Revision 2015 - 3rd to 6th April - Saarbrücken, Germany
category: parties [glöplog]
Don't the Meteoriks cover that already?
Uhm, awarding productions with a prize isn't the same as enjoying them on the bigscreen. And in case you meant the winner screening in the seminar area: That's not a bigscreen. :)
Wasn't that just the demoshow for Saarbrücken residents, i.e. just like this year at Sunday noon?
Nope, just looked it up: At Revision 2013, it was called "Curio‘s 2012 Essentials", on Friday between 22:00-23:00.
I realize we didn't have the Shader Showdown back then and the timetable is cramped full already, but I distinctly remember enjoying this one hour packed full with great demos on the bigscreen very much. It's so much better than watching demos at home!
All has been said already. Great party that was as always smoothly organized, and with even greater compos than before! Had some specific issues but the involved orgas have been super helpful <3.
10/10 would visit again next year!
10/10 would visit again next year!
Gaspode and everyone else asking for recordings/videos of things: We will do our very best to sift through all the recording data we stored and upload as much as possible of it to YouTube (just like the last years). This will take a lot of time (watching everything, cutting, fixing/recovering corrupt/broken files or re-assembling videos from different sources, rendering, uploading, ...) and you have a head-start on us (we only left the hall today after loading up all multiple tons of equipment and stuff) so for now, all we can do is ask you to please be patient while we lick our wounds, return to our day-jobs and get the post-production pipeline up and running.
If something you are looking for still isn't up in a week or two/three, drop us an e-mail to the Revision hotline and we'll try to hunt it down it we have it recorded.
If something you are looking for still isn't up in a week or two/three, drop us an e-mail to the Revision hotline and we'll try to hunt it down it we have it recorded.
P.S. "to YouTube" and the FTP!
Thank you Steltek!
We'd be happy to host as many additional Curio demoshows as we can get. Gargaj? :)
Apart from that, yeah, it could be more. But we at the beamteam are often either busy preparing the next events when there's nothing running, or we simply want to have time to get some food or even visit the toilet once in a while. So showing a few sporadic demos when there's a free PC and someone feels like it it is. And of course the tour for Saarbrücken residents.
But you know what? This all can be solved pretty easily. Just write us a mail with "Hey! I'd like to host a demoshow with the best of 205" or something and we can surely arrange it for a potential Revision 2016. :)
Apart from that, yeah, it could be more. But we at the beamteam are often either busy preparing the next events when there's nothing running, or we simply want to have time to get some food or even visit the toilet once in a while. So showing a few sporadic demos when there's a free PC and someone feels like it it is. And of course the tour for Saarbrücken residents.
But you know what? This all can be solved pretty easily. Just write us a mail with "Hey! I'd like to host a demoshow with the best of 205" or something and we can surely arrange it for a potential Revision 2016. :)
So I probably missed this (and feel free to redirect me) but how can one still get a copy of the DUB card game? Was too busy at the party and still a little too itinerant to have a sense of things. Starting next Sunday night, less so . . . for about two months. And convenient to mail to from Denmark.
Thank you for the great party! :) It was again a nice little easter trip (however returning back to reality wasn't).
Hello KB,
I do some streaming works for Riverwash in Poland for two years now. It looks like we have a lot of common experience in the 8-bit streaming topic. I still have on my desk Hauppage streamer who has some sync problems (lot of unsuccesfull tests behind me) with C64.
Actually we have finished some tests with Blacmagic Intensity Pro4k.
I would like to get in contact with you for some experience exchange, is your Csdb email still valid?
I do some streaming works for Riverwash in Poland for two years now. It looks like we have a lot of common experience in the 8-bit streaming topic. I still have on my desk Hauppage streamer who has some sync problems (lot of unsuccesfull tests behind me) with C64.
Actually we have finished some tests with Blacmagic Intensity Pro4k.
I would like to get in contact with you for some experience exchange, is your Csdb email still valid?
Thank you very much to all the people involved!
As a fan of crazy number plates, I was in 7th heaven spotting those subtle ideas. Thanks guys for all 1337, RT-FM, M-SX and bunch of other pieces - you rock!
As a fan of crazy number plates, I was in 7th heaven spotting those subtle ideas. Thanks guys for all 1337, RT-FM, M-SX and bunch of other pieces - you rock!
We'd be happy to host as many additional Curio demoshows as we can get. Gargaj? :)
Which slot though? Timetable seemed quite packed.
Yeah, thanks to all the orgas for another fantastic party! See you all next year! :D
Well that was beyond EPIC! Best year so far. Organisers excelled this year, you all deserve a medal, everything was super smooth!!
Massive shout outs to Ronny and lug00ber of course! That set was loads of fun, I liked how we started out with a plan of two tunes each then dropped that one each just before we started. Actually worked out really well because it stopped each of us getting too bored waiting to play the next tune.
Really enjoyed party production with Blueberry. Reorganising pattern data to remove 100 bytes which he needed to get the extra visual detail. The resulting Amiga 4k was dam epic! Also watching him pick up that 120hz monitor and then trying to work out how the hell we was going to get it home was pretty funny!
Huge huge shouts to Smash, Ellie and Destop for coming up with an arse kicking demo. Working with you guys was a real pleasure. Was really glad I decided not to watch it until compo night, made the impact really hit! Sorry if the music was a bit to #EDM for some people but at least I hope it helped wake everyone up ;)
Commiserations to Citrus who was working on a demo which SaVannaH and I provided a soundtrack for until he managed to spill energy drink over his mac book!! :S thankfully it was ok after a little rest :)
DUB battle cards!!! brilliant idea, really well executed!
To the guy who decided they would rotate my face for the tracked music compo intro video...
dam you!!!!
Thanks for all the other great sets too, the ones I caught I think I was so drunk I can't remember who was playing what!!! I think Saturday night was pretty epic?? oh and Sunday with Cheesy and glxblt!
It still baffles me how well organised the whole event is! I can't even fathom how much work and effort goes into this!
So much more I could say, but lets not fill this post up too much guff...
Peace and love to all... see you at Sundown 2015! (and Revision 2016 of course!)
Massive shout outs to Ronny and lug00ber of course! That set was loads of fun, I liked how we started out with a plan of two tunes each then dropped that one each just before we started. Actually worked out really well because it stopped each of us getting too bored waiting to play the next tune.
Really enjoyed party production with Blueberry. Reorganising pattern data to remove 100 bytes which he needed to get the extra visual detail. The resulting Amiga 4k was dam epic! Also watching him pick up that 120hz monitor and then trying to work out how the hell we was going to get it home was pretty funny!
Huge huge shouts to Smash, Ellie and Destop for coming up with an arse kicking demo. Working with you guys was a real pleasure. Was really glad I decided not to watch it until compo night, made the impact really hit! Sorry if the music was a bit to #EDM for some people but at least I hope it helped wake everyone up ;)
Commiserations to Citrus who was working on a demo which SaVannaH and I provided a soundtrack for until he managed to spill energy drink over his mac book!! :S thankfully it was ok after a little rest :)
DUB battle cards!!! brilliant idea, really well executed!
To the guy who decided they would rotate my face for the tracked music compo intro video...
dam you!!!!
Thanks for all the other great sets too, the ones I caught I think I was so drunk I can't remember who was playing what!!! I think Saturday night was pretty epic?? oh and Sunday with Cheesy and glxblt!
It still baffles me how well organised the whole event is! I can't even fathom how much work and effort goes into this!
So much more I could say, but lets not fill this post up too much guff...
Peace and love to all... see you at Sundown 2015! (and Revision 2016 of course!)
what a blast!
i can't even think of anything to criticise. everything was perfect!
it felt so good to be on an easter party again after a 4 year break. scene is really like an extended family...
my particular highlights were: meeting old friends; the danish jungle set; threeway with ronny; excellent compo quality; some people enjoying my set; doing fascinating interviews for my project; tasty vegan food (and i'm not even vegan); talking lots of polish; ...
i will definitely come next year!
i can't even think of anything to criticise. everything was perfect!
it felt so good to be on an easter party again after a 4 year break. scene is really like an extended family...
my particular highlights were: meeting old friends; the danish jungle set; threeway with ronny; excellent compo quality; some people enjoying my set; doing fascinating interviews for my project; tasty vegan food (and i'm not even vegan); talking lots of polish; ...
i will definitely come next year!
You are all full of shit.
You are all evil.
I love you <3
You are all evil.
I love you <3
Holy crap this party rules. Despite having some trouble both on the way there and back which caused me to miss a workday and made the trip absolutely exhausting, it was definitely worth it all!
The compos were pretty much all amazing. It brought me inner peace to know that the scene is still alive and well. Meeting & greeting the new blood and seeing convincing productions from people I had never heard of helped to reinforce my belief in the future of demo culture.
Also, Revision pushed me to finally break the hiatus on music making and I managed to release my first track in like 8 months: SHAMELESS SELF-PROMOTION
Dare I be a bit candid here? Frankly, I have been feeling quite down lately. However, witnessing the unstoppable creative force in the scene, meeting all of the old & new friends, feeling loved and partying like there's no tomorrow brought back some of the spark that keeps me going on. It's a feeling I yearn, a feeling I live for. Thank you for that.
*wipes a tear, gathers game-face back together*
The compos were pretty much all amazing. It brought me inner peace to know that the scene is still alive and well. Meeting & greeting the new blood and seeing convincing productions from people I had never heard of helped to reinforce my belief in the future of demo culture.
Also, Revision pushed me to finally break the hiatus on music making and I managed to release my first track in like 8 months: SHAMELESS SELF-PROMOTION
Dare I be a bit candid here? Frankly, I have been feeling quite down lately. However, witnessing the unstoppable creative force in the scene, meeting all of the old & new friends, feeling loved and partying like there's no tomorrow brought back some of the spark that keeps me going on. It's a feeling I yearn, a feeling I live for. Thank you for that.
*wipes a tear, gathers game-face back together*
a perfect summary of my experience of Revision'15 

That picture is the best i've seen so far! :D
as we say in Denmark, there was fart på!
Finally back home. Traveling at least 8 timezones in one day, and arriving in the same day as you left is plenty of "ugh". That said: Let's do this again! Next year.
Big thanks to the orgas. I havent visited any Breakpoint/Revision for 8 years now and you really improved on everything.
Great show and all was running so smooth. Perfect hall, food & beverages, coffee support, sleeping area, sanitary facilities, competitions and timetable.
Even the video quality of the low-end stuff was good this time. After some slight stuttering problems on Saturday, which got fixed for Sunday.
This was really worth the 2*10 hours horror trip with Deutsche Bahn.
Great show and all was running so smooth. Perfect hall, food & beverages, coffee support, sleeping area, sanitary facilities, competitions and timetable.
Even the video quality of the low-end stuff was good this time. After some slight stuttering problems on Saturday, which got fixed for Sunday.
This was really worth the 2*10 hours horror trip with Deutsche Bahn.

To sum up Revision 2015:
-One of the best parties arranged
-Services were awesome
-great coffee!
-awesome orgas, beanteam and help, when ever you needed it! <3 <3 <3
-improved sound system
-toilets were refreshed even better this year, and a bonus for the second stair making the squealing sound :)
-foods were really awesome and the pizza, beefs and veggo food rocked my socks!
Even if I arrived super late due some delays and other things that delay very fast got erased when the warm party spirit twisted around me.
There are no words in the world to describe the party and all the love and effort each and one of you put in to make it happen - my deepest respect and love for that!
See you next year.
-One of the best parties arranged
-Services were awesome
-great coffee!
-awesome orgas, beanteam and help, when ever you needed it! <3 <3 <3
-improved sound system
-toilets were refreshed even better this year, and a bonus for the second stair making the squealing sound :)
-foods were really awesome and the pizza, beefs and veggo food rocked my socks!
Even if I arrived super late due some delays and other things that delay very fast got erased when the warm party spirit twisted around me.
There are no words in the world to describe the party and all the love and effort each and one of you put in to make it happen - my deepest respect and love for that!
See you next year.