Assembly 2014
category: parties [glöplog]
no "fast music comp" stream? :(
stream - fast music is just running at this very moment.
hey its almost as big as nordlicht!
VLC streams not working?
rtmp:// works for me, but I'm inside the hall.
No problem here as well.
VLC only shows error when connecting to rtmp stream.
Assembly 2014 Sofascener:
Asked on their Facebook page - they set up rtmp streams that work now:
AsmTV Mainstream HD (1920x1080)
AsmTV Mainstream SD (720x576)
AsmTV Seminars HD (1280x720)
AsmTV Mainstream HD (1920x1080)
AsmTV Mainstream SD (720x576)
AsmTV Seminars HD (1280x720)
Extra hugs to Jope for getting another Dreamcast when mine refused to boot cd.
Our bad. Port number for the rtsp links was incorrectly 1945. Should be 1935. Fix'd now:
Assembly Shadowparty in Leipzig has a stream with stuttering sound :/
ok we fixed it... our fault... stream is ok
Compoblock #2 coming up missed the first 1 due to being at mental health institute :(
As a first-time visitor, I have to say: It's impressive that people really shut down when the compos are coming; even their monitors, mostly. You have like 3000 visitors, many of them kids, and they sit (either in front of the stage, or at their own seat) and watch and pay attention. It really adds to the composhow feeling.

Sesse: the compo ambience at ASM has always been awesome. I've tried to make this point to TG organizers of the past, but the point has always flown straight over their heads.. almost literally.
tho last few years the groaning kids during the kill all audio and lights is intensifying ;)
For ages I haven't been that interested in purchasing a place with a seat but rather enjoying the party in small bits watching the compos from the seating places with my laptop. This was very enjoyable at Hartwall Arena from the balcony seats with the awesome view and there were even spots where you could easily charge your battery. At Messukeskus it seems to be harder to achieve the same convenience for a casual visitor. Especially finding a seat with power outlets nearby.
Trained by FR:
gloom: I don't think you could get this retrofitted into an existing party even if you tried. Also, it's different when you have stuff on the big screen 3–4 hours per day (and 80–90% of that is demoscene) versus 12–16.
I wish I could take a picture from the roof during the main demo compo—people were coming to the bigscreen in droves. I am fairly certain that this is among the most appreciative audiences at any demoparty, so I can very well understand why people traditionally have been releasing their biggest demos here.
I wish I could take a picture from the roof during the main demo compo—people were coming to the bigscreen in droves. I am fairly certain that this is among the most appreciative audiences at any demoparty, so I can very well understand why people traditionally have been releasing their biggest demos here.