Ghetto Scene. First ATW Party December 27-28-29 Germany
category: parties [glöplog]

Did you really believe we would call a party "under construction"?
Constructions are done. Welcome to Ghetto Scene 2014.
Livestream will be available under
License.LimitExceeded. Max connections allowed exceeds license limit. Rejecting connection. :(
Wat? Works for me.
confirmed. works now. \o/ No sound yet, but i guess that is on the to-do list. So thanks for your efforts....again!
aaaand sound.
thanks for the stream, works fine for me too... i'm at work tomorrow but i'll tune-in in the evening :)
also, nice logo!
Audio is still being worked on AFAIK - as is setting up a camera
License limit exceeded, max. connections allowed exceeds license limit
Indeed. Fixing.
Haha nice name change :)
As the snow flies
On a cold and gray Chicago mornin'
A poor little baby child is born
In the ghetto
On a cold and gray Chicago mornin'
A poor little baby child is born
In the ghetto
It's gonna be like:

Stream fixed.
UnTum compo #1 coming up \o/
Thanks for the stream!
all hail to scamp for this one. Massive support received from there. And still receiving...
We're still working on our entry, just so you know. Is it possible to test it tomorrow?
Did you contact for it? But I think this should be possible. The easiest way would be to contact someone who is here and goes to the organizers, who are running around in the hall ;)
And for all who didn't watch the nice videos while being on the party:
Graffiti Rock TV Show!
Graffiti Rock TV Show!
@Fen: Las helped me out and the demo has already been tested. It works, just need to make sure the audio is solid as well. An entry is made into the partymeister system.
The demo is called 'On the Spot' and is released by Guideline. The competition is 'high end demo'. A placeholder .exe is uploaded, we already have a RC2 and we'll deliver the final before the deadline.
I don't know how to contact I haven't mailed the e-mail-adress since there is already an entry in the partymeister system. Looks like this will be a smooth ride, thanks for all the assistance so far! if I could more than the above to make sure it gets played feel free to tell me.
The demo is called 'On the Spot' and is released by Guideline. The competition is 'high end demo'. A placeholder .exe is uploaded, we already have a RC2 and we'll deliver the final before the deadline.
I don't know how to contact I haven't mailed the e-mail-adress since there is already an entry in the partymeister system. Looks like this will be a smooth ride, thanks for all the assistance so far! if I could more than the above to make sure it gets played feel free to tell me.
I think he tried to contact you on irc in the daytime, but the last 6 hours he was on foodsupport and infodesk duty. So I think there is probably a good chance, that he will answer in the next hours or tomorrow in the morning.
So if Las knows, then I'm sure he will bother until everything is worked out :-)
Now I am on duty for the next six hours and afterwards I will check (or sleep and then check ;-)).
So if Las knows, then I'm sure he will bother until everything is worked out :-)
Now I am on duty for the next six hours and afterwards I will check (or sleep and then check ;-)).
There is trouble in irc-land, fallback from that Lizard Squad drama, so a lot of irc-servers went down and K-lined users. Normally I live on irc, but just yersterday I wasn't logged in for about 6 hours. Sorry but the server I was on wenet down in flames as well :)
I'm back now, for example in #revision.
If all else fails TMC, Knoieki and Las have my number.
I'm back now, for example in #revision.
If all else fails TMC, Knoieki and Las have my number.