@party 2014
category: parties [glöplog]
@party Sofascener:
Streaming since last night at http://scenesat.com/video
Thanks for the stream!
Now also available on scene.org:
Hi from F-Cycles... bit sad to have missed the @party...
tryed irc via scenesat.com/chat but got connection failed
tryed irc via scenesat.com/chat but got connection failed
Nice show at Sofasceners and great Hosting by Steph and Kevman. That Wild compo was awesome :)
If anybody interested, here's my tiny Contribution to the Freestyle Music Compo (don't know where it ranked finally, but anyway ;)
If anybody interested, here's my tiny Contribution to the Freestyle Music Compo (don't know where it ranked finally, but anyway ;)
nice tune
thx, jok, did not make it to the top 3 though ;)
there are results available somewhere?
also copied to scene.org
ad. oldskool pixel gfx:
If 2 and 3 place entry have the same number of point then both should be ex aequo at 2 place...
If 2 and 3 place entry have the same number of point then both should be ex aequo at 2 place...
Had a great time! After 4 parties, it seemed like all of the kinks were finally worked out and everything went quite smoothly; no deadlines were missed and there were no hitches. The addition of a second room for people to work on their productions without bothering the speakers in the main room was an *excellent* decision, and whoever thought of putting the scenesat stream in the second room deserves a cookie. Two cookies.
Favorite moments: Making the audience laugh with my prod; talking with Ken Silverman; meeting Great Heirophant in person and trading vintage computer stories; the eerily prophetic and accurate predictions from the Mystic Pyramid; hanging out and trading stories with Luis and IC.
Favorite moments: Making the audience laugh with my prod; talking with Ken Silverman; meeting Great Heirophant in person and trading vintage computer stories; the eerily prophetic and accurate predictions from the Mystic Pyramid; hanging out and trading stories with Luis and IC.
ken silverman was there? Wicked
Is there some place to rewatch the speeches?
Downloaded the release to have something to listen to when translating Mozilla stuff / being stuck here in Malmoe :)
Thanks Metoikos, Dr Claw, Luis, Kevman/Steph, and whoever else helped put @party '14 together. Like Trixter said, things went pretty smooth. Although I missed some, the speaker lineup was interesting. Having two rooms was cool.. I had NAID flashbacks of chalkboard "banners". :) Wish more sceners from the previous @parties came back, especially with the low admission price!
Any other pictures from the weekend besides the oscilloscope?
Here is Kevman and Alex diagnosing the power supply for it.

working on getting the rest up.

working on getting the rest up.

I think you missed the point of "besides", but thank you. ;) Nah, this is good. :)
I wanna see this voxiebox. Under which concept it works. Is it just 3d cube led or something other?
Ken Silvermann? Wow! How is he doing? Working on some new stuff?