category: general [glöplog]
Brilliant! :D
I wonder who stands behind this ;]
Somebody who had five bucks apparently :D
Ahahahahahahaha... omg, the ideas.
I guess rog will have a lot of scene related jobs to do the next weeks and revision entries will be full of random rog stuff :D
I don't understand *who and why* did it, but I love it.
I guess rog will have a lot of scene related jobs to do the next weeks and revision entries will be full of random rog stuff :D
Honestly, I wish it would be the flipside: I think the whole "video reviews" idea is something that could be a working format.
So, fiver2 is Rog.
ossom concept, $5...
It's Still Real To Me Dammit!!
It's Still Real To Me Dammit!!
This is a sham, a lie.
A twisted image that they made.
It was never like this, it was something else.
It's not for real.
We will take it back.
A twisted image that they made.
It was never like this, it was something else.
It's not for real.
We will take it back.
-sucks copypasta :D
Honestly, I wish it would be the flipside: I think the whole "video reviews" idea is something that could be a working format.
"Demosceners reacting to $demo"?
hahahaha. excellent! but who paid up? :D
also... i need to dust off my paypal account!
Too bad it got exposed so early, but I still expect a lot of reviews to come.
So, that guy probalby never actually saw a demo.
His loss.
His loss.
Well, I've seen one video of him talking about some anime stuff. Oh well...
Keep on paying him anyway.
Keep on paying him anyway.
There are so many busty blondes for a 5$ testimonial available. Lets hire some of them! ;)
...wait ... I sense a first class energetic five bucks review coming up for the SMDSC
OMG, I was so shocked to see that fiverr site and discover who Rog is.
I truly loved the vids. Hahaha, great prank!!!
I truly loved the vids. Hahaha, great prank!!!