Random "work in progress" shots
category: general [glöplog]
I already knew it, but this thread is utterly cool! Thanks ya all! :D
Two really stupid tests done during the development of Three / Collapse (instead of actually polishing stuff):

Work in progress.. Nowhere near complete yet (only 20%) - C64!

Oh algorithm, you and your obsession with naisenpää pics
Finished so no WIP shot. But I don't care :D

it looks promising
it looks promising
@sen: it's really cool!
sensestahl: oh wow, looks great :O
sensenstahl: looks fantastic! What global illumination algorithm are you using?
@sensenstahl I like it! that's awesome good work!
ShaderToy plz. ;)
I've revisited the classic Wold/Sheep/Letuce puzzle in PuzzleScript.

Humm, now i need a pixel artist... Anyone interested? (Tiles are 5x4 or 5x5)

Humm, now i need a pixel artist... Anyone interested? (Tiles are 5x4 or 5x5)

Well, you can see what it says!
Graphics drawn by me. The effect inside the mirror/portal thingy will be replaced with a real one ofcourse :P.

OMG! Psykon, this looks amazing! Please make a new intro in this style!

psykon: great, but clear the lens next time before taking shots! ;)

why is your "main" a header-file? lol!
Because there's also a .cpp, dickweed.
OMG! Psykon, this looks amazing! Please make a new intro in this style!