
What is "oldschool" in the context of 90s?

category: general [glöplog]
Subj. Maybe the original meaning was pre-1993 craft of one-frame effects utilising special chips such as blitter and copper?
you mean what "oldschool" meant in the 90s?
added on the 2014-01-27 11:01:52 by el mal el mal
Midschool is the oldschool of today. And my favorite world of software rendering. Rotozoomers, plasmas and object shows :)
added on the 2014-01-27 11:05:09 by Optimus Optimus
Basically, anything simultaneously No-AGA and No-PC.
added on the 2014-01-27 11:39:54 by ham ham
And of course oldschool effects has been made without your lame demos.
added on the 2014-01-27 12:41:59 by g0blinish g0blinish
For Amiga, it's probably everything before Cryonics "Hardwired" demo :D
added on the 2014-01-27 13:07:58 by rez rez
oldschool - everything done before you started doing stuff
added on the 2014-01-27 13:15:30 by sol_hsa sol_hsa
Which demo was the leap from oldschool to new school?
added on the 2014-01-27 13:24:32 by w00t! w00t!
added on the 2014-01-27 13:30:16 by Defiance Defiance
None. It was a quantum leap. :]
added on the 2014-01-27 13:31:36 by ham ham

Really? Was PC/Windows the platform where we took the step?
added on the 2014-01-27 13:37:09 by w00t! w00t!
added on the 2014-01-27 13:58:18 by okkie okkie
There is a reason these are the first three prods added to Pouet!
added on the 2014-01-27 14:01:58 by okkie okkie
cracktros, trainers
added on the 2014-01-27 14:08:55 by rudi rudi
intros, sneakers
added on the 2014-01-27 14:34:36 by psonice psonice
Which demo was the leap from oldschool to new school?

added on the 2014-01-27 14:42:47 by d0DgE d0DgE
I don't think people used the term "oldschool" all that much when the scene was still young. :)

But, ok, some old-old school effects would be: starfields, sine-scrollers, shadebobs, simple plasmas, color-cycling, "vectors" (wireframed, of course), Sprite-Animations. etc.

New-oldschool aka mid-school would be: texture / LUT based effects (tunnels, zoomers), additive plasmas, particle swarms, post-effects (zoom / radial blur), "crash-zoomers", phong shading / env mapping on rotating 3ds standard objects, bump-mapping, gloomy scene poetry (late in the game) and of course faked raytracing. ;)

And THEN came the HW rendering age (pretty much every effect based on "render to texture" and free blending of tons of layers; and square meshes to distort in front of a camera :P) and finally the shader age. That's where we are now. To be continued.
added on the 2014-01-27 14:55:13 by tomaes tomaes
Also?A list of oldschool demoeffects...

what is Copperbar / Rasterbar?
added on the 2014-01-27 15:35:30 by g0blinish g0blinish
also what okkie said
added on the 2014-01-27 15:52:29 by Defiance Defiance
PC-definition: If the effect requires more than 63999 bytes of video bandwidth per frame to run smoothly, it's not oldchsool.
added on the 2014-01-27 15:59:11 by 216 216
@d0DgE: Nexus 7 is clearly a big step for demoscene but I still think that Hardwired was the real milestone between "oldskool" and "newschool" demoscene :)
added on the 2014-01-27 16:21:26 by rez rez
i think the moment people finally stopped using amiga and other inferior hardware for making demos was when the scene became newskool! we are currently in the process of becoming newnewskool with the transition to opengl es where the hardware itself hardly doesnt matter anymore. sadly there are still stubborn developers doing PC stuff or even worse, work with DirectX. - Nostramaalus
added on the 2014-01-27 16:30:22 by el mal el mal
^^^^ this comment was sponsored by nvidia
added on the 2014-01-27 16:46:32 by Gargaj Gargaj
yes. make something for nvscene! proof the world that android is the future!
added on the 2014-01-27 16:54:28 by el mal el mal
ur *prove. also, annoy those pesky iOS users that they're betting on the wrong horse!
added on the 2014-01-27 16:55:17 by el mal el mal
