Interactive art research
category: offtopic [glöplog]
Hi all
I'm looking for people who do human-computer interaction stuff and will answer a coupla questions about it. Games, art, all good. Basically I need to know about how you design an interactive experience for an user/ participant, what sort of methods are used to guide their experience in time/ space/ virtual space, what are the constraints and the employed strategies. Skype interview would be great, email is also allright.
Purpose of this is to gather data for a paper to be published at DIS2014,
I'm research assistant for the team of Prof. Giulio Jacucci, Uni of Helsinki (and a former demoscener =) ).
Let me know also if you know someone you think might have interest.
I'm looking for people who do human-computer interaction stuff and will answer a coupla questions about it. Games, art, all good. Basically I need to know about how you design an interactive experience for an user/ participant, what sort of methods are used to guide their experience in time/ space/ virtual space, what are the constraints and the employed strategies. Skype interview would be great, email is also allright.
Purpose of this is to gather data for a paper to be published at DIS2014,
I'm research assistant for the team of Prof. Giulio Jacucci, Uni of Helsinki (and a former demoscener =) ).
Let me know also if you know someone you think might have interest.
hmh, you might wanna ask people with a background in human-media interaction or creative technology too. (i gave lectures at both studies and they seem to do similar things to what you're interested in)
We have a HCI group at our university. (Vienna University of Technology) Check out:
We have a HCI group too, but afraid they'll give textbook answers -want people who are doing, rather than studying. =)
And Maali, where should I ask to get those people, any idea?
And Maali, where should I ask to get those people, any idea?
i did a couple of interactive art installations that may be relevant ( e.g. ) although i cant claim that the approach was exactly scientific .. :) feel free to drop me a line.
@smash: it's beautiful...
It *is* beautiful. And no need for a scientific approach, we take care of that =D I'll try to reach you, Smash, by dropping a line to info at Nexus, since I don't have any other email address for you. (I can be reached at zania.sovijarvi-spape at helsinki dot fi).
Two groups doing related research: affective computing and fluid interfaces . . .
zania: the two profs i have direct contact with are horrible when it comes to answering mail. but, here's their official website. maybe the secretary can hook you up with some (phd) student projects. i know they do interactive art things from time to time and are very into making games for healthcare purposes (serious gaming for the elderly, that kind of stuff)
zania: better to drop me a line personally via .
Smash; I tried to, but I cannot find your email, and their general info address does not seem to yield results. Any chance you could mail me: zania dot sovijarvi-spape (a) helsinki dot fi