pouet 2.0 bugs me beautifull
category: general [glöplog]
Maybe somewhere down the line; boards already have that, but I'm hesitant to add new file storage before re-organizing the current file structure.
OK. Ta for the answer.
Could you please put it on your TODO list? May be on your last (of one of the last) position(s). Perhaps it is not a good idea (since in 90% it is for the old soft-releasing groups), but, Imo, it would be a good feature, especially for the scene history preservation.
Could you please put it on your TODO list? May be on your last (of one of the last) position(s). Perhaps it is not a good idea (since in 90% it is for the old soft-releasing groups), but, Imo, it would be a good feature, especially for the scene history preservation.
The way I see it, a group can have so many different NFOs that it might be a reasonable idea to maintain them on a different, specialized site, kinda like scrolltexts.com
If prod submission throws an error (submission validation error) then at least screen shot needs to be added again before resubmitting.
Another question I asked myself:
Is there an option, while uploading, to chooses the ASCII's (NFO, blabnlabla) pllatform?
I have uploades few Amiga ascii unfortunatele, edited under PC, and in consequence, the uploded onei is generated with DOS chars...
Is there an option, while uploading, to chooses the ASCII's (NFO, blabnlabla) pllatform?
I have uploades few Amiga ascii unfortunatele, edited under PC, and in consequence, the uploded onei is generated with DOS chars...
The upload remains byte-exact, but when you click the NFO link the site tries to guess from the prod platform which font to default to.
OKe, thx for the answer, Gargaj.
Not a bug, but I like this new highlighting feature of people who contributed to a prod.
Also errors seem to have a new colorscheme. Keep up the good work!

Also errors seem to have a new colorscheme. Keep up the good work!

When using IE11, hovering the "more..." links on the frontpage makes the various boxes change size.

Looks to me as a browser rendering bug.

Looks to me as a browser rendering bug.
Garg could you please change my latest thread (http://www.pouet.net/topic.php?which=9806)from off topic to residue please.
I would've thought a game based around writing asm code might have been on-topic here, clearly there are some who feel otherwise.
I would've thought a game based around writing asm code might have been on-topic here, clearly there are some who feel otherwise.
Proposition for quoting the author:
In the current version when one is quoted we see "quote" tag only, before the quotations itself starts. Would not it be a good idea to add to whom the qutations belongs. Ie:
Quote Gargaj:
[ and a standard quotation field ]
Quoting Gargaj:
[ and a standard quotation field ]
In the current version when one is quoted we see "quote" tag only, before the quotations itself starts. Would not it be a good idea to add to whom the qutations belongs. Ie:
Quote Gargaj:
[ and a standard quotation field ]
Quoting Gargaj:
[ and a standard quotation field ]
About the "nfo upload" charset.
But... it is not a case when we upload the "party results". Or...?
The upload remains byte-exact, but when you click the NFO link the site tries to guess from the prod platform which font to default to.
But... it is not a case when we upload the "party results". Or...?
I suggested it before but it got no traction. I think a [quote=name] would be good enough, but others wanted it to actually keep up to date with username changes (necessitating you put the user ID in there, which is requires a tad more effort unless the system does it for you when you click the quote link).
At one point my bb-code toolbar (the user-script version, not the one integrated in to Pouet itself) would add "by Username" in bold as the first line of the quote contents to things generated by clicking the quote link but it stopped working.
At one point my bb-code toolbar (the user-script version, not the one integrated in to Pouet itself) would add "by Username" in bold as the first line of the quote contents to things generated by clicking the quote link but it stopped working.
May be this time it will work out?
May be this time it will work out?
Maybe if I find the time I can take a look at the source again and see if a pull request could be made. I did find the bb-code parsing before ... but it has to then hook up with the database to get the username. I wouldn't hold your breath unless someone else tackles it first.
It made me smile =)... I will not hold it, no =).
I wouldn't hold your breath unless someone else tackles it first.
It made me smile =)... I will not hold it, no =).
No Sneaky cdcs:
Also notice my comment with a cdc
same prod, most recent page.. here is the Sneaky cdcs:
Also notice my comment with a cdc
same prod, most recent page.. here is the Sneaky cdcs:
I found interesting desyncronization. Not serious bug. When I post, immediiate screen and mali posted too but after. But my refresh was instant so we synchronized. But since he is later, I could repost, but I try to post and it's rob is jarig dublepost. Hehe
Hi there.
Two points I have here...
1. NFO file font/platform selection when adding a prod.
Once I proposed to introduce a nfo-file font selector (while adding a prod). I was told that it is not a issue, since there is a platform detection and thus the proper nfo-characterset is being chosen. Well.. here, once again I propose to introduce my idea.
As an example, please have a look at this production's nfo-file. The prod was made for Android, the nfofile on the Amiga, and the "default" font is a PC. Look how unproper visual effect does it have now... and change the infofile for Amiga Topaz Medres.
Another example is the info for the (Copy-)party results. Once again, please, have a look at the results for RetroKomp/LOAD ERROR party. The info file was made for Amiga Topaz charset (have a look here how should it look like), and defaulty here we have a DOS ones.
Perhaps for some people it is nothing, font is a font, but when one spent few hours to draw a good stuff, and the result is unproperly presented, it is quite annoying, if not sometimes frustrating ;).
2. Platform class title is missing.
Moving a mouse' cursor on the production type - one may see what the type of production it is
(game, demo, cracktro). While, when one moves the mouse onto the platform it was made for (platform's type - "types.png") - nothing happens, since the area is empty.
Thanx for reading =).
Two points I have here...
1. NFO file font/platform selection when adding a prod.
Once I proposed to introduce a nfo-file font selector (while adding a prod). I was told that it is not a issue, since there is a platform detection and thus the proper nfo-characterset is being chosen. Well.. here, once again I propose to introduce my idea.
As an example, please have a look at this production's nfo-file. The prod was made for Android, the nfofile on the Amiga, and the "default" font is a PC. Look how unproper visual effect does it have now... and change the infofile for Amiga Topaz Medres.
Another example is the info for the (Copy-)party results. Once again, please, have a look at the results for RetroKomp/LOAD ERROR party. The info file was made for Amiga Topaz charset (have a look here how should it look like), and defaulty here we have a DOS ones.
Perhaps for some people it is nothing, font is a font, but when one spent few hours to draw a good stuff, and the result is unproperly presented, it is quite annoying, if not sometimes frustrating ;).
2. Platform class title is missing.
<span class='prodentry'>
<span class='typeiconlist'>
<span class='typei type_game' title='game'>game</span>
<span class='platformiconlist'>
<span class='platformi os_android' title=''></span>
Moving a mouse' cursor on the production type - one may see what the type of production it is
(game, demo, cracktro). While, when one moves the mouse onto the platform it was made for (platform's type - "types.png") - nothing happens, since the area is empty.
Thanx for reading =).
I think it's known for sure. When changing a login pwd on scene dot org to something like -4&&QGV$/&§$B/(%"Wz&- it's not working here, wrong pwd-error. You/I have to use -abcDEF123-. I smashed this way an old accound, not knowing about it -> ixlot, never used it for voting and it's disabled now anyway.
Zalgo'ed text should also be limited in usernames and on prod pages: Example.
could you attach the watchlist to the user page also?
so that there is a possibility to see all prods that have been added to the user's watchlist.
(yes, my watchlist is big :D)
so that there is a possibility to see all prods that have been added to the user's watchlist.
(yes, my watchlist is big :D)
Not really a bug, but a suggestion:
I know which link (distinctly marked "click here"...) to click to actually edit a prod and add links, etc. And it's in the FAQ, perhaps as a FATQ? (Trick question :)
Because the text before the link reads as: if you "click here", you are reporting the production as a fake or having a faulty link.
So, in the interest of making it easy for others and avoiding unnecessary "BBS" threads...
Just ending the sentence with "click here:" followed by a link called edit prod or submit info or link would be good.
Or maybe something like this?
Just think the expression is a bit unclear as written.
I know which link (distinctly marked "click here"...) to click to actually edit a prod and add links, etc. And it's in the FAQ, perhaps as a FATQ? (Trick question :)
Because the text before the link reads as: if you "click here", you are reporting the production as a fake or having a faulty link.
So, in the interest of making it easy for others and avoiding unnecessary "BBS" threads...
Just ending the sentence with "click here:" followed by a link called edit prod or submit info or link would be good.
Or maybe something like this?
See something wrong, a broken link, or want to add information or a link? Don't post it here, it will get lost. Click here to _inform a glöperator_
Just think the expression is a bit unclear as written.