
Razor1911 musicdiscmaker

category: general [glöplog]
Please could somebody help me out with a working link to this prod, please? Can't seem to find any trace of it anywhere...if someone's willing to email it to me, archangel[at]rebelspy[dot]net, that'd be excellent.

By the way, this part of some research for a socio-musicological dissertation for my degree, rather than simple laziness. My non-music coding abilities are conspicuous by their absence and I tend to just use un4seen's xm-exe to compile my tunes and player code, but I'm keen to see how this works. Thanks again...
You want us to help you cheat in class! Ha, not so!
added on the 2005-01-03 00:55:44 by Stelthzje Stelthzje
Hahaha - I'm afraid not:P

I write my own research briefs now, and it's to accompany compositional, literary and technical modules within an English and Music BA degree. Basically, the lecturers in my department haven't heard of modtracking and they're keen for me to teach the rest of the department the basics - apart from anything, they think it'll save them money on site-licenses for expensive sequencing software...maybe, maybe not...

As well as being a personal passion, I want to present the idea of modtracking to the academic musicological establishment as a legitimate form of notation in a way that many forms of electronic music can't achieve. Just as an experienced staff notation reader can interpret and transpose, say, an unusual cleff (viola, for instance), an experienced tracker can get a vague outline of a tune's structure by glancing over the rows and columns - there's a certain visual artistry to it. I think it deserves as much recognition as present-day guitar tabulature, renaissance luthieristic notational paradigms, baroque organ shorthand, whatever else you can think of.

Where stuff like this musicdisk maker comes in is the social impact of subcultural recipient groups and notions of popular dissemination - and as we all know, the modscene led the way with free, small, self-perpetuating music long before the proliferation of compression formats like mp3 and ogg. To disseminate work to non tracker-literate recipients, you need a fool-proof executable of some sort...which is where this comes in. Like I say, I'm happy with un4seen's xm-exe since I'm not being graded on aesthetic, so no - no cheating for me:D
You make it sounds like such a romantic concept :D
Heh - it's for the sake of my inner child, the one who got his A600 in 1992 and spent many years in a bleep-infested fantasy land, gazing for hours at cracktros and being mesmerised by the music. I don't think I even *owned* a legit game for years. If that's not romanticism, I dunno what is :D
piracy and therefor cancer.. =)

just wait some days, either razordemo.com will get back up or they'll eventually upload it to razor1911.com

also blackpanther if you read this: feel free to up it to scene.org/incoming/resources/music/ or /demotools/
added on the 2005-01-03 03:30:29 by psenough psenough
I have it, but it may be an old version.. I'll check tonight.
added on the 2005-01-03 08:01:49 by sprocket sprocket
why not use winamp + modplug for replaying the modules?
Pinball. just wait awhile, as PS said. I have a copy here somewhere if you have no luck.

Piracy is a good thing, anything to break monopolies and ill copyright laws.
added on the 2005-01-03 08:21:45 by NoahR NoahR
Thanks people - I'll sit tight and see if it pops up:)
lalalalalalalala why dont you as bp he coded it
dub: up to razor1911.com and dump the url you lazy bum :P
added on the 2005-01-04 01:56:59 by psenough psenough
i like to see this to. is somebody upload to fix broke link?
don't steal my fucking avatar, man
added on the 2005-01-06 17:46:02 by v3nom v3nom
Does anyone know how I can get in touch with bp?
