
What has opened my eyes

category: residue [glöplog]
I'd say it's still somewhat interesting and culturally significant, but not that great. (An Andalusian Dog); What was this thread about again? ;)
added on the 2014-10-29 19:07:00 by tomaes tomaes
Bought that movie about 20 years ago on VHS (good times). These days we have youtube and don't have to pay artyfartsy 100€ for a 15 minute movie. (better times)

I liked that movie, from a historical perspective. But I think it should better be seen as a document of an experiment than a finished piece of art.

added on the 2014-11-25 18:27:09 by torusle torusle
2000 euros is indeed quite comparable to other open access journals. i've paid anything between 0 to 2400 euros for getting shit published, so it's also a matter of picking the right journal.

i also agree the academic system is quite fucked up in that regard, and, i seriously hope things like Plos One will one day replace the "previous century"-stupid journal system.. in fact, what i would love to see is a free, open community for publishing and journals becoming bundles of good stuff (selections/collections) around topics inviting pre-published works and fully replacing the current submission-begging-editorpleasing-reviewerspleasing-bagofmoney-thing. anyway, i could write an nice article about my frustrations with science in the journal The Society for Utopian Studies... but until then, there should be budget in your research grant for publishing anyway.
added on the 2014-11-25 20:00:27 by el mal el mal
Out of curiousity, what do you get for those 2000 euros?
added on the 2014-11-25 20:02:28 by Gargaj Gargaj
your article published in that journal?

whatever the journal does with the money is their call. some give reviewers a small fee for the effort (most dont), some pay their website with it, some pay their editors with it, some pay their PDF guys with it.. etc..
added on the 2014-11-25 20:06:03 by el mal el mal
and well, it's comparable to releasing a demo at assembly or revision versus smaller parties.. for exposure, you need certain journals, those journals get a lot of shit sent in so have a lot of bureaucracy to do, some just do it for the money, and some even just raise the fee as a shit filter :)
added on the 2014-11-25 20:09:46 by el mal el mal
Since we are independent researchers, we do not get grants. So we would have to pay the fee with our own money. The system with journals demanding fees for publication of scientific articles has the effect that scientists are forced to do research that serves the interests of the industry. This is an abuse of science for commercial interests.
added on the 2014-12-08 12:24:32 by Adok Adok
This paper publishing thing is really ridiculous. And this comic is also very accurate. :D

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added on the 2014-12-08 13:03:26 by elend elend
