Solskogen 2014 - July 11th to 13th - Ticketsales has opened!
category: parties [glöplog]
Solskogen is gonna be like:

Solskogen gonna be like:
Solskogen is gonna be partly like
xerxes: wtf?!
Hi everyone!
I just found a bunch of old games for C64 (mostly on cassette) and Amiga as well as the floppy version of Day Of The Tentacle for PC. All boxed originals. The manuals are mostly gone I think. No idea of what condition they're in since I haven't run them in like 15-20 years. I need to get rid of them so I thought I'd ask if anyone going to Solskogen would be interested in taking them off my hands? Or maybe someone knows someone else who might be interested.
I just found a bunch of old games for C64 (mostly on cassette) and Amiga as well as the floppy version of Day Of The Tentacle for PC. All boxed originals. The manuals are mostly gone I think. No idea of what condition they're in since I haven't run them in like 15-20 years. I need to get rid of them so I thought I'd ask if anyone going to Solskogen would be interested in taking them off my hands? Or maybe someone knows someone else who might be interested.
elfan: I will grab them if you bring them to Solskogen =).
Cool, thanks!
elfan: DOTT? I would pay good money or beer for a boxed original. :)
irvin: Well, seek me out and settle it with 4pLaY then. I'm sure you guys can work something out.
Am I ruining some logistic master plan if I arrive a day earlier(Thursday) then what I put up in eventbrite?
Xerxes, dont worry about it, I wont be there as well, so no need to go this year ;)
Solskogen is gonna be HOT!
Gonna be HOT, but I'm offering some 100 meter ale at the finish line.

Tropic night on friday.
The local grocery store right across the road has stocked up on beer (and ciders) with a nice selection of both regular Norwegian "pils" and other types of beer and ale. So no need to buy anywhere else (in Norway) before arriving, they should have enough to cover us :)
Lug00ber: believe or not - you just provided the info I was really looking for :) I'll bring some of my own supplies but they won't last long so.... So see you tomorrow M8! :)
I just carried 12 bottles in my damn backpack! DRINK MY DISTRICT BEER!
dwarf, aww..that sucks a whole shitload! I will make a short guest cameo tonight.. say hillos to all my friends :)
Solskogen be like!

Solskogen 2014 Sofascener: