Why so few Ios demos ?
category: code [glöplog]
I was referring to "Shaders written for DX11 desktop hardware" not the API.
That's my point: why would you refer to that?
As I already said, this has nothing to do with Microsoft or WP8, but is just a general problem of system requirements.
Not sure how little you know, but it is perfectly possible to write 4_0_level_9_3 shaders for the desktop, and use them with DX11 desktop hardware. I do it all the time.
It looked like porting from Desktop Windows to Windows Phone is just as trivial as changing a few lines and hit build.
It is (unlike OpenGL ES).
Any chance to run a demo on the iPhone if it not jailbroken ?
WebGL on iOS8, ok.
Otherwise, the demo must be uploaded/approved by Apple on the Appstore, right?
WebGL on iOS8, ok.
Otherwise, the demo must be uploaded/approved by Apple on the Appstore, right?