Smoking at demoparties
category: parties [glöplog]
Are there any of the bigger demoparties that still allow smoking?
The easter party in Germany (Breakpoint and now Revision) do not allow smoking anymore, due to German law (I think).
The X party in Holland decided to ban smoking from this year.
I am a (light) smoker myself, but I support smoking-ban at parties.
The easter party in Germany (Breakpoint and now Revision) do not allow smoking anymore, due to German law (I think).
The X party in Holland decided to ban smoking from this year.
I am a (light) smoker myself, but I support smoking-ban at parties.
Generally it's not allowed to smoke inside anymore as far as I know. So unless someone OWNS the venue for their party... ;)
Most of it is a combination of regulation and smoke detectors, I suppose.
Real party is outside!
I don't mind taking a break outside :) Wouldn't stand the smoke inside the main hall.
it used to be completely normal less than ten years ago - we even used to have table ashtrays at evoke as late as in 2006. but i think it's fine as it is nowadays. a cig break outside doesn't hurt anyone.
Don't remember any Finnish demoparty where you could have smoked indoors (not talking about some smaller meetings). Back in the day party places tended to be, say, schools where it was a no go anyway.
I can't stand smoke. I'm glad that, inside parties, nowadays is only allowed as demoeffect.
I second, that I prefer to have a smoke as a demoeffect itself, closed in to the screen, rather than out of it.
as long as no one bitches about the smokers in the front of the partyhall or calls for designated "smoking areas" outside its all good. banning smoking indoors (in public places) is the right thing imho.
Smoke. GAH! fuck that shit.. I have the terrible smell.
and please.. also do not smoke exactly at the door as the crap comes in aswell.
so: no smoking inside. period. :)
and please.. also do not smoke exactly at the door as the crap comes in aswell.
so: no smoking inside. period. :)
digital cigarettes could be a loophole unless they are also banned in your country which happened in my town until recently. I don't smoke, but prefer you smoke the real thing where you roll it up yourself.
A dedicated smoke limo with tinted power windows where you pack in ten at a time parked outside the party seems legit. A strange thing to do for just cigarettes.
I suppose this is your only option.
A dedicated smoke limo with tinted power windows where you pack in ten at a time parked outside the party seems legit. A strange thing to do for just cigarettes.
I suppose this is your only option.
I can remember the smoking at the table at M^S and I honestly do not know how we could make it through these Easter weekends w/o instant cancer or nose-clamps ;)
Still a smokin' head today but inside the hall, hell no.
Also it gives an excellent excuse to socialise outside.
Still a smokin' head today but inside the hall, hell no.
Also it gives an excellent excuse to socialise outside.
Well, at Outline we had a box of these cigars indoors:

No problem with anyone :)

No problem with anyone :)
dog food!
it still was fun to discover a certain someone smoked the bong in front of the web stream for 3 days .... =P
Only joints allowed inside! ;)

Hail smoking outside.
I smoke when I'm drunk. I'm also loud, but not as loud as most of you. So deal with it. Okay?
Sorry I couldn't hear you over the sounds of the smokemachine and the italo disco music (:
I'm glad that, inside parties, nowadays is only allowed as demoeffect.
Smash would be royally screwed if the smoking ban ever got to the big screen.
Let's ban smoke in demos! 100% TUNNEL ONLY!!!
1oo% anal ride?...
mekka^symposium 2002: