
Random line of code thread

category: code [glöplog]
Code: PlasmaX: LEA (EBX + number) STOSD .... // 80 times unroll (320 pixels) JP NZ,PlasmaX EBX has SIN(Y1) + SIN(Y2 + time) number can be SIN(X1) + SIN(X2 + time), automodify code for just 80 values. sines have to be from 0 to 63 to add to 0-255 range. could also be LEA(ECX + EBX + number) I think where ECX could be SIN(Z1)+ SIN(Z2 + time) for 3d plasma!
added on the 2014-02-12 13:10:25 by Optimus Optimus
That's one fast plasma.
added on the 2014-02-12 14:58:29 by Preacher Preacher
only thing making it fast is the loop-unrolling and the precalced tables. also using bytes only, sure!
but a fast-typed/coded-plasma it is for sure! thanks to macros!

oh, wait, almost forgot about random code:

MAX HEADROOM = #$ffff ;Define amount of room for max artificial intelligence here!

init: //fill subTourettine here!

main: bsr subTourettine
btst #6,#$bfe001
bne main

subTourettine: blk.l #MAX_HEADROOM, rts
fucked up the "define" there, missing an underscore, happens if you code sth without indents and without actually ever assembling it ;) still wish there would be an easy implementation of [code], where the pouet-editor would realize you opened an editor for code via BB and changing the behaviour of every browser until you close the code-segment via BB again. ;) -> not even in the most far future i say!
added on the 2014-02-13 17:58:02 by bdk bdk
Code: if (m_nZoom == 0) // Fit to display m_sizeTotal.cx = m_rcClient.Width(); else if(m_nZoom == 1) // 1:1 m_sizeTotal.cx = dwLen; else if(m_nZoom > 1) // Zoom out m_sizeTotal.cx = (dwLen + (1 << (m_nZoom- 1)) - 1) >> (m_nZoom - 1); else // Zoom in m_sizeTotal.cx = dwLen + m_rcClient.Width() - (m_rcClient.Width() >> (-m_nZoom - 1));
Code: cmp.w #$601a,(a0) ; Atari ST executable? -> convert to standard Amiga exe
added on the 2014-02-17 19:20:33 by StingRay StingRay
I have a square grid with 0s and 1s.
I want to draw it with as few Box(x1;y1)->(x2;y2) instructions as possible.
Here's a first greedy try, not always optimal, as the coment shows.

Is it possible to find the optimal solution in an elegant way?

Code: //Note: In the case aside, biggest box filling is not 111110 //optimal, it gives 4 boxes while simple horizontal 011111 //boxes would give 3. But that's quite rare IMO. 111110 //As long as there are pixels set to 1: // Search for the biggest box // if Width*(Height+1-y) <= BestBoxSize we can stop searching for this iteration! // (assuming we're making an y loop first) // if (width-x)*(height-y) <= BiggestFoundBox we can stop searching for this cell! // Output \psframe for this box // Fill this box with 0s in the array // Decrease nb of 1s by w*h //Loop while(NbColoredSquares>0) { BestBoxSize=0; y=1; while((y<=Height) && (Width*(Height+1-y)>BestBoxSize)) { x=1; while((x<=Width) && ((Width+1-x)*(Height+1-y)>BestBoxSize)) { if(Coloring[x][y]==1) { BestBoxSizeForThisCell=0; MaxDXForThisCell=Width-x; dy=0; while(Coloring[x][y+dy]==1) { dx=0; while((Coloring[x+dx+1][y+dy]==1) && (dx<=MaxDXForThisCell)) { dx++; } if(dx<MaxDXForThisCell) { MaxDXForThisCell=dx; } CurrentBoxSize=(MaxDXForThisCell+1)*(dy+1); if(CurrentBoxSize>BestBoxSizeForThisCell) { BestDXForThisCell=MaxDXForThisCell; BestDYForThisCell=dy; BestBoxSizeForThisCell=CurrentBoxSize; } dy++; } if(BestBoxSizeForThisCell>BestBoxSize) { BestX=x; BestY=y; BestDX=BestDXForThisCell; BestDY=BestDYForThisCell; BestBoxSize=BestBoxSizeForThisCell; } } x++; } y++; } //We know the best box, output FFEN code for it, fill it with 0s yy=Height+1-BestY; fprintf(filep,"\\psframe[linewidth=0,"); switch(FFEN_FillStyle) { case 0: fprintf(filep,"linecolor=lightgray,fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=lightgray]"); break; // 0=lightgray case 1: fprintf(filep,"linecolor=gray,fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=gray]"); break; // 1=gray case 2: fprintf(filep,"linecolor=black,fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=black]"); break; // 2=black case 3: fprintf(filep,"linecolor=white,fillstyle=vlines]"); break; // 3=vlines case 4: fprintf(filep,"linecolor=white,fillstyle=hlines]"); break; // 4=hlines case 5: fprintf(filep,"linecolor=white,fillstyle=crosshatch]"); break; // 5=crosshatch } fprintf(filep,"(%g,%g)(%g,%g)\n",(BestX-1)*FFEN_SquareSize,yy*FFEN_SquareSize,(BestX+BestDX)*FFEN_SquareSize,(yy-BestDY-1)*FFEN_SquareSize); for(y=BestY;y<BestY+BestDY+1;y++) { for(x=BestX;x<BestX+BestDX+1;x++) { Coloring[x][y]=0; } } NbColoredSquares=NbColoredSquares-BestBoxSize; }
added on the 2014-02-17 19:36:04 by baah baah
Code:float leftb[3] = {NUM_INF, NUM_INF, NUM_INF}, rightb[3] = {-NUM_INF, -NUM_INF, -NUM_INF};
added on the 2014-02-17 19:46:51 by msqrt msqrt
Code:move.l d0,d1 ; GODDAMN stinkin' BCPL!!!!
added on the 2014-03-05 11:16:15 by StingRay StingRay
Baah: not 100% related but it sounds like a similar problem to Liquid Wars' space partitioning for mass-pathfinding.
added on the 2014-03-05 16:08:15 by Gargaj Gargaj
Thanks Gargaj, but after a quick read i don't think it would do the trick. A clever algorithm sure, with speed in mind, but i don't see how to transpose the problem...

Also, while the optimal algorithm would be of great theoretical interest, i won't implement it if it's too complex. I should ask on codegolf or elsewhere i think...
added on the 2014-03-05 17:50:56 by baah baah
Code:void sync_save_tracks(const struct sync_device *d) { FILE *file = fopen("sync.h","wt"); int len = 0; FILE *fileread = NULL; int count; int i; int j; char * buffer; for (i = 0; i < (int)d->data.num_tracks; ++i) { const struct sync_track *t = d->data.tracks[i]; save_track(t, sync_track_path(d->base, t->name)); //read trackfile fprintf(file,"//data from rocket track: %s\n",sync_track_path(d->base, t->name)); fileread = fopen(sync_track_path(d->base, t->name),"rb"); //determine file size fseek( fileread, 0, SEEK_END); len = ftell(fileread); fseek(fileread, 0, SEEK_SET); //allocate buf buffer = (char*) malloc (sizeof(char)*len); //read it fread (buffer,1,len,fileread); count = 0; //write data fprintf(file,"unsigned char %s[%d] = {\n\t",sync_track_name(d->base, t->name),len); for (j=0;j<len;j++) { fprintf(file,"0x%02x,",buffer[j]); count++; if ((count & 15) == 0) fprintf(file,"\n\t"); } free (buffer); fprintf(file,"\n};\n// end of %s\n",sync_track_path(d->base, t->name)); fprintf(file,"\n"); fclose(fileread); } fclose(file); }
added on the 2014-03-10 21:46:13 by mudlord mudlord
when i'm bored...

Code: masstoredna_compressed() { for (int x=0; x<=numberofbases; x++) { setoffset(x); if (changed(inputseq[x], storageseq[x])); { write2bit(getbytecount(getoffset()); writepointerbytes(getbytecount(getoffset(), getoffset())); write2bit(deltaencode(inputseq[x], storageseq[x]); resetoffset(); } } }
added on the 2014-03-14 16:22:29 by yumeji yumeji
Code:move.w #$20,$dff01e ;interrupt ok

What do you presume to achieve by writing to a read-only register? :)
added on the 2014-03-14 16:45:18 by Blueberry Blueberry
Blueberry: you got me there!
Dont booze and code!
Especially not if you havent coded in 68k-asm for >15 years!

For real, i got it from here, when i googled "interrupt 68000".
I didnt even think about if this is correct code or not, just fitted my alcoholised brain of wanting to post sth in this thread!
Code:jmp !skip+
added on the 2014-03-14 20:34:28 by Preacher Preacher
Code:move.w #$20,$dff01e ;interrupt ok

What do you presume to achieve by writing to a read-only register? :)

Thus buggy piece of code is actually present in more old demos than you think. They only work correctly because they jump to the system VBI at the end of their own interrupt routine which then clears the interrupt request bits in $dff09c. :)
added on the 2014-03-14 21:03:20 by StingRay StingRay
Code: SEI loop EOR $D012 STA $0400,y STA $0400+256,y STA $0400+512,y STA $0400+768,y DEY BVC loop

Not really one line, but a cute text noise in 18 bytes without SEI. :) I'm posting mini routines and micro games every now and then here.
added on the 2014-03-15 09:10:17 by tomaes tomaes
Code: move.w VIDEOMODE-DT(a4),d1 cmp.w #666,d1
added on the 2014-03-27 09:12:12 by StingRay StingRay
Code:pixelOut->r = (uint8_t)Clamp(p->r + (p->r * xOff) / 32, 0, 255); pixelOut->g = (uint8_t)Clamp(p->g + (p->g * xOff) / 32, 0, 255); pixelOut->b = (uint8_t)Clamp(p->b + (p->b * xOff) / 32, 0, 255); // ...and mix it with original picture pixelOut->r = (pixelOut->r + pixelIn->r) / 2u; pixelOut->g = (pixelOut->g + pixelIn->g) / 2u; pixelOut->b = (pixelOut->b + pixelIn->b) / 2u; // And now some cheap image smoothing... pixelOut[-1].r = (pixelOut->r + pixelOut[-1].r) / 2u; pixelOut[-1].g = (pixelOut->g + pixelOut[-1].g) / 2u; pixelOut[-1].b = (pixelOut->b + pixelOut[-1].b) / 2u; pixelOut[-w].r = (pixelOut->r + pixelOut[-w].r) / 2u; pixelOut[-w].g = (pixelOut->g + pixelOut[-w].g) / 2u; pixelOut[-w].b = (pixelOut->b + pixelOut[-w].b) / 2u;
Code:class Ribbons {
added on the 2014-03-28 21:23:33 by rudi rudi
Code:theServer->trace(cU("Word limbo!"), NULL);
added on the 2014-04-04 12:14:36 by StingRay StingRay
Code:var batman = Matrix.Identity / 0.0f;
added on the 2014-04-04 12:22:13 by xTr1m xTr1m
Old loaders are still interesting, quite funny how the companies tried to protect their data :)

Code:; create sync table based on the key stored in ; the directory (right in front of the first file) move.l LD_Directory-DT(a5),a0 lea $90(a0),a0 ; key moveq #8-1,d7 ; key length: 8 bytes lea LD_TAB(pc),a1 .filltab move.b (a0)+,d0 move.b d0,d1 ; key, low nibble lsr.w #4,d1 ; key, high nibble and.w #15,d0 and.w #15,d1 move.w d1,(a1)+ move.w d0,(a1)+ dbf d7,.filltab lea SYNCTAB(pc),a0 lea LD_TAB(pc),a1 lea SYNCTAB2(pc),a2 moveq #16-1,d7 ; number of used SYNC values .make_synctab move.w (a1)+,d0 asl.w #1,d0 move.w (a0,d0.w),(a2)+ dbf d7,.make_synctab
added on the 2014-04-09 09:17:28 by StingRay StingRay
