
tracker mods (My albums)

category: music [glöplog]

Since my demo torrent was well-received (mostly), I have decided to share my smaller collection of music modules from the Demoscene, basically stuff that wouldn't fit in the demos torrent. Unlike the demos torrent, these tracks have the actual artist name (usually derived from various online sources like Nectarine), except in those cases where the mod was a "tune of the month" from magazines like CU Amiga and Amiga Computing (where getting the song name itself is hard enough, let alone the author).

added on the 2015-01-14 12:40:15 by Foebane72 Foebane72
No offense, but I think it's getting a little out of hand. Maybe you could keep the volume of threads dedicated to your music down a bit? (ideally, this should all be in one thread.)

Oh and mods should go to modarchive.org or modland, where they don't get lost. :)
added on the 2015-01-14 12:56:08 by tomaes tomaes
Tomaes, these are MP3 versions of mods, so hopefully more accessible than having to find a custom mod player.

And as for multiple threads, I didn't realise there was so little thread real estate here - maybe an admin can merge mine?
added on the 2015-01-14 13:04:34 by Foebane72 Foebane72
Hey, thanks for this and for the other collection! Will seed for a while.
added on the 2015-01-14 17:45:22 by pista pista
@FoeBane - cheers m8, dl/ing now will seed to 1:1.
@tomaes - shhh!
added on the 2015-01-15 00:31:10 by ringofyre ringofyre
Aaaaaaand it's gone ...
added on the 2015-01-15 12:26:29 by trc_wm trc_wm
these are MP3 versions of mods, so hopefully more accessible than having to find a custom mod player.

Sure. But then again, you need a "custom download client". So it's still not the most accessible option and not the most permanently accessible one either, as torrents like these tend do go down/remain unseeded quickly. A popular streaming service would be a better option.

And as for multiple threads, I didn't realise there was so little thread real estate here - maybe an admin can merge mine?

It's not about server space, it's about looking spammy and desperate for attention. If we all did that, there would be little else here to see.
added on the 2015-01-15 13:43:39 by tomaes tomaes
Ok, seeding. Why not include the tracker files with the MP3s for ultimate pleasure?
added on the 2015-01-15 15:35:48 by trc_wm trc_wm
but what's the point of offering a random collection of mods converted to mp3? the added value of this collection is zilch... i would support the idea of a) discographies of known/popular musicians or b) collections by year of known/popular modules released in that year. as that may be interesting collections to download, seed and have.
added on the 2015-01-15 16:18:54 by el mal el mal
honestly, i know its this guys personal collection n all, but it has to be said that the large proportion of sceners probably have accumilated over the years their favourite mods, mp3s, vtx, sid, ay, etc etc etc and have probably maintained and organized them to their liking already (i know im analy sad to the point of keeping my library tidy at all times)

what youre offering is a nice gesture for a small number of others, and a few will seed them for you, but for those that care about naming conventions and keeping artist/demo tags intact you just cant beat doing it yourself.

I would also support Maalis suggestios, and as an example i do have scener discogs in my collection, ftp.modland helps greatly for that. There are options for a better set but it should be done correctly, if the initiative is to go ahead.
added on the 2015-01-15 17:27:08 by keito keito
It's not about server space, it's about looking spammy and desperate for attention. If we all did that, there would be little else here to see.

Fair enough, I'll stick to this thread from now on.
added on the 2015-01-15 19:36:16 by Foebane72 Foebane72
but what's the point of offering a random collection of mods converted to mp3? the added value of this collection is zilch... i would support the idea of a) discographies of known/popular musicians or b) collections by year of known/popular modules released in that year. as that may be interesting collections to download, seed and have.

I chose to organise my stuff this way as I was fed up to the back teeth of having to reorganise these albums or sets of files every time I discovered other works by a particular artist that I liked, or new stuff that they did that I liked, and I HAD to add it on to an existing album or set. Doing it this way means I can add stuff onto subsequent albums without modifying the originals.

And as I have said before, media players allow you to group tracks by artist regardless of which album they're in, so that problem of "having them scattered everywhere" is eliminated.
added on the 2015-01-15 19:42:13 by Foebane72 Foebane72
"custom download client".

Umm, bittorrent isn't exactly new. If you can't figure out how to dl a torrent by and you work/play with computers then maybe you need a change of direction.

as torrents like these tend do go down/remain unseeded quickly

Literally the whole fucking point of torrents is that after dl/ing people like you and I stick around to seed for everyone else - that's why it's called file sharing!
BB Image

it's about looking spammy and desperate for attention.

Quite the opposite - this gives me a chance to play some nice choons on th lappy and in the car - if there's anything that grabs my fancy I'll use my rudimentary search skillz to chase it up.

Keep up the good work Foe. I've dl'd and seeded 1:1 for both torrents but I'm happy to seed if it's needed. Ignore the naysayers.
added on the 2015-01-15 23:46:27 by ringofyre ringofyre
Thank you very much, ringofyre ;)
added on the 2015-01-16 00:03:24 by Foebane72 Foebane72
Umm, bittorrent isn't exactly new. If you can't figure out how to dl a torrent by and you work/play with computers then maybe you need a change of direction.

Not everyone is happy with downloading yet another piece of software for a single use. FWIW, I have no BT client installed either and I am not going to install one just for the purpose of downloading a few MP3s of some music that I most likely already possess.

Also, it would be interesting to state what you actually used for rendering the modules. Not every module player is equally suitable for every file type.
Not everyone is happy with downloading yet another piece of software for a single use. FWIW, I have no BT client installed either and I am not going to install one just for the purpose of downloading a few MP3s of some music that I most likely already possess.

Also, it would be interesting to state what you actually used for rendering the modules. Not every module player is equally suitable for every file type.

I saw that upload link to the streaming site that the person linked me to with a Scene user as an example, but as soon as "artists are paid royalties" showed up on the site, I steered clear, as I figured they may direct money to ME, even though I was NOT the author - how else would they know who to send money to, after all?

As for how I rendered the modules, I can't honestly remember - some of those files are years old. I remember using SAP Player and SIDPlay for the 8-bit stuff, but used "play-to-WAV" module decoders for both WinAmp (back when it was viable) and Foobar2000 as well. As a simple rule of thumb, I used those module players that resulted in good reproduction of those files that I heard on yet different players many years before.
added on the 2015-01-16 00:39:47 by Foebane72 Foebane72
Not everyone is happy with downloading yet another piece of software for a single use. FWIW, I have no BT client installed either and I am not going to install one just for the purpose of downloading a few MP3s of some music that I most likely already possess.

Won't dl software to use for a specific purpose on a computer.
There's a reason most linux distro come with a bt client preinstalled. If you want an open source windows bt client I personally use Halite.

I have to honest I'm a bit flumoxed at seeing that sort of attitude on a site that specifically is devoted to the use of computers. Each to their own I guess.
added on the 2015-01-16 01:00:12 by ringofyre ringofyre

...................................................................................................... yup, better stay clear of this then.

ringofyre: You don't need to convince me to download a BT client. I won't. Thanks.
You don't need to convince me to download a BT client. I won't. Thanks.

That's cool saga - if you'd rather dig a hole with a teaspoon than a shovel far be it from me to suggest otherwise.
added on the 2015-01-16 02:24:17 by ringofyre ringofyre

...................................................................................................... yup, better stay clear of this then.

I thought WinAmp was no longer available (for one thing)? In any case, I had plenty of problems and limitations with that bloatware, for one thing by mangling my Fraps videos when I wanted to turn them into MP3s.
added on the 2015-01-16 11:07:56 by Foebane72 Foebane72
WinAmp is still alive, and they are finally considering to replace their abysmal MOD player with something more appropriate (libopenmpt). My point was that people shouldn't listen to these mod conversions made with Winamp since they will most likely sound broken.

ringofyre: Try harder. Or just don't. There's no point to be made by you.
mods should be played in cubicplayer on your old 486DX66 with a GUS MAX hth
added on the 2015-01-16 12:39:01 by okkie okkie
Won't dl software to use for a specific purpose on a computer.

FWIW, I too have no interest in installing yet another program for yet another protocol on my Windows machine, especially because there already are options available for hosting the content which work with what I have already available.

I have to honest I'm a bit flumoxed at seeing that sort of attitude on a site that specifically is devoted to the use of computers.

I have to be honest I'm a bit flumoxed at seeing people not creating demos or even commenting on them on a site that specifically is devoted to demos.
added on the 2015-01-16 12:46:43 by Kylearan Kylearan
mods should be played in cubicplayer on your old 486DX66 with a GUS MAX hth

I remember my first Pentium PC struggling to correctly play "Dead Lock" by Elwood on Mod4Win - quite a few duff notes, and that was down to lack of processing power.
added on the 2015-01-16 19:48:34 by Foebane72 Foebane72
Umm, bittorrent isn't exactly new.

No shit. Was using it 12 years ago with the shitty GTK/python client. ;) No-one claimed it was "new". The argument was about accessibility. For the general public that is.

My point was that people shouldn't listen to these mod conversions made with Winamp since they will most likely sound broken.

There used to be a BASS plug-in. But that's long dead, I presume? The thing is, depending on the format and the used effects there might be a chance for an ok conversion, even with the vanilla thing. A slim change, I guess. So if it sounds correct to Foebane's ears, then that's that. :)

mods should be played in cubicplayer on your old 486DX66 with a GUS MAX hth

XMPlay also has a nice pattern playback view. And very likely a less flawed playback routine for most formats.
added on the 2015-01-16 20:15:22 by tomaes tomaes
