Random "work in progress" shots
category: general [glöplog]
bloodnok: check out timer-queries
(hint: In OpenGL these are called Query Objects)
yep. see this tutorial for timer queries. Implementing the double-buffered hierarchical timer queries (you can see the tree structure on the far left of my screenshot) was so worth it. Profiling will never be the same :)
I thought lighthouse3d was dead O.O
Awesome, thanks everyone :)
More bugs fixed, implementing proper textured font support.
I should start thinking about implementing (simple) lighting and making an actual demo.....
xetick: the glowing white ones are not real lights?
Very stupid question, but how do you draw those graphs?
Polygon strips or very thick lines?
Polygon strips or very thick lines?
leGend: They are just a bright white color and some bloom
kt: each frame, I copy the whole framebuffer onto itself with an offset of 3 pixels to the right or so. Then, for every measurement, I paint one line and one semi-opaque quad with 3 pixels width each in the 3 pixels wide area that is now empty.
Zetick: your bloom might look better if you combined a low-intensity but much bigger-blurred image with the medium-size blur you have now.
Zetick: your bloom might look better if you combined a low-intensity but much bigger-blurred image with the medium-size blur you have now.
WIP since 2006. Nearing completion.
cupe: thank you!
Virgill: this looks sexy!
Sexy Twist0r twisting sexy ^_^
Just playing...
Just playing...
Irvin: Y U NO REABORN2 :|
Xetick: your bloom might look better if you combined a low-intensity but much bigger-blurred image with the medium-size blur you have now.
Tried it but it looked worse to me then. Tricky to find a sweet spot when it comes to bloom for specific scene.
Virgill: Very nice!
ok, now some serious business:
Gargaj: Haven't had the time to configure the install yet. Just had to get started on exporting and importing the isos. I hope to release it before ten years have passed. I'll check the theme out. :)
sexy twist0r twist like you nev0r trist'd bef0r :D
Wrote a small article on how my shape stories prod came about:
Multiple bitmap font support added (for fonts made at http://kvazars.com/littera/ ), started to add support for simple stuff like moving cubes. Because cubes.
Just because!