Random Thread Reloaded
category: residue [glöplog]

:D good one!

"The Danish government's quest to get the entire country mapped on Minecraft was undertaken to help educate children. However, the project was subsequently vandalised, with portions of the landscape blown up using virtual "dynamite"."
Haha, it was 4chan, wasn't it?
Haha, it was 4chan, wasn't it?

Recently posted by Mr. Suicide Commando himself, check the machine he's working on. :)

haha, from the comments:
"Atari??! What the ... Amiga rulez!!"
"Atari??! What the ... Amiga rulez!!"

"The Danish government's quest to get the entire country mapped on Minecraft was undertaken to help educate children. However, the project was subsequently vandalised, with portions of the landscape blown up using virtual "dynamite"."
Haha, it was 4chan, wasn't it?

This is what I am voting in the Scottish Referendum.

And this is if they make another referendum.

Ad Astra Per Aspera

Continuing to speculate, if 1% of intelligent life survives long enough to become a potentially galaxy-colonizing Type III Civilization, our calculations above suggest that there should be at least 1,000 Type III Civilizations in our galaxy alone—and given the power of such a civilization, their presence would likely be pretty noticeable. And yet, we see nothing, hear nothing, and we’re visited by no one.

This is the greatest blog I've ever seen. I mean the whole site in general, not just this article. You are an incredible, eloquent writer. You had to have spent countless hours digesting this shitshow of knowledge just so you could regurgitate it in a way that makes it magical as fuck even for someone who knows like nothing about the subject. I read this this morning and I haven't been able to get it out of my head all day. Thank you for what you do to Tuesdays.
He's right.
Thank you for what you do to Wednesdays :)