a different one for me then and I tended to withdraw a lot more, not fully catching the party vibe at all. The first NVScene was a nice change from the usual "let's get wasted and watch computer shit"-stuff that demoparties tend to be, because it was a lot more sober there and it had the conference feeling. I even enjoyed some shop talk.

That said, I am sure that there's a lot of stuff to do and a lot of people to talk to even if you want to steer away from the drunks. The compo nights can get slightly rowdy of course, and some people end up in a condition where it's no fun talking to them (been there, done that, unfortunately), but that's (unfortunately?) part of the party culture. Once you get to know more people, meeting them and enjoying their company, even if tipsy, gets easier.
added on the 2015-04-15 14:15:22 by Preacher Preacher
Cutter, JTZ: demoscene is a mixed bag of individuals, some prefer to get shitfaced and sleep on a ground, while some stay in hotel, iron their shirts every morning and only drop by for a beer (or blueberry juice) to talk with friends, it's total freedom. I think nobody will have any problem if you prefer to follow the second pattern, but I think it's still good to experience the party.

Saying that, I understand you might be afraid to be dragged into the "bad company", but well, it's life, it takes a little bit of character to be yourself.
added on the 2015-04-15 14:37:32 by tomkh tomkh
I'm mostly on the side of the loud majority here (booze and loud music *is* the GermanEasterParty experience, and the fact that people aren't spending 72 hours hunched over a laptop doesn't mean they aren't passionate about demos) - but I remember being in Cutter's situation at Breakpoint 2005, and having a thoroughly miserable time trying to sleep while Metalvotze were pissing themselves laughing over the fact that it was 4AM and their microphone was squealing with feedback for the 10th time in a fucking hour.

Along with a similar experience at tUM that year, I very nearly gave up on attending German demoparties entirely, and I'm really glad that someone stepped up to do something about it. So let's not be too fast to dismiss complaints of obnoxious behaviour with "it's a party, deal with it", please...

Cutter: I hope you do give other parties a try. They all have their own atmosphere, and Revision is definitely on the more intense end of the scale. I'd especially highlight Outline and Sundown as two parties that are great experiences without the 'excess'.
added on the 2015-04-15 14:45:03 by gasman gasman
or evoke. tho tobi might hijack the PA on sunday morning ;)
added on the 2015-04-15 14:51:54 by el mal el mal
Maybe cutter should take a break and talk to lesser known people and not so many "scene clowns"? You can talk to some guys while they are doing demos about it, you know? Nobody will bite your head off just for a few questions... Unless its about their sexual orientation while they watch porn, ofcourse. :D

Also, about the music, i think of it this way: It is mostly played by those who are very old now and whose music is not played in clubs anymore. So they go to demoparties for the nostalgia. :D
added on the 2015-04-15 15:21:12 by Exin Exin
My only experience of complete drunkeness this time was Sunday lunchtime when some guy tried to steal the table I was working on, silently staring me in the eyes the whole time. Fortunately, before he moved it more than a few inches, his minder managed to convince him to sit quietly in front of the beamteam instead. :)
added on the 2015-04-15 15:23:02 by Subi Subi
Attention! Media Facade entries are now available on scene.org!
added on the 2015-04-15 16:34:27 by Tomoya Tomoya
Thank you! :)
added on the 2015-04-15 16:49:28 by gaspode gaspode
@Teo: I think I have seen alot of strong alcohol around inside..

But anyway.. could Amstel or Heineken beer be sold next year? :)
added on the 2015-04-15 17:48:54 by magic magic
amstel or heineken? might as well just drink the water from the urinals
added on the 2015-04-15 18:56:32 by el mal el mal
added on the 2015-04-15 19:32:13 by moqui moqui
I've read all the previous posts, but I have to agree with others: try some other parties. They're all different. As to Revision, if all you talked to were drunk people, I have to say that you really only breached the surface. I sat with a bunch of Nectarines, and of the ten or so there over the weekend, only two at the table were actually drunk and one of them not all of the time. The people I talked with from SVatG weren't drunk (at least that I noticed), and if you had something good to trade would probably give you a Club-Mate, as long as they got the bottle back for the deposit. :) I also happened to sit behind Panda Cube and grx(?) was nice to talk to about the cube, or whatever.

Yeah, there's going to be loud people with quite a bit of drink in them, but there's plenty of pockets to go to if you look. :)

I can't say anything on the party hall "after hours" because I've always gotten a hotel, and leave the party hall generally around 2 to 3am. There can still be music going on then, but it's not called a "party hall" for nothing and the schedule has it open 24/7. All I can suggest is a good pair of earmuffs perhaps, or finding a cheap local hotel to stay at. (Preferably with a breakfast option.) The shuttle to the hotels in the evenings is free.
On booze and parties and rowdiness - I have the thing that I come for the demos but I stay for the party - I know we danes are known as a silly bunch (though luckily with some strong contenders that show you white people how its done) but i guarantee none of us would turn up for just a proper drunkfest, and if we werent all busy replicating we would have submitted more than a card game. So yeah - there's boozarama, we are like an older sadder version of Poobrain like that. But we are here for the demoscene, so dont get put off by me dancing like an asshole - I still want to talk shop :)

My own demoparty TRSAC (coming this fall at 16-18 october yo!) is a very mellow party in that we condense our partying into a much more tight schedule and just up the intensity at certain points.

That means that you will have a quiet morning and afternoon, mogui and nnorm dancing with chairs on their heads in the night, and be in a nice completely quiet sleeping area by 3 am if you so desire. So come the fuck and bring your fucking productions. You beautiful people.
added on the 2015-04-15 19:47:10 by nic0 nic0
