
Any King of The Hill players out there?

category: offtopic [glöplog]
I came across a textbook irc request channel and the search function was written by Iczelion which was a blast from the past for me.
It got me thinking and I ended up emailing one of the blokes I used to play corewars with. This for me was one of the ways I learned to write asm (redcode has the same instruction set) and altho I wasn't very good it was always fun and I used to laugh at some of the smack-talk from people who often turned out to be lecturers and authors in the field!

End result I've plugged the usb floppy drive in and I'm desperately looking for a couple of my old warriors. At least any that may have survived the "magnetic rot" since 2000 or so! :[

I'll compile this arvo and hopefully have a server up and running by tomorrow AM.
If anyone's interested ('memba when....) let me know.
added on the 2014-02-25 07:30:57 by ringofyre ringofyre
Rly? No-one?
added on the 2014-02-25 23:56:36 by ringofyre ringofyre
added on the 2014-02-26 00:07:41 by mog mog
Is this supposed to be funny? Just asking, as it isn't.
added on the 2014-02-26 00:34:00 by mog mog
And your smartarse response was.... what?
added on the 2014-02-26 04:33:35 by ringofyre ringofyre
Interesting. I got shit yesterday from a scener on a scene related irc for not posting CONSTRUCTIVE stuff (despite the fact that he'd posted 20 odd posts of negativity towards me to my 3-4 posts of off topic banter) yet here I've posted a thread that's not only about purely writing code (& how much I used to enjoy it) but also looking for people who may have taken part or even be prepared to start something new and I've had absolutely no responses.
Zero, zilch, nada. Not 1 fucking CONSTRUCTIVE post about what I had originally posted. Instead I got some jumped up little smartarse trying to give me shit about stuff I posted 3 years ago... Yay! Well done mog for figuring out the search function on pouet.

And some of you guys have had the nerve to give me shit because I've said in the past that I don't really love writing code. Just because I don't write demos, and despite the enjoyment I got from playing KOTH and other projects when I was younger, I loath writing code unless I absolutely have to - I do it sometimes for a client, usually as more of a favor than a service & usually to tidy up someone else's mangled mess. Yet I've copped shit on this site for saying that coding isn't my first love and that maybe I come here for more than being handed out glops for reviewing demos.

Some of you guys occasionally go on about the scene dying out - I've seen some really good threads on pouet when a n00b (or sometimes just any old person) comes along seeking advice and mostly receives a warm welcome and good advice.
But I tell you what, having a prissy fucking elitist attitude towards people who don't quite fit into the pigeon-hole or mold a few of you guys might think you're made from isn't exactly a lifeline, it's going to end up being a death-knell.

And no I'm not being a fucking emo-whinger. I have learnt in my time to "do as you would be done by". It's not a hard concept to master and giving people basic human decency in your interactions with them (be it online or in person) rather than acting like a complete fucking cunt actually makes life a little better for all of us. And it also marks you as a genuine person rather than a faceless troll with little better to do with your time than try to anonymously belittle strangers on the internet. End of the day, acting like a wanker online to complete strangers makes you exactly that - a wanker online. I'm pretty sure much of the negativity that has been aimed my way online wouldn't be said to my face. Which is sad in a way really cause aside from work, study, family responsibilities and not having a bottomless wallet there are quite a few poueteers/pouetians I'd actually really like to meet and have (more than) a few beers with!

For anyone who's still interested in playing KOTH I've found a couple of debs on launchpad that I'll try to install (force ver. right?) and then maybe setup a server. My alt is to run it in dosbox which is not only a bit pointless but also running what is basically a vm inside an emulator will chew thru my resources on this laptop.

TL;DR? As Adam Hills once told Joan Rivers - "Don't be a dick!"
added on the 2014-02-26 07:38:53 by ringofyre ringofyre
Looks like I have to speak to you personally tommorrow morning about this.
added on the 2014-02-26 07:46:48 by mudlord mudlord
And no, I never played such a game.
added on the 2014-02-26 07:49:38 by mudlord mudlord
NO, ffs I will say it here:

WHY the fuck is it a pouet problem? I didn't even see your post when I made that rant about killing sharks and how Abbot is a fucking moron who deserves to be burned in oil. I don't even.
added on the 2014-02-26 08:03:50 by mudlord mudlord
muddy I don't really have an issue with you - it was just an example I used. I actually think from reading some of your posts we are probably somewhat similar. No offense was intended and aside from the comments in the 1st paragraph (let's be honest you made this about you) none of it was aimed at you.

added on the 2014-02-26 08:04:39 by ringofyre ringofyre

I guess I overreacted indeed. :<
added on the 2014-02-26 08:06:08 by mudlord mudlord
*warm fuzzys all around*
added on the 2014-02-26 08:09:15 by ringofyre ringofyre
added on the 2014-02-26 08:09:31 by mudlord mudlord
NOT being sarcastic btw.
added on the 2014-02-26 08:09:53 by ringofyre ringofyre
Neither am I :)
added on the 2014-02-26 08:13:34 by mudlord mudlord
Gonna join me when I can be fucked working out the dependencies? It's not exactly counterstrike but once you write your warrior and run it, it's quite a rush to watch the game play out.
added on the 2014-02-26 08:14:20 by ringofyre ringofyre
It sounds intriguing. I might.
added on the 2014-02-26 08:15:10 by mudlord mudlord
As I've said redcode is pretty much asm.
If I get enough players interested maybe we could have permanent server running on poeut or scene.org
added on the 2014-02-26 08:27:47 by ringofyre ringofyre
good grief, dear operat0rz, flag it "residue" already
added on the 2014-02-26 08:31:48 by d0DgE d0DgE
Garg could you please change my latest thread (http://www.pouet.net/topic.php?which=9806)from off topic to residue please.
I would've thought a game based around writing asm code might have been on-topic here, clearly there are some who feel otherwise.

About 2 hrs. ago. I'm guessing you're not in the former group then....
added on the 2014-02-26 08:46:35 by ringofyre ringofyre
Dude, you want to be recognised or respected, meet sceners and what not ? GO TO A DAMN DEMOPARTY and earn your first "stripes" by just showing up as a compo-lurker taking in the atmosphere. Yes there are such parties being held in Australia, so there really is no excuse of not having a "bottomless wallet".
added on the 2014-02-26 08:59:09 by d0DgE d0DgE
You give me the address of a party where I don't have to buy a a plane, bus, train ticket that covers 3000 odd km. Otherwise AFAIK there hasn't been any parties in Western Australia since I've been a member of pouet since I've been here. I've tried once for a pubmeet - I sat reading my book and sipping my beers until late. Don't judge me on where I live but at least respect the fact the I'm not within driving distance of some of the other members of pouet/#auscene. Aside from the other responsibilities I mentioned. I'm guessing you're single and you don't have kids.
added on the 2014-02-26 09:10:26 by ringofyre ringofyre
This is a demoscene community. There's a lot that goes around it, but at a core, this is demoscene community. This is not a Linux community, post a picture of a random female community, Reddit, IRC community, general programming community or anything like that. Sure, there's a lot of off-topic banter going on, but it's nowhere near the core of what this is truly about.

Until you meaningfully contribute to the core thing here, people will regard you as being off topic. And yeah, Pouet is full of assholes. Sorry.
added on the 2014-02-26 09:12:54 by Preacher Preacher
Thanks Preacher - you & I have had some really negative interaction in the past. So basically until I write a demo you guys wont accept me.
Despite the the fact that I have enjoyed in the past writing code in the same language as many of your demos are written in. And in this thread I'm calling for people who write code in a similar lexicon to step up and join me in game to do so.
Yet so far all got in this thread (aside from Muddy's vague interest) has been negative comments about me.
added on the 2014-02-26 09:26:03 by ringofyre ringofyre
