Demozoo Q&A
category: general [glöplog]
metoikos, what exactly is the problem or the errormessage? please post over at the demozoo forum, i'm sure one of the admins will help.
Lastly, I think the two sites have slightly different aims. Demozoo's launch-readiness goal wasn't "replace Pouet". :)
It should have had that goal though. I was under the impression that it would end up to be a superset of pouet, but instead it's basically a demoscene version of discogs, which is fine, I guess, but not what I would have liked better. :)
Also, I don't think it'll ever reach its goal to be the be-all-end-all prods resource. The overall desire of filling in the credits of every last spinning-cube demo from 1999 might just not be there as pouet's mild reception of the credit system here seems to show. The overall lack of incentives (especially for csdb dudes) and community, and well... style (it all looks so pristine) is also a bit off-putting to me.
some thoughts about demozoo...
well, i like the page design plus concept but it would be awesome and made the site more live if the latest activity + recent edits appeared on the main page somewhere in a tiny box. also it would be really helpful if rss was implemented on its news section. finally ,and dunno about this, but isn't the fact that someone can really easy to edit stuff around the database, a risk of vandalism? i mean i can remove a download link or info pretty easy without anyone having to approve it on the first place...? or i am misteken there? anyway a lot of effort has gone into the development of this site and this generally is visible. keep the good work up guys! :)
well, i like the page design plus concept but it would be awesome and made the site more live if the latest activity + recent edits appeared on the main page somewhere in a tiny box. also it would be really helpful if rss was implemented on its news section. finally ,and dunno about this, but isn't the fact that someone can really easy to edit stuff around the database, a risk of vandalism? i mean i can remove a download link or info pretty easy without anyone having to approve it on the first place...? or i am misteken there? anyway a lot of effort has gone into the development of this site and this generally is visible. keep the good work up guys! :)
If demozoo wants to have an always current database it needs to attract people to visit it by offering social media content. Because if it just wants to be a database, you can get most information already from Pouet (demos, social media, news), Bitfellas (music, news) and Nectarine (music, social media). It's all already there, with detailed information about each production plus social content.
If it just wants to be a search engine, it probably would have been better to implement a search API into these existing websites, or use the existing one, and use demozoo as a meta search engine to search in all these databases for information.
Demozoo would be a very cool project, if it takes the best of all worlds and combine it on one page: news page + prod database for exe, music, gfx (open accessable like wikipedia) + social media (onliner, bbs, comments, rating, user profiles) + media streaming (video, audio via MP3/OGG-player from, Vimeo/YouTube/Soundcloud/HTML5 embeeding) + radio (with request system).
If it just wants to be a search engine, it probably would have been better to implement a search API into these existing websites, or use the existing one, and use demozoo as a meta search engine to search in all these databases for information.
Demozoo would be a very cool project, if it takes the best of all worlds and combine it on one page: news page + prod database for exe, music, gfx (open accessable like wikipedia) + social media (onliner, bbs, comments, rating, user profiles) + media streaming (video, audio via MP3/OGG-player from, Vimeo/YouTube/Soundcloud/HTML5 embeeding) + radio (with request system).
dipswitch: good point. I assumed I didn't have the necessary permissions to add past parties as nothing happened, not even an error message, so I didn't want to bother everyone right now when the world is probably coming down on their heads with suggestions, complaints, and errors and its New Years ( ;
My theory was to try again later and then say something. But I hadn't discovered the forum yet (one-track mind at the time) so thank you! Will keep that in mind.
My theory was to try again later and then say something. But I hadn't discovered the forum yet (one-track mind at the time) so thank you! Will keep that in mind.
I totally second Salinga's point.
I find it vaguely amusing how both Pouet and Demozoo conversations result in quantities of SMOP (meaning 2)advice.
Does demozoo have an advice accumulator yet? That's the spot. perhaps a forum thread, which is a trivial matter to create . . . although it is not my place . . . ( ;
Does demozoo have an advice accumulator yet? That's the spot. perhaps a forum thread, which is a trivial matter to create . . . although it is not my place . . . ( ;
"It's Not What I Want From It"-syndrome
It looks great to me - and makes me rather sad I am not credited on more stuff, but thats what you get for not doing crap for I guess :) At least now my noobishness is out in the open.
I'd probably use the site as a vehicle for investigating older stuff people did - fantastic work guys.
I'd probably use the site as a vehicle for investigating older stuff people did - fantastic work guys.
I'm sure there are lots of records that can use an update, e.g. for parties.
( ;
Then your n00bishness is diminished.
( ;
Then your n00bishness is diminished.
ah no matter, I dont really think party-organizing as a category should be a priority to implement in the database - but maybe it could be done when there is nothing else left to work on, together with pictures pulled from the Slengpung API (*giggle*)
I mean adding information and links to existing party listings.
Oh right - I actually think the TRSAC files are more or less correct, but of course we could add a lot of backstory. That would actually be pretty cool, I'd love to read the history of the beginnings, middles and ends of different party-series, especially as someone who didn't visit my first demoparty until 1996 (and spent that entire year downloading porn, playing games on my Amiga and in general being a complete teenager) :)
I would love to add info on demozoo, but my memory of 1997-2012 are hazy

Demozoo been down all day today. Gasman said on the oneliner:
Don't worry, we will be back ASAP
disk failure :-( No ETA for getting it back online yet (but don't worry, the data is safe)
Don't worry, we will be back ASAP
Now running on our backup server in read-only mode. Normal service will be etc... and suffered a crash on both harddrives, i was abled to recover the virtual machines but not the vmdk files, this means i have to completely rebuild these two machines.
i will try some other means of repairing/retreiving these files. but expect some "downtime" inbetween. i will finally set up all the stuff again during the weekend.
since is just a mirror and the demozoo-guys have decent backups and backup servers there should be no dataloss in the long term...
sorry for the massive inconvenience but what are the chances of a RAID 1 losing both harddrives...
i will try some other means of repairing/retreiving these files. but expect some "downtime" inbetween. i will finally set up all the stuff again during the weekend.
since is just a mirror and the demozoo-guys have decent backups and backup servers there should be no dataloss in the long term...
sorry for the massive inconvenience but what are the chances of a RAID 1 losing both harddrives...
good luck!
*fighting against massive demozoo craving* =)
*fighting against massive demozoo craving* =)
While demozoo was down only for a bit, has been offline for weeks, I think. At least while downloading things from demozoo's links, I noticed that the .de ones never worked.
Steam: Any news here? Our backup-solution seems not to work properly any longer.
tomorrow i will set up the vm completely new since the datacenter guys dont seem to be very interested in my problem. expect your VM to be back sometime during the evening. sorry again for the massive inconvenicen but i still cant understand how both harddisks in a raid die at the same time apparently...
To quote a famously sucking demogroup...
(on the Digitale Kultur server.)
(on the Digitale Kultur server.)
Q: Are you fetching newly added information from pouet?
-> i am adding stuff like missing release-dates while watching demos...and wondered if i should visit demozoo aswell to add it there or if you are fetching this sort of data already anyway! ;)
-> i am adding stuff like missing release-dates while watching demos...and wondered if i should visit demozoo aswell to add it there or if you are fetching this sort of data already anyway! ;)
hardy: There's no auto-sync between Pouet and Demozoo. Both operate independently, save for id fetching that adds DZ ids to the prod pages on pouet on occasion.