Random Thread Reloaded
category: residue [glöplog]


at the Melbourne Saarlac.

at the Melbourne Saarlac.
Hello Pouet!

sensensthal: The Girl Who Lept Through Time?
Ring: Jim'll Paint it, awesome description to that one. XD
Ring: Jim'll Paint it, awesome description to that one. XD
@8bit & sen - I want to be reincarnated as a woman's bicycle seat. Also Bill Oddie! Or Graeme Gardner. Fuck Tim Brooke-Taylor.

^Black Flag and Circlejerks=Suspended. Actual lol.
ringo: I guess it depends on the woman who rides the bike to get exitement out of that kind of reincarnation :D
8-bit buggery: I actually don't know where that shot is from :)

8-bit buggery: I actually don't know where that shot is from :)


I would die.

leGend: Salamanders chapter? ;)
Salamander _RULES_ (especially MSX version)
Oh yes, this Salamander snake artwork. I fucking love this. It may be a bit too "mirrored", but fuck it... awesome.

Necro philia
demoscene.exe /u /s

demoscene.exe /u /s