Random Kickstarter Thread
category: residue [glöplog]
With the success of the Giana Sisters project, helped along by our community in whatever small role we played, but alteast we played that role.
I thought it might be nice to have a thread for the kickstarter projects that relate to us in some way or another, from childhood until now. For me personally David Braben is kickstarting a project to realise a new Elite game as can be seen here: Elite: Dangerous
by Frontier Developments
Feel free to add any other projects you'd like to see take off :)
I thought it might be nice to have a thread for the kickstarter projects that relate to us in some way or another, from childhood until now. For me personally David Braben is kickstarting a project to realise a new Elite game as can be seen here: Elite: Dangerous
by Frontier Developments
Feel free to add any other projects you'd like to see take off :)
nice Initiative, keito!
A new Elite would rock for sure, atleast if it gets as free as the original one! :D
This one is not about our childhood, but about "Survival and stealth in a procedurally-generated world!" ...so as we are using procedurality all over our prods, especially 64ks, i´d like to introduce to you this very concept, i´d love if it would get realized in the end:
Sir, you are being haunted!
A new Elite would rock for sure, atleast if it gets as free as the original one! :D
This one is not about our childhood, but about "Survival and stealth in a procedurally-generated world!" ...so as we are using procedurality all over our prods, especially 64ks, i´d like to introduce to you this very concept, i´d love if it would get realized in the end:
Sir, you are being haunted!
You also have Allister Brimble who now is on Kickstarter for his Amiga Works CD project. I will be interviewing him via Skype on SceneSat tomorrow and we'll also have Chris Huelsbeck as a guest, who is in the progress of finishing his Turrican Soundtrack Anthology Kickstarter project. Chris will talk some more about the ALSO successful KS project Project Giana.
Not seen this on kickstarter, but the developers deserve some love and encouragement...
Allister brimble was at sundown a few years back and gave away a bunch of CDs with his amiga stuff on. I still have a few tracks from that in my playlist :)
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cig/star-citizen?ref=live This has got me very interested indeed, Love my space sims I do.
star citizens look really nice but the "bonus ships" and whatnot sounds a little too pay2win for my liking :/
but i guess we will know more once its closer to completion
but i guess we will know more once its closer to completion
8-bit-buggery: ehrmm: this has 950thousandDollars of $500,000 goal already :p ;)
sure, its going to be awesome, but....
sure, its going to be awesome, but....
I'm pledged, but tbh, the bonus ships hold no interest to me.
hArDy, i like their approach!
These unlimited (r) guys should get your support:

These unlimited (r) guys should get your support:

Bob's game
Because it's bob!
Because it's bob!
ordered, withs cenecards.
guy doing that doesn't appear to be that far from me! :)
guy doing that doesn't appear to be that far from me! :)

^ I like what you did there ;)

haha, Stinger.. when I saw the thread title, I had exactly the same idea.. Unfortunately, you got here first :-)